Immortal Anime World

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Begin! the immortal journey where the only limit to life is imagination.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.


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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:26 pm

    "...*Lets out a shaky sigh* You don't have to prove anything to me. It's not worth it....." she whispered quietly to him but looks away heading to a window opening. She didn't know what else to do or think of from this and yet this leaves her over worried. She didn't know what else is happening.....she didn't know what else to do....From the possible outcome of this leaves her silent.


    "You don't believe me do you..."

    "I do..but you shouldn't be tainted like me. You are free.."

    "But I'm not. I'm tainted too just like you...why can't you see that? "he reaches but she moves back holding her hands together.

    "Because you deserve better. A better helper/partner/and lover..I don't fit any of this.....I fear I'll give up to be with that monster.......I just........don't..I don't know.." she mutters that he looks more worried that the mark was starting to burn her this time. She shook her head ignoring it but looks away still.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:40 pm

    "Thats just it though. I was tainted... im free you say? Maybe maybe not. All i know is im a man of light and i fight the darkness. As for all thise things.. what if i wanted you? What if i wanted to do those things with you? What would you say?" He was serius and he asks her because he meant what he was saying.

    It made her think. He was serious and he meant it meaning she had to take him seriously. He was worried about her and afraid she would leave but he didnt force her to stay or bind her. He trusted her even now.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:50 pm


    "I just wish their was away that you can trust me and know I speak the truth. I wouldn't lie to you, Margret. You know that..I know that." he said touching his chest with one hand but he only wanted her to understand he speaks the truth of this. He is deeply tainted and he didn't like it. However, he never showed it.

    "..I don't know if you are just saying that to make me feel better, Andrew. Because if you are then it's not helping. Why don't you just-"

    "I am speaking the truth!...." he rose his voice feeling angry that she didn't say anything else but looks away seeing him remain quiet again. He only lets out a sigh and covered his face feeling dumb for raising his voice. He didn't mean to but the negative feelings and thoughts didn't help. If she wouldn't believe him then what could he do.


    "*Sighs in anger* I...have gone through enough bad crap..I have gone through something you did too. Something that still torments me to this day. I don't like the thought but that leaves me worried you will just leave too at the thought......I just wish I can show the mark that I was given for a long time.."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sun Jul 05, 2020 1:00 am

    Hearing that admission she looked at him a bit differently. Some old feeling of light was still in her and love too. She was resllt considering this and then an idea came to her mind.

    "If you are true. Then no matter where the mark is you can show me. I seen alot of things so even if its the same place as mine i wont have a problem." So she said but if it was the same place she wpuldnt beable to resist throwing heeself at him in a heat.

    He had already sent both sides of her into an aroused desire and he wsnt giving up on her. Even after she had. He was still working to be good.

    He nodded "very well but just between us lets go somewhere with no chance of getting caught." He said and let her pick the olace to prove he still trusted her.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:28 pm

    "...." She sees him walking off but when he got a bit far, he sees she didn't follow after and stops. He turns back seeing her not moving that she quickly catches up to him. He waits for her to keep up and begins walking along side him once more. He remained silent for the time but she did the same thing not sure what to say about it.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:33 pm

    They keep wallomg to the most sefluded spot in the whole castle and she knew there was no backing out and she and he were going to get over thks bump but she had to explain her true fe3lings with himM

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:35 pm

    They still remained walking for a few more minutes till showing up in a different location. Margret blinks not sure about this area but if he says it's fine then why not? He walks in first while she follows him to shut the door behind her. She sees him then look around to then see him looking right at her after a while.



    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:45 pm

    He guessed he wluld shkw her his mark and lifted his armkr and lowered hisbelt to shkw her hjs lower abdomin. There it was... faded and weak he mark of one whk was trapped in a demon pit and tortured. As she saw it she realized that he still fought against the feelings and urges even nkw and that he was still relying on goodness to fight thw darkness inside. He had dreams of hjs own that were changed to being unbke to save her.

    That wasnt true anymore. Somehow he woukd find a way and that was all that mattered to him except defeatingthe deon lord.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:29 pm


    "Now do you believe me? Knowing the possible outcome of this tends to prove it other wise. I just hope that proves to you of what I mean and I mean it. The old mark that I've kept for years still haunts me and hurts me but I worked on fighting it off. Making sure it never was able to beat me...." he looks at her after a while but she only remains silent after some time that he sees her remain silent. After all this time, he's been holding back or fighting as well. This was a possible outcome of things.

    "..*Looks away*"

    "I know it's hard and painful.....this mark from that monster shouldn't weaken you like this. It shouldn't become a problem for's alright..things will change and grow along the way. You can win this..I know it." he said to her but Margret remains silent after all that but she hugs her arms looking away after a few minutes. He didn't know if this helped her but he hopes it proved that she can beat this. She can. He knew she can beat that mark but it will take time either way. He remains silent after a while but lets out a sigh seeing her not looking at him no more.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sun Jul 05, 2020 10:44 pm

    He wanted to to more. To shiw her hiw he fekt for her but due to her state of mind he was worrjed he woukd just seem like the monsters that made her feel her doubts and darkness. He did take her hand and hold it softly. She felt his warmth and a little bit of how he felt. He loved her and wished he coukd tell her but he couldnt prove it to her as they were now.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:25 pm

    "*Sighs*..You proven your point......" she whispered that he heard it then feels Andrew holding her hand a bit tighter. He wanted to so badly to show her how he feels of her from his heart. However, that monster has ruined her to no end. However, he worries how deeply the dreams have gotten to her.

    "Maggie...would it be too much to ask a simple question?" he said.


    "....Did they..I mean...are you.." he tried to ask her the question but she lets out a sign and gives a nod. "If you already knew then it's true. They did and it someone got me feeling the same in the real world. I'm already feeling soaked down there..but I'm trying to ignore it....." she mutters.

    "...........I figure.."

    "To be honest, I wasn't sure till I saw it so that's true. I'm soaking wet...and to be honest, it hurts. Like I'm in pain but I can't touch it....even if I did, it'll be over sensitive.." she squirms in place but relaxes her body again feeling a sudden chill over her skin.

    "...Can we head back now? This area is making me feel odd now Andrew.."

    "...Of course. Come on-"

    "Don't! D..don't touch me right now either. I need time alone again......or till this feeling goes down."

    "....." With a nod, he walks out of the hiding spot after covering up again while heading back to the kingdom. He and her got rooms for a while to rest up after what happened that most of the people living in the kingdom made sure their guests were okay. Even the leader did the same. Maggie was in a room resting up with Andrew standing near by just in case.

    She was sitting on the bed with hands resting on her shaky lap feeling the pain growing down her lower body.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:51 pm

    The spirit of light came to her and sat down near her. "You know... he can helpnwith that. He did in the forest." It said and she winces.

    "And now i feel worse..." she said not moving.

    "Only because you want him and are denyjng yourself because yku fr3l you arent worth it to him." The spirit said with shrewed intellect. And it made her tear up because it was true. Hjs touch did make her better bjt then she felt worse without it.

    "Youre very rude prying into a womans private affairs." She said and the spirit laughs and it eased some pain but her desire and sensitivity were still thick.

    "Its not private when you are showing it to everyone. He sees that but doesnt get it because he doubts his own worthinesfor r a maiden as beautiful as you. And you are very beautiful." It said softly as a kind parent or guardian would.

    "Youre serious??? He thinks that?" She asks incredulously and the spirit murrs.

    "Go ask him yourself he wont lie. Hes just as confused abut all this as you are. And he wishes to be with you even if you are tainted." The spirit said and vanished in a flash of healing light.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:02 pm

    "..He wants to.....*shaking her head* No, it's not possible. I'm not an innocent clean maiden. I'm a dirty maiden. Tainted by the beasts that roam this world so..what would Andrew even see in me?" She looks down gripping the bed sheets to think or clear her mind. This was not possible and she knew it. This had to be the work of that monster. Yeah, that's it. He was trying to trick her but she winces feeling a throb in between her legs to gasp and whine. It was growing worse and she hated this burning sensation.

    ".......I wish I wasn't like this. So tainted and w..wet. Those monsters changed me to fit any thing that wishes to...." she shook her head again to slowly move herself to criss cross her legs. She looks down seeing the now visable wet spot that she sees the muscles working while opening and closing.

    "Nnnnn..I hate this. I hate this mark.......I'm sorry Andrew. I really am." she said hoping he's alright.

    For him, he was sitting in another room to give her privacy but he was thinking about her. Worried about her. But angry that she was fighting this like she's alone. Margaret had him to help but she was too scared to let him near her or even help her. Even if his old mark was worn and old, he still felt small sparks from it. He was more stronger than it was but he only lowers his face into his hands to think.

    "...She's stubborn you know...that is possible for Maggie, hero." he hears the voice again but grips some of his hair.

    "Besides, she's in pain and I know she's thinking about you too....isn't she?"

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:31 pm

    "Only that our love is impossible... she wont believe in it becuas eshe is tainted. But that doesnt matter to me. Alm i care about is being together with her and fighting together and being heroes together." He said amd the light spirit sighs.

    "Perhaps if you just acted spur of the moment and took her she would understand." A dark spirit said one that had always been fought

    "I wont force her."

    "She wont act so you have to shes hating herself now and only love can help her" the light spirit said and pushed the dark voice away. He was not trying to be dark, he was trying to help and those good intentions push his darkness away. Slowly he stood. Then he knocked in the door sensing something was off.

    "Maggie... listen. I know you find it hard to believe me. But please. Tell me how to prove my love for you. I will do anything." He said and she heard him and his declaration only made her feel more.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:38 pm

    "You don't have to prove anything to me Andrew. I'm fine really just...just go away please." she hugs herself feeling the throbbing growing that it throbs like a heart. It was annoying and she hated this feeling. This ache for something to stop it. She just looks down at the floor but was shutting her eyes.

    "I'm not leaving you alone, Maggie. Please. I want to help you-"

    "I said go away please! I'm fine..I don't...want to hurt you. Knowing what this tainted someone can do worries me. I won't do something that will become something I will hate myself for the rest of my life. Just please...go away." she was shaking now, the throbbing spreading upward now. He wanted to help her but he rests a hand on the door wanting to go in and help her but she locked the door.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:50 pm

    "You would reget loving me or being in a relationship with me?" He asks Through the door. The freling was grtting worse to his voice. His care and even his love. He was serious and she knew that she wasnt trting to be mean but he wasnt sure if he ws the mean one or not. The spirit of light prods her desire for a happy life to male it grow and gently nudge her to accept him.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:56 pm

    "...N..No, I never....." She looks up again trying to calm down but shuts her eyes. She breaths in slowly to calm herself again but shivers rubbing her arms. Now she felt cold suddenly. "I won't regret loving you or caring for you Andrew. I just.."

    "Then you know how I am. I want to prove that to you because you mean a lot to me. I know you are scared because of being tainted by that monster what? Just live your life and you can fight it." he said.


    "Please. At least listen to me on that.." He keeps against the door but Margaret just sighed again. "Andrew...I said leave. Just..I still need time to clear my head. I need to clear it..from all of this. I just..I want to have a more clear mind without it being tainted.." she said.

    "......." He sighed running his hands through his hair but sees a healing nurse walk by and holding a bucket with some water inside. He needed time to think but he closes his hands into a fist. She didn't say anything else but lays on the bed by her side, shutting her eyes while feeling the throbbing stop. However, she didn't know it spreads through her again to create a new branded mark. Something that tainted her but grew in some slight power.

    Andrew was going to leave her alone but stops sensing that mark. It was dark but he looks down thinking what is going on.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:00 pm

    "Maggie open up something is wrong i can sense it." He said and sonething dark was starting to work on her. Before she was feeling love but now that was gone and the spirit if light was no longer protecting her. She must have chosen to give in to loneliness and a new darkness was growing to torment her.

    He bangs on the door becoming worried and wishing to help her.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:10 pm

    She heard the voice and banging but keeps shutting her eyes not sure what to do. The new darkness was freezing the floor now but she didn't mind it. This feeling was..soothing? Strange. She would be shivering from the cold but keeps curled up while feeling upset she disappointed Andrew. He deserves better than her and she started seeing that. The light was killed within her and she was now alone as the darker mark glows purple to have her relax now.

    That's when a hand started forming in the dark to reach and touch her cheek. It was warm but very cold after a few seconds. She opens her eyes looking up seeing the darkness now but it was rubbing her cheek like it was trying to help calm her. No other noises reached her like she was dying inside.

    "Maggie!! Maggie, can you hear me? Come on damn it open the door! Please!" he shouted with his fist hitting the door harder and harder. He looks around trying to find something to help open the door but noticed a nurse to rush over and shout. He asked for them to have a spare key to open the door but they hurry over to try opening the door.



    "It's alright now. You are afraid we know..but it shouldn't let you be this fragile. Any more and you'll end up dust....." the hand moved showing another to slowly sit her up as she looks down feeling the hands holding her cheeks. She didn't flinch or move but was crying now thinking it was alright. At least Andre was free on finding someone else who was not as tainted.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:27 pm

    The dark hand moves across her body maling the chilling arousal spread faster than the heated love she felt for andrew. He was pounding on the door the but darkness hides the noise from her to make her thnk she was completely alone while it strokes and touches her body. She ws completely edposed to it and it rubs her dripping place pushing hard to make her frel more.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:34 pm

    She shuts her eyes tightly from the feeling but leans back feeling it's fingers running along her body. It didn't say anything else but sits up leaning over her while touching her cheek again. "..You don't have to be's alright now. Just give into the darkness....that light didn't help you but made you suffer longer and harder. We won't hurt you....we give you our word..." it's voice was dark but she slowly feels her eyes dim a bit seeing it sit her up to have everything eaten away by the dark.

    " wish to make a deal with me?"


    He sits on the bed looking at her but pulls her towards it's body feeling her all over while she was looking down feeling it's hands. A deal might seem alright but she only knew so much. While the darkness kept touching her, the banging gets louder making the dark look up then sigh.

    "I'm sorry dear...I may need to shut something up before I keep going-" he was about to let go but she stops it with a grab of it's wrist. A eye looks down to her seeing her looking down dazed now but her body was feeling hot and weak.



    "I..I'll give myself u..up....just spare whoever you hear. can take me a..away..just l..leave this realm alone...p..please.." she begs of it but he didn't say anything then looks to her. It bends down ignoring the banging with one hand gripping her cheek.

    "Is that so? You'll give up everything just to spare this realm? Even to the demon lord himself?"

    ".....Y..Yes..Just leave and I..I'll go with you..." she whispers that it laughed hearing the offer then snaps it's fingers showing a portal then picks her up. She winces again but feels the energy of this thing around the room. Andrew kept banging on the door feeling it but she gasped feeling her legs get wrapped around it's waist.

    "Don't worry new pet. I"llmake you feel good. Better than what other realm men can do.." he purrs to kiss her neck while she shuts her eyes shaking.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:42 pm

    The dark mark inside him showed him what was happening to her after she was taken away. He fouldnt ignkre it and he went so far as to break down the door to try and catch her. The light was her only real hope and she was snared in a lie. Her only hope ws she did kt to protect him and the realm. That was all the spirit of light needed to allow him to go to her rescue.

    She was held by the darkness and touched harder and more intensely that her bkdy betrayed her and begins to react much stronger to these effects.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:47 pm

    She felt it's lips against her neck while the hands roam all over her form. She shivers feeling this but he only groans kissing her neck harder that she was pushed against the wall hard. Maggie just whimpers feeling it's touch but feels her place soaking wet but she tries to remember she did it to keep the realm and him safe. He would or maybe hate her but she did it for him and them. When feeling him buck against her that she gasped with a soft moan feeling him squeezing her chest.

    "Mmmmm..*Kiss* you're so beautiful when wrapped in the darkness. The mark proves it and being held like this proves it too. Your amazing...simply amazing." he purrs that she turns her head to look away but he touches her cheek to turn her back to face him. She was flushed looking weak but he leans in to kiss her lips that she closes her hands tightly. It felt hot; real hot but weird too. She only shook in her bonds to be forced on kissing him back. He knew she was weak but this was just fine that he slips two fingers in her lower wear feeling her place wet as she whimpers in the kiss.

    "That's it..give in to the darkness. It's your home now...." he said kissing her lips again.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:00 pm

    Not knowing why andrew went to face the whole army alone. He didnt think he could do it or shoukd but the spirit of light told him that it was okay since the demon broke the rules in taking her away. He went tk the local lord and told him that he was going to aod their fight even as her breasts were touched and her lips kissed

    He was wasting no time using magic to teleport to the village on the front lines and he went on an onslaught of power carving his way through the demon army tl rwach the demon fortress where she was being held.

    Her wetness was flowing faster and her body was becoming mkre and kore aroused as she was kissed and rubbed harder. The fingers push inside to inject a serum into her flesh and make her even mkre receptive to anything it could offer her.

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    Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world. - Page 8 Empty Re: Warriors of light cuaght in a dark world.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:14 pm

    That made her yelp slightly but she only whines squirming against him. However, this was a hotter sensation that she gasped again feeling him biting against her neck. Maggie whines again feeling her place soaking wet again but it makes her whine again. This shouldn't be this good but it was after a while. He panted kissing her neck even more that she cries out feeling more wetness spilling out to the floor. He turns her head to kiss her that she whimpers feeling his tongue swirling against his.

    He couldn't wait to take her even if he broke the rules. He wanted her and he was going to get her.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~

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