Immortal Anime World

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Begin! the immortal journey where the only limit to life is imagination.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown


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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:36 pm

    "Woah, calm down my lord. I know you are furious right now but getting angry won't do any good. For now, the documents were destroyed so no one else can find them. The bits were destroyed too so it's fine..right Erica?" Kyle asked seeing her slowly nod, not looking at Ken anymore since he was beyond furious with her right now. True, she will be forgiven but not right now.

    Raina shook her head in worry but she walks over to look at Hana as she lowers two fingers to press against her throat feeling her heartbeat. "Seems she's recovering a bit faster now master. She should be able to speak real soon."

    "*Sighs* Alright..thank you Raina.." she nods to move away and goes to get some medicine for her later on when she's fully awake. All Ken did was look at Hana as he reaches to touch her cheek in worry. He just wanted to say sorry over and over again for her life changing like this. He didn't want this to happen to her. Not after the long time when she was always an interesting person. She knew so much even as a human but's different. He just lowers his hand to stand up but looks at her that she slowly looks up at him with her tired eyes.

    "*Tries to speak*"

    "*Pushes a finger to her lips shaking his head* Shhhhhhh..."


    "I know you wish to speak but you need rest. When you fully recover, I will explain everything or answer your questions. For now, just rest..that's all I ask of you...alright?" he didn't see her do anything but slowly closes her eyes to rest for a while longer. He looks worried at her but he lets out a sigh to turn away and walk off from the medic room.

    "My lord?"

    "Raina will keep working on making sure Hana heals..the rest of you go about your business and please don't disturb her. I'll be checking on her later when she wakes up.." he turns to leave the room that Kyle, Erica and Rainia said nothing watching him leave.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:23 pm

    He left to go blow off his anger. It wasnt easy for hom to himd back but it was getting easier. When he was alone he sat down amd began to sort his thoughts. It was never easy and he always felt miserable afterwards but it need3d to be done.

    He berrated himself for letting this all happened and not keeping them in check. He reminded himself they were kust trying ti live by hus example but they wrre confused as to his mind.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri May 01, 2020 6:45 am

    For now, he just needed time to himself and if anything came up, Raina will come and speak to him or slide whatever it was under the door to his room. Ken just needed time to himself in order for things to stay as calm as possible. The others didn't bother him for now and left him alone while Hana remains where she was sleeping in the hospital bed. Resting was her first objective right now before they would do anything for her. Raina just stays by her side and keeps a monitor just in case.

    "................" She's never really seen Hana before up close but she will admit she did look like a nice person. A serous one in fact. She liked that in some females to know they will do what is needed to prove a point. Kyle was gone with Erica to see how things were going so far. Even seeing the other members in this safe house would be alright during that time. That could be a good example about some things or later on during that time. He figures why not? Things are not too bad so that explains so much.

    He was telling them about Hana and how she will need help later on to know about this organization so nothing goes wrong with her. Erlica was in that meeting too but they were asking her questions related to the whole misplacement of documents. She said sorry and promised she'll do her best to not let it happen again.

    "So, where is this woman anyway? Is she cute?" One vampire asked to get a hit from Kyle on the head. "Ouch!"

    "Don't start idiot and she's fine. She's resting in the medic room below. That means none of you are to go near her. let her'll meet her soon enough so she can understand who is here......Ken's in his study trying to figure out what the next plan is for everyone right don't bother him is all I ask."


    "If you say so Kyle, that should be something.." another said with the others agreeing with him with Erica crossing her arms thinking about it herself.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon May 04, 2020 11:00 pm

    Ken had stopped being mad at himself and started to find ways to add hee to the grpup. He didnt know what her skill set was but she could be useful as an extra pair of hands untilnhe figured that out.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue May 05, 2020 7:34 pm

    For now, Ken might need to see what he is working with when it comes to her. Knowing Hana still has that passion for the honest truth. She's known for knowing it. He drinks a little something from his cup that he was laying back into a chair trying to figure something out. For now, she needed rest and will figure out what to do the next few days.

    Everyone was heading to bed now or try to rest up but Raina was sleeping in a room near Hana's room. Just in case she needed help. However, a guard was watching over Hana's room thanks to some spell that was used in her room. Hana was resting up but her eyes were shut still sleeping.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri May 08, 2020 6:18 pm

    in her dreams she began to catch glimoes of her theories and ideas related to her story. It was something that haooens when she is stuck and cant continue. If she were at home she would be watching tv or writing her fan fiction to relax until she foubd a lead. Here and now she was dreaming of he rnext step to take.

    She saw the ine who was angry at th3 others and how he had foklowed her to keep her safe she could feel his syength in her veins and the idea that a part of him was inside her momentaryiky made yhe dream shift to a heated feeling.

    She watched as he fought to protect people like her and how he had saved her in the oast without her knkwing. Her story it seemed would be broken ooen by folowing him for now.

    Then they grow dark. She was trapped in a tiny room with a devouring monster towerung over her. It tokd her she was useless and briken and no ine could ever love her before targeting her work and how pointless it wa to continue.

    Her passio. For her stories kindkes a hot flame and she threw it at the beast burning it to ashes. The flames rise up and in them was the same man. He stood between her and the monsters and would protect her for as long as he could.

    Her dream melted again leaving her cokd and alone then she was shaken awake.

    Her next round of tests was being prepared or so she was told and something was evil about this nurse. It wasnt the nurse assigned to her that night and she stsrted to question it when shr was masked and knocked groggy by the gas.

    In a blurr she saw him again. He opened the door and saw the fake nurse trying to gas her and he flipped. The "nurse" failed a fake high putch scream alerting th3 real nurse and an alarm went off. The sudden noise split her ears clraring some of thw fog from he rhead and she saw the man step between her and the fake nurse.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sat May 09, 2020 8:19 pm

    Hana didn't know what was going on but this made her more worried about it. Knowing the possible outcome just left her rather confused at the moment. Maybe she was wrong or maybe she was unsure about it. She could be wrong. Her dreams and memories were all fuzzy to her and it left her unsure about it.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sun May 10, 2020 6:33 pm

    The fake nurse was pinned and the mask sliooed revealing a male vampire who was trying to steal her menories and blood to keeo hee from reporting her story. She remembered him and knew he was one that her stories had exoosed and forced into hiding. Even this one was related to this big story she was working on and the fog set in again. It wasnt easy to stay awake and a security officer showed up and tool the fake nurse away. The real nurse asked what happened and this man told her what he saw and didnt knkw anymore. Their words were blended into the fog and she struggled to point at the bottle.

    The nurse looked aroind for evidence and saw her pointing but didnt know what she was pointing at until the cintainer was spotted. The nurse runs to get the counter agent and to her foggy mind it was hours later but reallt only a few minutes. The real nurse fixed an iv and ran a line into her previous iv line.

    The effect wasnt immediate but when it did take effect her mind was clearer. She got a good look at the man who stood between her and yet another attack as a result of her stories and she knew where she first saw him. Her second story she broke open was rejected by her boss and she quit. Whwnnshe went home he came to her door and asked her questions about the story.

    It was a long time back but she remembered him expressing concern about her involvement and warnung her she was getting into danger. She couldnt remember what she said but it was heated and angry at the same time. He smiled when he hears her response to his warning and left.

    Ever since then she felt she had a guardian and now she recognized him. He was the same as ever even tho it was years ago. As her head clears she feels a connection to him it felt primal but was new. All her intelligence worked to solve this puzzle and soon came to the idea that the blood she was given was his own. Her studies on vampires confirmed this and the vampire half of her was pleased she found the truth

    She had to get the scoop this time and maybe she wouldnt be criticized if she published it in a vampire news company. It was obvious that he wasnt connected to any news organization and it made her wonder about him.

    He didnt stay long and it left her alone and curious.

    He went to talk to his nest and report what he found. His nest was shocked all of them even eliza. "We have to act quickly. The rogues are coordinating. And i think this reporter is gravitating towards the same event we are trying to stop.

    "I dont want a war between the outlaws and citizens. The himans wouldnt understand why bodies or buildings are going missing or destroyed." They all agreed with him and eliza giggled.

    "My goodness if i didnt know better i would say you have a crush in her." That remark hit his heart because it was true.

    He didnt know what to do about this situation or even if the next moon event was going to be a war or not. All he knew was outlaw vampires were endangering humans who got too close.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sun May 10, 2020 10:34 pm

    "You can always be honest with us, my lord. We won't tell anyone that you have feelings for this woman. She won't even know because we won't say anything.." Eliza smiled towards him to see him just look away. He wasn't sure how in the world she figured it out but this was personal. Something between him and himself alone that the others were wondering if he was going to explain anything to them.

    "Were getting off topic here you know. Can't we continue please?" he said looking serious now towards the others that they didn't say anything else right after. Maybe this is between him and himself but it was fun to see his expressions when it came to her.

    "Oh brother..."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue May 12, 2020 3:06 pm

    "We need to help hee get jer story uncovered. That may be the inky way to keep her safe too. Im worried about the other nests and packs in thw area. If they knew someone was researching they would use thwir means to try and coerce or force hee ro print what they want" he wa rhinkong a bit too much but it made sense to his people.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue May 12, 2020 5:00 pm

    "And how in the world will that help with anything. We don't know if it's possible for us to help or at least get it working again. Will it work or will it hold back later on. I know it sounds stupid or crazy but we need something to keep us moving along. With everything happening it's possible." Kyle said to Ken while he was crossing his arms to look at him.

    "We will figure something out but right now, she's still resting but maybe her stories are worth it..."

    "That's possible master Ken...we don't know any of her stories.........or something we are unsure of. Will her stories bring the truth to the vampires but what of the humans? What is their view on things?" she said looking to him that Raina was drinking some tea.

    "Bored bored..." Erica grumbles in the back but she didn't say anything after a while that the others remain silent after some time. They ook at her then look away after some time.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed May 13, 2020 3:03 am

    "We ask her. If we include her in our dealings she will open up. She knows her stories and has alot of passion for them." Ken said and he was serious. He knew things would only get more dangerous and he needed to gain her trust to help her.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed May 13, 2020 2:34 pm

    "Uh huh and how in the world...will she accept that knowing you will just do what you think is going to make here trust us. I know that she is working on everything she can in order to help her." Kyle grumbles from the thought that Hana will even agree to anything like that. Maybe she was wrong or it was himself either way.

    "...*Bored* I don't know why this is going to work. How will it work?"

    "If you guys just trust me on what I say then it's fine. Besides, I'm doing this to be sure we help her. If you don't believe me then you shouldn't worry about it. Now, we just need to work on some way to help her get used to everything..." Ken wanted her to help Hana to his best ability but he was worried about the whole thing of being a vampire now.


    "*Sighs* this is going to be a pain in the ass..."

    During that time, Rania came to look at everyone to see Ken. "Excuse me my lord....I am just going to come and tell you that your friend is still recovering quietly. I am still checking her vitals for now so things are good..." she said gently but this makes her wonder if for the down time. Ken was happy that it was alright for now but the others looks to her to see Raina just relaxing.

    "Thank you Raina I know that you are helping my friend so I thank you very much.."

    "Of course mylord. *bows* Anything of service to you is good for me."

    The others remain silent after a while but this leaves the others wondering about it after so long. However, after a while everyone was still speaking about what is going on before hearing some things shattering in the back. Ken looks seeing and hearing that but gets up to quickly rushes down the hall.

    "Ken wait!!"

    "Finally some action!"Erica shouts out following after Kyle and Ken.

    "Oh dear.." Raina follows too.

    The group kept running down the hall before Ken tenses up smelling something in the air. He knew this smell but this leaves him to hold a arm to stop everyone. He hurries to the room but he stops the others again to look insnide the room. He saw blood spilled on the ground but their was others holding some wounds on their bodies with one holding someone. He looks in two see it was Hana but she was gripping someone's arm that blood spills. Her head was in between the other's neck but he saw the other's eyes dazed from being drained a lot. However, Hana was drinking their blood with her eyes glowing a dark navy blue.


    "*Raina covers her mouth in shock*"

    "*Scared* Oh shit.."


    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 09, 2021 4:22 pm

    he quickly pulls hana off her prey and holds her tight so she cant escape. raina was working to stabilize the victim and it was a good thing shat there wasnt much blood missing. hana was crying as her hunger was stopped and now she was being held back starved for blood and desperate for something anything to help her.

    he wasnt letting her hurt anyone else and he was too strong for hana to break free. her struggles slowly stop and pain wells in her eyes as her hunger turns inward. that dark hungering shadow inside of her that made her a vampire was urging her to feed or something else that wasnt clear. blood and lust were often entwined in the vampire and she felt a source of lust holding her or was it something more?

    he was pulling her away form the scene so her prey could get help and it was a lucky thing they found her when they did becuase she didnt drink enought to kill the man. she whiles and strains to get loose but his grip never wavered keeping her hidden while the emergency crew arrived to help the situation. he refused to allow her to go after them and she slumped in hisrip defeated and weak form her hunger.

    she could be satisfied with an all nighter in the bedroom but that was a lame excuse and a thought he never wanted to have again becuas eit would get him in trouble with her. she was a reporter and got into this mess tryignto do her job and now she was one of them. he didnt know what to do and hoped she would calm down a little and beable to tell him exaclty how he could help in a way that didnt involve blood.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:22 pm

    He didn't do much waiting for the emergency crew to finish up asking the others if anything was near that caused this. They told them no when they agreed to it. They leave the scene with the others coming back to check on Ken that was now holding Hana in his arms.

    "Seems the poor dear passed out. Were you holding her all that time till she just gave up my lord?" Raina asked seeing Ken nod.

    "Yeah. If I didn't, she would have killed that man....were lucky we stopped her in time before she killed him." he didn't let go of Hana still knocked out but he looks down at her to clean the blood off her lips but she didn't wake up. He knew she was tired now but he was worried to what will happen in her life now. Being a vampire was not bad but the different kinds in the city are a little more wild. He knew at least.

    "So what do we do with her now?"

    "I'll take her to her room so she can rest up. You guys can do the same." They nod hearing this and goes to their rooms in the mansion house. He stood there alone with Hana then sighed, turning to head to the stairs heading up. He was careful with Hana as he walked but he didn't want anything else to happen to her. Even from them meeting, he didn't want bad things happening. He gets to the top of the stairs to head to the guest room that was going to be hers but it was beside his own.

    Ken walks in but closes the door behind him carefully, walking to the bed to set her down carefully.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:35 pm

    her breathing was shallow and her efforts to escape exhausted her. weakened by her thirst and her struggle she rested in the position he laid her down in. her chest rose and fell and he felt guilty for what happened to her. he was careful and didnt hurt her and she could only tell that she was safe. her eyes open slowly and she saw the door locked and ken watchign over her form the corner of the room.

    as she saw him her eyes glowed blue and that seemed to catch him by surprise. was she hungering for him or his blood as well? or was this some sort of recognition of another vampire near her. her glowing eyes fixed on him and a deep purr left her lips as she saw his form and was pleased deeply by the way he looked.

    he was strong even if he didnt look it she saw his aura and the potency of his power. he was silent his eyes fixed on hers as they took measure of each other. he said nothing not sure what to say at the moment but he would know when the tiem to speak came. she hungers now a hunger that was as great as the thrust that took her senses from her. the hunger was for him perhaps even something she never had before.

    "do you know what happened? why the taste of blood is in your mouth?" he asks and she tasted it and purrs licking her lips and wanting more then her eyes saw his aura once more and her hunger increases.

    "i dont remember. you look good. better than the last one i saw. you make me feel different. he made me thristy you make me hungry." she said and it was her powers influenceing her mind.

    "you were very thirsty. you drank blood and lost yourself to the thirst. something you werent expecting." he said and she flashed over to him gettign in his face and close to him. her cleavage was leaning out and his eyes were fixed on her eyes seeing the glow.

    "you make me feel very hungry. but im not sure what im hungry for." she said and he gurssed that. she backed off to take in more of his motionless form. his crossed arms and the ankle restign on his knee were very stern and serious.

    "your instincts are growing as are your powers. you are one of my kind and of a slightly different kind. im not sure what sort of powers you wil have and im not sure how deep your thirst and hunger go." he said and she giggles.

    "you talk too seriously. lets have some fun. why dont we try to find out what im hungry for since you already know what i thirst for.' she said and he sighs.

    "hana. do you remember what happened after you blacked out?" he asks her and he rname triggered some remnant of her humanity.

    "i rmember something pulling me off my prey. his blood was too good to stop and soemoen stopped me when i was at my strongest." she said and her hand touched his cheek then moves down his neck. his fingers twitch as he supresses a reflex.

    " that was me. i pulled you off and held you until you passed out. now we are locked in here until we can figure out if you are safe or dangerous and if i must i will do my best to make you safe." she purrs and licks a spot of blood off his cheek.

    "mmm but im hungry. cant you feeed me wha ti crave?" she asks and he sighs.

    " i dont know what you hunger for . you need to discover that since hunger is not a typical vampire feeling. mostly blood and turning others are what drive a vampire. some have.. other... appetites that make them wish to seduce their prey and feed off them at the same time they consume their pleasureable lustful urges." she giggles and lays on the bed.

    "you talk to much. i want somehting good. make me feel good." she said and he was patient and unmoveing. he wasnt going to move until he was sure of wha tot do.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:25 pm

    She didn't move from where she lays on the bed, having her arms out while looking up at the ceiling. "....Your not going to help me? I thought you were going to do at least something to help feed me. I'm really hungry, so please won't you feed me?" she sits up looking at him as she was sitting up now while showing a smirk on her face. Ken wasn't sure what this hunger was. Something of desire or hungry for food. He was still remaining at his location in the room that her smile changed to a angry one.

    "So you won't feed me? Fine, I'll go and find something else to feed me. I figure you would want to help me out but you don't want to. I'm sure the others will be of much more help. Maybe their blood will fill me up..since you don't want to help me." she quickly disappears that got past him near the door. Before she opens it, her wrist was grabbed by Ken.

    He looks at her with his own glowing eyes of gold while seeing her glowing blue ones. "What are you doing? You don't want to help me so I'm leaving.." she hissed but he tightens his hold on her wrist hearing her hiss.

    "I will not...allow you to harm anyone out of this room. I know you have some sanity in your mind, Hana. Focus on that or else you'll end up losing into that dangerous hunger of yours. I know it's shouting at you to eat others but you still have some human sanity in you so focus on that."

    "And you think that will help me crave my hunger. Come on now, I want to eat....since you won't give that to me, then I'll go find my own now let go of me."He didn't let go while feeling her body growing with wild energy. Ken quickly lets go but she was about to open the door when he grabs her arm this time and pulls her back to sit her down hard on the bed. She winces but he held her down to look at her.

    "Focus Hana! Is this what you want?! Turning into a craving beast that won't stop till you eat whatever you find or worse; hurt someone!? I won't let you do that but I know you don't either! I know you are still in wake up or else I'll make you!"

    ".................."She didn't say anything while looking up at him but Ken didn't say anything else while he was looking down at her. To be honest, he was worried about this but he didn't say anything till she leans her head back looking at the window. The blinds were slightly open showing the night sky from the window. It was rather pretty but she didn't say anything when he didn't move from his spot. However, her glowing blue eyes looks at the moon without speaking again that made Ken confused.

    "Hana? What's the matter?" he didn't see her move for a second till he noticed her sitting up to look down at her lap, looking quiet again that she was gripping the sheets that was on the bed. The moon was glowing tonight but she was fine. All she did was look away from her lap then rests against the window looking at the moon.

    ".....Has something really happened to me? All these things.....their confusing to me." she spoke in a soft tone but she didn't look at Ken but her glowing eyes were still showing. He didn't move from his spot but hearing Hana's words. She sounded scared suddenly that made him curious.

    "........What do you mean? Are you you?" Am I speaking with Hana right now?" he sees the glowing in her eyes go away but she relaxed feeling Ken let her go so she can sit up slowly as he backs up.

    "So you are you again..good."

    "..*Not looking at him* I'm sorry...I..I don't know what came over me. I just lost it when I......smelled something really good in the air but..I had no idea It was blood. His blood was...p..pretty delicious and I couldn't stop. I..."

    "You must have blacked out when you were feeding. You were so close to killing him but lucky for you, he's still alive. We have to work on finding a way to control that urge of yours Hana so it won't happen again. I know for the first few times, it's going to be hard because we don't know what your craving is leaning towards." he bends down to look at her but she sits back hugging her legs close. She felt bad now hearing this but shook.

    " I almost killed someone due to becoming lost?........"

    "I'm afraid so but don't worry, we can help you. I'll help you. You're just confused and scared right now..." he reaches about to touch her but she moves back a little scared she'll hurt him if that scary urge came back.

    "Don't touch me!.....P..Please.."


    "M..Maybe it's best...if you leave or chain me somewhere in this I don't hurt you or someone else. I didn't know but..I didn't even realize I blacked out from drinking..b.....b..blood." she whispered.

    "As I said, we have to get you used to this and help you stabilize it. That and learn what we can do in the mean time to help you be able to fight and defend yourself as well. It's that way in case I'm not around, you can fight back. Even use your powers once we find out what they are."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:47 pm

    she hsakes her head violently terrified. "no i wont hurt anyone. i wont." she said fervently and he take sher shoulder in his hand. she flinched and pulled away only to find that he was next to her as soon as she moved. she never even saw him move.

    "i know how scary this is. i went through something like this except it was after i destroyd families households and even townships. i was a terrifying rampaging beast whoes thirst would never be sated. until i regained myself during a dry spell. in a last bit to keep me alive my thirst supressed itself and my mind came back with full memory of everythign i did and i wanted to die." she cried hearign this and she didnt move.

    "why are you telling me this? why wont you just help?" she asks and he shakes his head.

    "if i chain you you wont learn self control. we need to find your ideal blood and train you to resist it so you can live a semi normal life." he said caring deeply or her and feeling her pain as his own. his eyes were glowing with his own thirst and his own desire hearing that she wished to be chained. she could feel the dark energy he was emitting and she saw the thirst in his eyes. the hugner in his face.

    "how? how can you do that?" she asks and he tightens his grip on her shoulder.

    "easy. i will be your trainer. i held you back after you lost your senses i can hold you back if you snap again. im far stronger than i look andi know how to properly train a vampire to control their thirst to the point they only need a pint or 2 every 6 months." he said this with confidence and there was no lie in his eyes. he had done it before for others and himself first.

    she felt her hunger but not for blood she sensed one of her own kind she sensed he was powerful and knew he could put her at his mercy in a second if he wished. her new dark side was heavily attracted to power and like he seemed to show he was very powerful. she sensed that if need be he would feed her his own and go hungry to make sure she was well fed.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:08 pm

    "I..I don't know. I don't trust myself and these...'new urges' that pops in my mind. I don't want to do something and end up hurting someone like I did that other person. *turns away from Ken hiding her face* I know your powerful, I can see some weird mist around you like it's how much power your holding back but..this is still scary to me. Can't you just chain me down in this room and I'll never leave? That way you and the others will be safe from me." Ken didn't say much but he looks away to remove his hand from her shoulder, letting out a slow breath. He knew other vampires try to think they can withstand holding their urges back chained or locked up.

    No. It wasn't easy and wouldn't work. He's seen it too many times. The screaming, the begging, the pleading that they would be leading down a dangerous path. "I've told you; I can't do that. Chaining you up won't solve anything. If you just trust me, I can help you. I can help give you your normal some what life again. You can be better than this, Hana. I know this."

    "I just can't. I don't know what I can even do. Even if you do help me during the time I am here..what if I lose control? What if I get a power I don't have control over? Just lock me up in this room and leave it at that-"

    "I can't!"

    "Well, why the hell not?! You said your powerful so how hard is it for you to just chain me up here and leave me! I won't hurt anyone again like that man. I can be isolated for the rest of my life!...*looks down* I don't trust anything of what I say or do..I could be tricking you for all I know and I know I'm not. So just tell me why the hell you can't just do that?!" she demands an answer to hear him sigh and calm down looking away.

    "Because it just ends in tragedy."


    "You think your the only new turned vampire that asked to be chained up? I usually refuse to do this and help them. Most times they give in, other times they still refused by locking themselves away. I always hated when others didn't understand how dangerous this is for them and others that they are just killing connections with others. Some new turned vampires run off. Some leave the city to never come back. Others become hostile to draining blood from victims every new moons. Or worse; killing themselves with hunger when refusing to drink blood." she tenses up looking pale but looks down afraid again.

    The thought of that was pretty scary. "T..that's not possible. They killed themselves from over starving?"

    "*eyes darken but upper part of face was shadowed remembering* Yes. Even one that has lost his mind became so dangerous he is a top evil mad man. He even killed his own kind for their blood. We killed him true but we are doing what we must in case a new turned vampire ever became like him. Which is why I will be your trainer to help you." he reaches to touch her cheek but she flinches again from his slight touch. It was scary but she looks away shaking as he sighed lowering his fingers near her neck feeling the beating of her scared heart.

    "......." 'Then that day when the news reported thousands of dead skeletons under the was because of that?.....'

    "Now do you see what I mean? Everyone that is turned never have changed like that but we are doing the best to help them. EVen in training. I know your scared; I can tell by your eyes. It's going to be alright have to trust me."

    "....This is too much. I don't........*covers her face* I'm scared......I don't want to lose myself even to that........*moves away from him to sit near the corner of the bed* leave me alone. I need time to think."

    "I don't want to leave you alone in this room. What if something happens? I don't want to risk that." he moves closer to her but she squirms away from him even more that made Ken stop. She seriously was afraid that he could see her body shaking not looking at him.


    "*Sighs* I'll be next door. So if anything happens; I'll hear it due to my bedroom being beside this guest room. It's yours now.....It's going to be fine, Hana I'll do whatever I can to help you." he said moving away to head to the door, unlocking it.

    "....Then I'll just disappoint you......just like everyone else." she whispered as he leaves but Ken heard that, leaving to her room since he sighed covering his face. He just hopes she will trust him.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:44 pm

    the night was long and her thirst was overpowering as soon as she was alone her dark instinces surfaced and raged. then she calmed down. she was prowling around the tiny room catlike in her motions and dark in desire and thirst. she would surface and see the destruction and cry then after her tears dry her insticnts took hold. she tried to break out but she couldnt. she opened the door and hew as there to keep her inside. the mist she felt wrapped her up and held her still. she knashed at him with her teeth in anger then his eyes bore into her.

    she whimpers like a kitten and felt the power inside of him. her nature submited and she soon found that the half of her that was dark was slowly becoming more tame and some of her thoughts and memories were allowed to rise ot the surface. she had lots of time to think now and she thought about her powers. her urges an they scared her but one didnt. one was a girlhood fantasy of having a lover and that was one she understood.

    now she thought no one would love a monster and poisoned that dream with fear. he stayed near the door in the oom as he promised and the next day he offered her blood. it was human blood and her favorite. she turned her nose up at it and he growled an dpinned her down. she refused to drink. so he used his powers to open he rmouth while he pours it down her throat. she choked and tried to spit it out but her dark instincts licked it up as the burning slowly eased but didnt vanish.

    she drained the bowl he used and panted suddenly very cool when befor she was burning. she saw with her own eyes pinning her and flushed red. his eyes were not glowing and were kind eyes. loving eyes. she remembered the hidden protector she once had and felt like he an this figure were the same.

    "there... that wasnt so bad. im going to let you up now." he said and his grip and body loosened its hold. his power returend to the mist behind and around him. she breathed heavily and the flavor of the mist was really ahrd to ignore.

    "th-thank you." she siad in a quiet hushed tone. her hunger was purring and she felt more like herelf.

    "youre gettign your strength back. and as long as you accept wha tyou are you wont lose your mind." he sai and she nodded. he still didnt chain her down but when she did feel the urges she felt the mist of his hidden power prepare to stop her. his eyes were still normal and the glow seemed in response to his overhwelming emotions. her own eyes never stopped glowing and he was careful and not invsaive. she knew he meant his words and his promise to help her was definitly getting better.

    he even replaced the furniture she broke in her fits. somehting in her instinces was a powerful mating drive and she was slowly beginning to notice that the blood was not helping with that but it was giving her the strength to control it.

    "tell me about the one who drank vampire blood... ar eyou like that too?" she asks and he nodded.

    "i am. he is a very ancient creature the one who turned me. in the beginning before history. his thirst was never sated and every tiem he made a vampire he grew in power. meanwhile if i was to make one i would grow weak and need to recover with several vitems. we were thick as theives. travellign where we wished when we wished. feedign when we wished. rampaging, frolicking he called it thorough towns to sate our hunger on the populace."

    "but you changed. did he?" she asks and he shook his head

    "no ive been running from him ever since. until i met you. you were investigating his history and he takes notice of that. i decided to watch over you to protect you form him. but i guess i failed. he may be the one who allowe dyou to be turned. he may be the one who ordered it. or he may be the one who switched the blood packs...."

    "i dont blame you." she said and he shakes his head.

    "i should have known. but i trusted what people said not my senses. i got soft... im sorry."

    "i dont blame you" she said again a purr in her voice. her dark side agreed with ehr and both were present as she shifted to be on her knees on the bed and looked at him wiht her glowing blue eyes.

    "i thank you. anythign else you wish to know?" he asks and she bites her lip

    "maybe... but.. you mak me nervous. when you are near me holding me down to feed me. i feel so hot inside. is that normal?"

    "blood and mating are a part of the vampire psyche often intertwined. a wild vampire would dominate a weaker one and go much further than i choose to. so yes. giving your position those feelings are normal." he thought she would be less active but she seemed to be falling back on her reporter instincts to keep her sanity and she was alone and had no one to talk to.

    "do you... have similar urges?" she asks soflty as the dark side became a bit kitten-ish

    "i do." he said shortly and she felt better about having her urges knowing even one as old and powerful as him felt the same sort. she wasnt alone in her feelings and that made them less torturous and easier to resist.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:12 pm

    She felt her body relax after hearing this from him but Hana just moves back to give him space. Thinking about it, she only wished for him to be happy. She wasn't used to it anymore. She only felt happy when her career took off of being the best reporter. Well, used to be anyway. She didn't know what she will do now after becoming...this. Maybe she'll figure it out later down the road.

    " your urges hurt you too? Did you have...anyone special in your life-"

    "No." he blunt out answered not looking at her but Hana tenses up hearing the tone in his voice. Did she say something wrong? Did she say something or asked something she shouldn't have? Looking down, she decided to not ask again showing respect to Ken. For now, they just sat in silence till he had to leave so she can rest up. Even if her urges were rising and lowering, she will have to leave the room at some point so the others can help her with training. Or at least fighting.

    That will come in due time for now he had to get her used to not trying to eat others if their blood was near. Of course, the others suggested for Hana to withstand her urges with a old method blood training. Having someone's arm cut and sees how long the other can withstand before draining them.

    "Of course that could help her in some way ken.."

    "How in the world would that help her, Kyle? You saw what happened with the other guy that she drained almost!? She could kill someone here and we don't know her powers or what she will have. I'm refusing that suggestion. I don't want her to do something she'll hate herself for."

    "We done it and were fine."

    "But she just turned! You don't know what will happen if someone was bleeding in front of her. She could lose it."

    "Then how are we going to help her? What if someone hurt themselves and she snaps? We have to find better ways to train her. We have combat training later down the road when it's safe to be near her. Then it's blood resisting training to help her for the time being. We want to help her. Hell, Jason already had to erase others memories of Hana to make sure others wouldn't try to find her!"

    "Even though this is his fault?"


    "*Sighs* Listen, I want to start her off slow till she's more comfortable with this. Everything changed for her and she's scared as a leaf right now. I don't want to push her into something that will change later. She needs to get used to her new life. Same with working on her urges. It's gonna be hard but I know she can do this."

    "..We hope your right, Ken. Because, the last one that said that changed for worse and look what happened to him."

    He knew but looks silent not speaking. He will work on this later on in time. For now, he had to be sure Hana was alright. He was still helping her but came back to see her sitting on the wall near the corner. She was looking at the sun shining through the room but it didn't hurt her since their kind was immune to it. He got worried seeing her just shaking or rubbing her arms now but he figures or guessed she was hungry again.

    Ken came back minutes later but knocks on the door getting her attention. She moves back against the wall, seeing Ken there but holding a bowl with fresh blood however, he was trying a new kind that was a different type. He bends down near her and looks at her but she looks away.

    "Time to eat, Hana. Here.." he sets it down but she looks away not wanting to drink blood. He shook his head hoping she wouldn't do this again. ""

    ".......N..No....I don't'm not hungry." she whispered but he grabs her arm to see her wince. Ken looks at her but she was avoiding his eyes. Was she afraid again?

    "Don't do this like the first time. You need to feed or you'll become sick. Do you want me to help you?" he reaches to pick up the bowl moving it closer to her but she quickly slaps the bowl away from her as it hits the floor spilling the blood. He didn't say anything but drops her arm seeing her curling up looking away from him.


    "*Sighs*" He reaches into his pocket to get something that was a blood bag just in case she hits the bowl. He sets it down on the counter then leaves to give her time to calm down. Ken waited for a while but did check on her later the afternoon. She was laying down on the bed but the blood bag remains untouched. She was denying to eat and he knew that wasn't good. The blood bag wasn't safe to drink for her being cold but he walks in to pick it up and leaves shutting the door.

    "So she's refusing to eat all of a sudden. Strange.." Rania said worried about Hana as the others were eating together downstairs. Ken was checking some old notes hoping to figure something that would help Hana.

    "I figure she would be...geez, she's more scared than the last newly turned."

    "Don't blame me.*eats a bit* She's always been be best writer till her stories were not. I am worried about her though.."

    "*Playing video games bored*"

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:25 pm

    maybe he shouldnt have been short with her. and he wished he would have answered her question. yes his urgees hurt him and they were powerfully drawn to her. he didnt want her to think he was doing this for selfish reasons. he was thinking of the fear she showed him and wished he was kinder. he went to her door and knocked before opening it and she shuffled to cover her self in the bed. he enters and she blushed since she was thinking about him.

    "im sorry... i didnt mean to be so harsh... you asked me something and i wasnt entirely honest." he said and she opened her eyes wide in shock.

    "y-you dont have to say. just dont feed me let me die."

    "no. but i have to say... i have no one special... i used to but they left me forever. because i couldnt gt my feelings straightened out in my head. you asked if my urges hurt me. they do. every day. and they burn hot when im around you. also.. you need to feed."

    "dont change the subgect. were talking aobut you not me." she said and he laughed.

    "youre right. so what else do you want to know? this is your exclusive interview witha vampire so make it a good one." he said and that got her good.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:44 pm

    "Honestly, I don't know. I mean..You pretty much answered the questions I wanted to know. Maybe in the future I'll feel more safe asking the other questions. That was just enough." she didn't come out of the covers but Ken looks down at the blanket while he sees her not showing herself to him. Seems Hana was still nervous about coming out around him again. Even if refused to eat. That was dangerous.

    "Are you sure you don't any questions to ask me? Besides what you knew?" he asked in a differ way.

    "No..that was it." she said not looking at him but sighed, crossing his arms. Hana was a stubborn one but he didn't want to get angry with her because of it. He'll think of ways to help her better then looks down at the floor. He also knew she was going to get a check up by Rainia soon so she would have to be prepared for that too.


    "I'm t.tired so c..can you leave please? Thanks for answering my questions so I'm going to rest for now. I'll be sure to be up for my check up." she pulls the blanket back over her as she went silent once more. Ken knew she was faking it but she wouldn't come out from under the blanket. Feeling quiet, he gets up to leave her room for now. He closes the door behind him but went to his own room for that time.

    Later that evening, Rainia was doing her daily check up. Checking everything to be sure Hana was alright during her change. She touches her cheek as Hana didn't move wincing from her touch. "Hmmm, your sight has gotten better which is good. Skin tone is still alright and healthy. Alright..lets your mouth please?"

    Hana felt nervous but she parted her lips to show her two new grown fangs. Rainia looks at them while checking to see their sharp point. They were pointy but good that she pokes one to test them. Her fangs were indeed sharp that she pokes it enough to make her blood. The smell made Hana tense up but she shook where she was, looking away after her fangs got checked.

    "Everything seems good dear. Your healthy even from being turned just so."

    "T..thank  this mean I'm still.....sane or..have I lost it?"

    "Pretty much both or a mix of it. That's rare though; not many new turned vampires of our kind have that sort of thing. It's like your insanity/cravings are blending well with your sane self. Maybe that means your blood is upgrading for the better."

    "T..that sounds painful..and scary when you say it that way." she looks down hugging her legs close but Rainia sighed to touch her shoulder sweetly.

    "It's nothing to be scared about dear. I know this is all scary for you but you'll be alright. Ken asked me to be sure your check ups go well. I'm sure it, I'll be sure to try something so you don't end up getting sick alright?"

    "O..Okay.." Hana was let go hours later heading to her room to rest but she was quick, not wanting to get in anyone's way. Later, that leads to self training. OF course Kyle was trying to help her with Ken not liking the though as she was afraid looking at him holding something.

    "Mister Kyle, I don't know about this. Master Ken already told us this was too dangerous to try right now. We should wait. We don't even know her blood craving yet." Raina said seeing him sigh shaking his head.

    "Oh come on, Raina. It's how we trained. If she wants to be of some use for herself, she has to learn. We don't need vampires killing her on the first spot. She can learn to fight and defend for herself." He sees Hana shaking again but she was looking down feeling her hand gripping her arm. She was left in the room with Kyle and Raina but he was holding a knife in his hand near his arm. He was helping with self restraint testing.

    Something new turned vampires here take. He needed to see what her status was. "Alright, Hana? We're going to see where you stand when it comes to blood. I'm sure you got better right?"

    "N..Not really. Can't I just go back to my room?" she was scared seeing him look at her then sigh.

    "We won't hurt you. Besides, Raina is also here to check where you stand in blood....we need to see just how strong it is." he lowers the knife but started cutting into his arm spill his blood. She tenses up from the smell but looks away shaking suddenly.

    "W..what are you doing? D..don't that..please.." she said backing up but felt her fangs grow but covers her mouth turning away from the view. The red elixar of life spilling from Kyle's wound. It smelled delicious that she was shaking trying to control herself somehow. Her insane mind was burning her body wanting to eat but she was denying it.

    'S..stop it...stop stop stop..I'm not a monster..I don't w..want to hurt anyone...I can't do it. Please leave me alone!'

    Raina noticed seeing the tablet screen showing her vitals.

    "..Seems stable right?" he asked but Raina was worried. "Mister Kyle, she's already reacting too suddenly. I don't think this is the right way to teach her." she said worried but sees Hana shaking trying to ignore the smell but the loud screams of eating came to her mind. She was breathing heavily. Her nails clawing at her skin making her ownself bleed.

    "......Is that normal?" he asked but Raina got worried to set the tablet down walking to Hana. "Easy dear..just breath. *Looks to Kyle* We need to stop. She's not ready for this......."

    "She is. We just need to find her..." Suddenly, Hana hisses rushing past Raina and slams Kyle's body into the wall. She pushes him against the wall seeing it cracking from the sudden power she was letting out. He chocked feeling her grip but she hisses with eyes glowing a dark blue this time.

    'H..How is this possible?!? Her's this powerful even if she just turned!!' he struggles for air as she tightens her grip about to attack him but gets hit with something behind the head knocking her out. Erica was there but holding a baseball back as Hana's mind grew hazy and lets go of Kyle's throat. He gasped coughing as she hits the ground hard knocked out. True, she was bleeding from where the bat hit but she healed as well knocked out.

    Kyle, Raina, and Erica looked at one another but was thinking just what was she. This power was untrue and it leaves the three really curious to what she really was. He picks her up carefully and takes her back to the room. He even granted the request of chaining her to the bed like she asked to keep away from everyone.

    "How is chaining her up going to help Kyle?"

    "It's what she wanted right? geez, she'll be fine." He grumbles rubbing his sore throat. She was still knocked out curled on her bed but she slowly shifts in her sleep feeling scared.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:04 pm

    as her hunger grew so did her strength and he knew that. he let his gaurd down and wished they would have let him subdue her himself. but raina was very quick to protect him. her checkups for him were also much loner and she always seemed to want something some result or something to happen that never did and when he answered her questions she never liked them even if she would tease a bit to mess with him.

    hana squirms and wakes up after she healed and she saw ken definitly worried but he wanted to know what she was trying to do.

    "are you okay? they hit you pretty hard." he asks and she nodded sitting up and held her head some of her hair was matted orm the blood that spilled but her skull and skin were healed without a scratch.

    "i said it want a good idea..." she said and ne nodded.

    "you did we had to try anyway and i wish they would have let me stop you. i could have brought you back like before." he said softly

    "you did?" sh asks and he nodded.

    "im the one who pulled you off and held you till you couldnt fight anymore. i suspect you tasted a vampires blood and gained some power.... this is the second time raina has goofed and shes normally very thurough."


    "the doctor who helps us. she is like us and while she does things to suit her needs she is also very dependable in the medical field." he said and she noticed there were chains in her wall now but she wasnt hooked into them. he saw her glance and she bites her lip.

    "are you going to lock me up?" she asks

    "im not sure. i dont want to because you would look too irresistible like that." and then he covered his mouth. clearly he didnt mean to say that and she thinks about his words.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:19 pm

    "......" She didn't respond to that but was holding back the comments towards it. Hana just looks down at the bed again that Ken shook his head to clear his throat. At least things didn't get out of control but when hearing about her power growing so suddenly, he was confused. The blood he gave her was normal so did she taste some of Kyle's blood? He'll talk about it later. For now, he had to be sure Hana was alright.

    "Even if the whole thing went wrong; at least your you again right?"

    "I...I am but I keep telling you I should be chained up. I'll become dangerous. I feel like I will. I don't want to hurt anyone....I know I hurt Kyle w..when he tempted me with his blood for that training. I could have killed him b...but."

    She started to say but Ken shook his head looking at her but sighed. "You are not going to be chained up or tired up Hana. This is going to take time for you to get used to. However, the training shouldn't be that hard. You seem to be reactive towards blood which is something rare. I'll be sure to check that out later on. For now, just relax. You will not be hurt or chained up. It's fine." he said but she keeps her distance now.

    "You know..I really wish you would have just killed me. This way you don't have to worry about me killing someone in this place. I know things will become worse for me because I'm not strong enough to do this. Not powerful enough to fight these dangerous cravings. It's really scary....maybe this is telling me I shouldn't have been turned." she said the last part sadly but Ken looks at her hearing this.

    New turned vampires say that and it always ends with them leaving or destroying themselves. He wouldn't have her suffer that same faith. Not this time. He looks to walk over and suddenly grip her shoulders making her look at him. His eyes meets with her own while seeing her growing scared.

    "Don't you ever say that. I know this is something you were not expecting but be happy your alive. Things will get better for you, Hana. You just have to wait and see!.....Why do you wish for death anyway?! Do you want to feel the pain of having no blood even if I try to get you to drink to stay healthy!?"


    "*Sighs letting go* S..sorry Lost my cool. Just don't say that again....get some rest, I'll leave you to that." he said but she sees him leave closing the door as she was alone. She looks down at her lap, shaking again but she was closing her eyes ignoring the urges of blood that she was afraid of becoming dangerous to them. She could leave from here and let the hunger kill her off. However, she didn't want to hurt Ken if she did. She'll be fine if she eats something besides blood. She hopes so.

    That's when she begins just eating human food to help curve the blood cravings. When Ken would leave some blood for her, she refuses to drink or eat it. Leaves it sitting on the table that he was confused to why she was not drinking it. Did the others try something again on her? No, their was no new injuries on her but they were still trying to train her with weapons (Well, Ken mostly) with the blood craving training was put on hold due to another accident of her almost killing Erica. At first, the cravings were not too serious and Hana was alright. The first week, she was ignoring the group trying to keep herself calm. She even locked her door to have privacy. Even though Raina had the spare key to check up on her in case.

    Even with a few days passing, she didn't drink blood even if Ken was hoping she would. He noticed her energy was not growing but dimming slightly weaker in her sanity. This was something he was worried about but hopes of trying to convince her to drink. He was checking on her more and more that he noticed her messing with the chains while testing them on her wrist with a spare key. She hears the rattling of the chains but sighed, laying down after getting free.

    Something was wrong but she was still being trained in some point to help her get used to everything, even if she was not drinking blood given to her by Raina or Ken. She refused to drink it again. Not after the accidents.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~

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