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Begin! the immortal journey where the only limit to life is imagination.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown

    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:19 pm

    "hana. it seems were going to unveil you to the vampire community a bit sooner than i expected. " he said thinking out loud and she thought ehw as talking to her. and in a way he was.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:53 pm

    "H..Huh? What do you-"

    "It's a law that all of us vampires have to follow. Even if we changed one into that type. We are to attend the meeting that bring up for a day so we know what is going on in that location. Their won't be anyone trying to harm another there because of the meeting but I'll be sure you don't be in real danger." he was saying this but it left Hana nervous. How in the world is that possible? Did this mean, she'll be seeing other vampires living in this part of town?

    Raina, Erica, Kyle, and Jason knew of the meetings but they were shocked another one was being put together so quickly. Hana has no idea what this is so they will explain it to her when heading there later at noon. For now, everyone kept listening to the news and kept eating breakfast. Hana wasn't sure but she felt nervous about this.

    ~Later at 12 noon~

    Hana was nervous sitting in the back seat of Ken's car as he was driving with the others inside. They were quiet looking out the windows wondering how this years meeting will go this time. Their had to be some big changes this year so it leaves them pretty much curious to that thought of mind. Knowing this is Hana's first time going to one. Raina mostly explained what is going on but it's them representing their location area of the city to the other leaders. However, the others in the house are to not speak.

    So she and the others had to stay silent except for Ken. Since he's the main head of his area, he was the one doing the talking. She grips her wrist feeling nervous before the car stops in front of some dark shaded building. Hana was shocked seeing this as everyone opens the door and gets out.

    "Come on, Hana.." she heard Ken speak but gets out of the car seeing other people showing up too as they enter the building. This place was giant and even bigger from the inside from what she's hearing. It seems like a small building and humans didn't know about it. When she follows the rest inside, she gasped seeing they were right.

    It was bigger from the inside than out with steps leading down some tunnel. Hana feels Raina hurrying her along so she didn't get lost while ignoring other vampires that seem to have picked up her scent. They knew some of the new changed vampires were lingering in this meeting too but she was looking ahead making sure to stay close to her group. They keep heading on down till getting to another location that seems like a giant dome. Areas were marked to show of that house while Ken leads his to the one with a dark Teal color and his own marking. She follows her group over as they sit down while others were doing the same.

    This was really new to her but Ken looks at the group then some others hoping this meeting goes along well. The other leaders of their houses were showing up standing on their own areas waiting as he meeting was going to begin in a matter of moments. This was nervous for Hana but she remains calm after seeing everyone filling the area up.

    Seconds later, it was full and everyone was seated to show the meeting has begun.

    "Welcome all to the grand meeting. All leaders know your business but you are to share any news you have from your years of what you done. So, lets go ahead and do that." One said while he started sharing his news. The people behind him remain silent since the others in the house were not allowed to speak. The leaders were only to talk during this meeting. Ken heard the one speak had found more bounty being place but he sees most humans have been at a lost cause on thought. He figures his section was fine from patrol so far.

    Another was explain of some losses due to the new target of a evil seed possible of growing again from years ago. However, no new data was shown at the time. He was informed of having three new humans joining his area in the city after changing them. They seem to have gotten everything down and was doing alright. The next leader speaks of a few news reports but nothing too big or to serious. Seems things were alright this time so he was alright.

    "and that's my work sir. I know it's a lot but..many things have been done my brothers. I'm glad to hear most of you have done well in your work." A few nods to agree with him. "Now, who shall share next? Ken? Would you wish to go next?"

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:00 pm

    erika went straight to the gaming circle and hana thought they were a cult within the vampire community because of how different they were and how the high nobles looked at them. ken wished for everything to go smoothely with no confrontations and he guessed this was a trap probably in response to the bout of chaos he sewed in the streets. he would have to explain that. and he would also have to introduce hana and kyle his newest nestmates since the last meeting.

    he thought there wasnt much to do for such a gathering but with the rules he saw no way out. and it bugged him because she would be exposed and vulnerable up on stage. her only training so far was in her speed and the limits to her strength. he just had to trust her reflexes were good enough to dodge any attack

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:14 pm

    "Ken? Your report?"

    Ken looks hearing he was next to clear his throat and look at everyone. "Right. My report is for this. My area is still under guard with no new problems rising over the last few weeks. However.." he looks down then looks to Hana that was nervous before looking ahead since he had to. "I've found a few humans and help protect them human was changed into my own kind by my blood."

    "So a new human has joined us then or your group. Where is the girl then?" another leader asked that Ken looks to Hana but he had her stand and present herself. She was nervous to do that but Raina whispered she had to obey him. Since he's the one king of the house, she had to listen to him.

    She stood up from her seat and walks over to stand beside him while looking down. The others look at her never seeing a human like her before unlike most others. Some found her weird. Others found her pretty. "Interesting; and you say she used to be a human?"

    "Yes. She was a human before two rouge vampires attacked her in her own home and tried to kill her after she...*clears his throat* found some old documents of people and others in the city." the others around heard this and begins whispering among themselves hearing this.

    "Hold on; how in the world did a human like her get her hands on something like that? I thought that document was burned months ago."

    "It was..just copied but now it is destroyed. So far, I've been keeping this new turned vampire under my watch to make sure she's protected and will be helpful for the house she's living in." he explains as Hana was nervous seeing them looking into her soul almost. It's scary being up here like this and Ken holding her close with one arm around her.

    "Hmmmmm, interesting. Have you been training her? To help her get used to her new life?" one asked.

    "As she been trained to fight in order to help your house?" a second one asked.

    "She's still under training but rest assure, she's learning."

    "*others muttering under their breath*"


    "Interesting. Someone that you changed but she seems to be a fragile little vampire. Someone that seems not fit to fight..but stand on the side. You know it's not allowed since she might end up dying without proper training."

    "I know that..which is why I'm training her." Ken said.

    "And her training? Has it gotten better?"


    "Seems not. That won't do. Maybe..we should see for ourselves. How about a test? To show us your new changed vampire knows anything." this made Ken tense up as Hana got scared.

    "She's not ready. I don't want to force her into a fight when she's not properly prepared. Maybe when she's more skilled she can-"

    "You know the rules Ken. If you are to keep her in your house, she has to fight. You know that because if now, she is to be traded off or given to another house."

    "!!!!" 'A..another house?! He never told me I was going to be traded if I didn't know this!!' she sees others agreeing to this that two vampires suddenly grab her and has Hana brought down to the training stage. She winces from the grips while Ken tries to reason with them.

    "Wait a second, she's not ready as I said. We just trained her so she's not-"

    "She is to prove herself or else she'll be given to another house. You know the rules Ken. That's what all of the houses do. Now, do not interfere with this fight. We need to see how she fairs in this....if she's worthy to stay within your house."

    "Tch.." he saw how rough they were being with Hana that she got tossed on the ground while she sits up slowly looking around. She didn't know what was going on till seeing a vampire showing up. He seems a lot more powerful than her that it made Hana stand up seeing hm glare at her. She was nervous but the others were watching seeing how this goes. She sees him just look at her deep in her soul but got ready to fight. Hana didn't want to but this was a lot more to take in.

    " can start." when the other arm went down, the vampire dashes to attack while Hana was blocking and moving back. This was insane seeing this happening and she was thinking they were to just sit and be quiet. Ken and the others were worried seeing Hana having to fight and Ken wasn't allowed to stop it. He was hoping she would be careful while gripping the metal bars of his presence stand.

    Hana kept dodging while trying to make some distance but he was a little quicker to see her suddenly get kicked in the stomach. She coughs backing up before he begins throwing punches on her rather hard. The crowd watches as Hana kept trying to block or move but he was still throwing kicks and punches. She's a vampire so it wouldn't be too painful for her.

    "This is fucked up. She can't fight but she's still in training." Kyle said worried about Hana.

    "We know that much but even if we could, Ken can't stop it. It's by the law we have to see if she's learned anything..or else we'll end up losing her from the house." Jason see Ken's wince each time Hana got hit that the other vampire kicks her in the gut harder making her get slammed into the wall. She winces form that but sees him throw her out again still fighting. She kept getting hit even though she was trying to dodge and fight back.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:24 pm

    ken hisses and bares his fangs in fury but cant do anything to help her. he hopes her body would remember the training she had so far and her speed was enough to keep her dodging.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:42 pm

    She got kicked again in the face that blood hits the ground this time with her hitting the ground. Hana coughs, holding her bleeding nose but he walks over not caring while he forces her back down into the ground. "Hmmm, she seems to not know much of fighting. Such a shame. I guess you speak the truth when it came to her training, Ken." One said as he was looking down.

    "Yes, I get she's not fully trained yet but can't you just ease up on the fight? She's still learning everything about-"

    "You know we can't do that. In order for her to help herself, she has to understand the ways of fighting. If she can't fight then what good is she? She would have been better as a human." he said but Ken looks more angry that Erica, Raina, Kyle and Jason felt it. They look at them but knew Ken was furious. He wanted to stop this and bring Hana back but she was getting up after the other vampire's foot was off and kicks her to her feet. He sends her flying again to hit another wall cracking it. She coughs blood up this time to fall on her knees coughing on the ground.

    "Get up and fight woman. Your one of us remember? If you can't learn to fight you are not a vampire. He kicks her harder almost breaking something as she falls back feeling him stomping on her back. He kept her down but she was shaking to wince in pain. The other vampires were speaking again but Ken was gripping the bar to almost bend it.

    "..*coughs again but was forced on her feet again before hit back by the back hand*.........."

    "You can't even fight can you....I know this is new for you but you won't be safe if your thinking of being nice all the time. Vampires and others must have tried to eat you and you're not able to's a shame really. I bet even the evil one would make a snack out of you. Your nothing but a coward." he walks over to her but she held her side as he punched but she dodges while he was throwing them.

    They were fast but she was dodging each one feeling tired but he counters to hit her in the face again. The others wince from that but Hana was feeling him grip her shirt lifting her up. "To be honest; I don't care if your a should be one of us..but your a scared cat. What good will you be to your house if you can't fight? Your worthless and you can't even do anything can you? Another's sad really..." he said extending his hand but shows his claws to her.

    'Is he right? Do I even belong here?...I know I'm not a fighter but..I don't want to be weak...I don't want to be killed or alone again...'

    "You don't deserve to be one of us..if you can't fight." he said thrusting his hand to her right to her chest. Blood spills from her but this shocked everyone.


    "Remain where you are, Ken!" One said as an order. As the others watch in shock seeing this but most was silent now talking seeing the one holding Hana struggle. He was seeing her gripping his wrist but her eyes were hidden by her hair. The blood she lost was drying up as her teeth got sharp feeling angry but upset.

    Something was wrong. Ken and the others in his house senses something but sees her telekinesis glowing but it was not the usual color. It seems to have taken a slight darken turn. She fees him get lifted off the ground but she moves her arm to the side to make him crash into the wall deeply.

    "What is this???" One asked when others sees and senses something forming around her. Hana's hair was floating around her as the vampire she threw came out of the rubble but she quickly dodges and grabs him using here power to slam him to the ground. He coughs but sees her slowly relax her arm that her nails changed but her head was still looking down. Something about this was off.

    Hana was glowing that a shadowed like beast forms around her to protect her. Was this her telekinesis evolving? The other vampires were still watching before he dashes towards her but she dodges and begins fighting back rather quickly. She didn't say anything but her eyes had a darker tint to them.

    "M..Mister Ken, explain yourself! You said she couldn't fight but she's suddenly able to!!" even if he said this Ken didn't answer. Hana was fighting but she was different. Was it because of her blood? Her emotions? Anger? Sadness?

    "M..master Ken, what's happening?" Raina asked.

    "..I don't know......." he sees the vampire get slammed hard into the ground but Hana keeps looking ahead that her vampire eyes looked dark but she's still rushes over punching and kicking to have the shadowed telekinesis form as she was using here speed to keep attacking and hitting him while breaking some of his bones in his body this shocked the others in the dome too.

    Just how powerful was Hana!?

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:50 pm

    this wasnt telekenesis it was a form of conjuring thought into reality. he sighed in releif and started to calm down as her shadow and the one he placed inside of her came forth to protect her. the beasts looked ready and he had a guess this would end fast with her as the winner.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:17 pm

    Everyone kept watching seeing the fight get dangerous and out of hand seeing a few things breaking and now crumbling around that as soon as Hana kicks him away to see him crash into a metal wall. He twitched from within but went limp. She knocked him out while feeling her blood still leaving but she felt the shadow around her growling.

    The vampire tried to get up to fight her but she was too fast, appearing in front of him to slam him down into the ground face first. She bared her fangs holding him down but he twitched knowing she was sudden stronger. They didn't understand. How is this possible?!

    She lifts him up seeing the shadowed beast hit him away before stretching out biting and clawing at the vampire before she jumps up to quickly raise a leg and kick him down hard in the center of the area. It caused the whole place to shake with dust forming in the air. Most coughed trying to breath but Ken was worried seeing the air clearing.

    Hana stood where she was but was panting rather heavily with the new formed beast surrounding her body protecting her. the other leaders were shocked at this but the vampire she kicked was knocked out feeling his body broken from the hits she threw. She was indeed something alright.

    "..This is..."

    "What sort of power did she even hide within her? This has to be something from the ancient has to be." another said as she stood where she was still bleeding from her wounds. They were healing though before Hana felt the shadow disappear as she falls on her knees and to her side passed out.

    "Hana!" Ken jumps down and rushes to her side getting on the ground while seeing her indeed out. He touches her cheek looking at her but feels her pulse. It's still there but she's just really weak. He sees her not even moving when Ken carefully picked her up bridal style in his arms looking at her.


    "Ken, explain yourself. Just what was that?!"

    "I don't know. That's the first time me or my house has seen her do something like that. We didn't know she could....." he didn't look at the one talking but keeps holding Hana in his arms carefully walking over to his house and jumps up. He walks over to set her down to lay as Raina was trying to help clean her up.

    "You have to explain something. Just what in the world was she? That shadowed creature. That's a new ability that most vampires can't do! You have to explain what just happened there!"

    "I Don't know how to explain it when I never seen it happen before!!!" he said angry but looks down at Hana that was still out but he was seeing her hair covering her face that he tries to give her some of his blood in hopes to heal her or wake her up. Some spills in her mouth but he made sure it didn't spill.


    "Well, this seems proven enough. She's powerful true..but I never expected a new turned vampire to have that sort of power. Ken, whatever you sure you keep a good eye on her. We don't need another accident of another vampire becoming like the evil one. Understood?" he asked but Ken snarled under his breath mad but calms down.

    "Crystal....." he said.

    "Good. This meeting is dismissed. The meeting was over as the vampires were leaving but Ken's group was the last to leave while Ken was carrying Hana with the others following. They all get to the car as he gets Hana inside the front seat but she still didn't wake up. He drives on back home but was hoping Hana would wake up soon. He's never seen that before and she's not even in fighting class yet.

    Something happened but he didn't know what it was. He'll figure it out later on as hey get home hours later. Raina has Hana in her bed resting but she still didn't wake up. The blood was cleaned off but Ken was standing in the room with her as she finishes cleaning her.

    "Well? Is she-"

    "She's not dead..just deadly tried..she won't be waking up for a while but maybe by tomorrow or a few days, master. What happened it really drained her of energy and her blood is slowly coming back. For now, we should leave her to rest till she recovers or wakes up."

    ".....I understand but....will she be...alright? Even after what she did....I never seen her use that. I didn't know she could even have that."

    "I don't know master but..maybe this is telling us Hana's a lot more special than we think.." Raina said turning to leave but Ken looks at her leave then back to Hana as she was resting in her bed but was knocked out through the afternoon. This just worried him while walking out but he leaves his shadow to watch her. He remains still but even noticed her darker shadow wasn't forming.

    She must have been really tired too. So for now, the others waited.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:34 pm

    he was proud of her for surviving and discovering a new aspect to her powers. he was hoping she would heal fast and everyone can leave without injury or insult.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:15 pm

    He wasn't expecting her to develop such a new ability so quickly and he knew she was still in training. Ken just remains silent thinking about this but he only tries to over thinking about it. Maybe he can get more inform about it later on. For now, Hana was knocked out and he won't be getting anything till she wakes up.

    Ken turns to leave her to rest and closed the door behind him as she lays in her bed. He walks downstairs seeing the others at the table thinking about what just happened this afternoon and what Hana did at the test. Such a new power and it leaves them really worried.

    "This is troubling. Even though she's changed, Hana's developing so quickly. I guess her body has gotten used to master's blood." Raina mutters looking at the table to think.

    "That's true but we never knew it would grow this rapidly. That tells us theirs more to this than we see right now. Even to what she's doing. Hana has proven that she's able to learn so much more but maybe master will be teaching her even more when she wakes up."

    "But for how long? She's knocked out cold and isn't waking up anytime soon. I mean, did you see that physical form that was protecting Hana? I never knew she could do that but it proves something else. She really is...something. It's sorta scary." Erica sighed but the others looks at her then Ken gets to the bottom and walks over.

    "It shouldn't be scary to you, Erica. It's just something we were not expecting..even from Hana." he lets himself be known catching the others attention. They look at him as Ken sits down with them at the table. "I don't know what happened but....We will figure this out or I'll figure it out. Hana's really growing at a very quick pace. I wasn't expecting her to use or make a form of something like that."

    "Well, she has your blood inside of her so maybe that's one reason?" Kyle suggested to him seeing Ken looking down to think. His hands resting on the table while showing his black wrist strap and four rings on his fingers.

    "That's possible. We still don't know but we'll have to get more views to be sure this is true. Hana is out cold right now but at least she's not dead. I want you guys to just keep an eye on her. Maybe we can help her get more into the life she has now."

    The others look to him but gives a nod. They will do their best to help Hana while she rests. For now, they went on with their lives after a while. For the time being, she was resting in her room but she didn't wake up for a long time or a while. Ken was given updates from Raina to see if Hana would wake up but she always shook her head saying Hana hasn't stirred, even in her sleep. She did keep checking on Hana and checking her to be sure she's not in danger. Ken was really worried but she's not woken up for a while. It has become a few days to two weeks but she still remains knocked out in her bed.

    Jason, Kyle, Raina, and Erica was worried she was brain dead but Ken told them she's fine. She had to be. Even if the fight knocked her out pretty deep, she wouldn't be dead. He just keeps hoping she'll wake up soon. For now, Raina was watching over her while reading a book with the others waiting since Ken was on patrol with Kyle and Jason with him.

    Erica was playing her video game again but looked bored, eating some snacks and watching a video game channel on tv. She did miss hearing Hana talking with her but she just had to wait till she woke up. Even Raina was silent looking at her to see how peaceful Hana sleeps or was out of it still. She didn't move nor twitched, looking like she was in a deep sleep. Even from the fight test weeks ago, this was rather long for someone to sleep and rest.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:32 am

    he slowly started trying everythign he could think of to wake her up. he started with her name then shouting her name. then an adrenaline shot. raina was a bit worried about him as he told her this wasnt natural for a newborn vampire and raina started trying her own ways to try and wake hana up.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 8 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:57 pm

    Raina wasn't expecting this sort of thing to happen to Hana, even if she was out. True, the fight came out of no where but she should have woken up by now. What was keeping her in this state? As she ran tests, Raina sees Hana remain motionless like a statue, resting up in her own dead like dreams. She wasn't dead, thank goodness,  but she was just either locked in her mind or she was tired. Really really tired.

    Or was it because of her body changing? Is that why? Her blood was taking some new changes right now? This worries the doctor that she was still looking at her then touches Hana's cheek. "Such a delicate vampire you are. I don't understand what's keeping you like this. Has something changed again?" she whispered.

    Ken on the other hand was worried. He didn't expect her to be out this long. Kyle and Jason sees him thinking trying to figure this out themselves but nothing came to mind. "Master, you have to relax. Your over worrying yourself. I'm sure she's fine. We just don't know what is causing this."

    "You already told me that! She's been out for about 4 weeks now, Kyle! Four fucking weeks. I don't know what is happening. She should have awoke already." he grumbles looking at them while seeing Jason look to him.

    "I don't know but their has to be a reason. Didn't you give her some of your blood?"

    "I did but that didn't work. I tried calling her name, shouting it out, used an adrenaline booster shot. Raina is trying some tests in order to wake her but no word. I don't get it. What is going on? Why won't she wake up?" he was now feeling his hand shaking but Erica was looking at her master, wondering how badly he was going to worry.

    "Well, their has to be something. Can't we just figure out what is going on in her mind?"

    "I tried that and nothing worked. Nothing is working to wake her and it's starting to piss me off." he said now getting more annoyed but he was really worried about her. Why won't she wake up? What did the vampire do to her? Did he cut her? Broken something? What was it?!? He just looks down that his eyes were glowing again trying to not punch anything that the two guys got worried while Erica sighed worried.

    Raina was still helping Hana but was in her room, checking the results since Ken asked. "I'm sorry master. I am still working on trying to wake her. I'm sure she's alright and she's not dead." she said.

    "I understand but she still won't wake up....I'm already worried she won't ever wake up..."

    "She will..we just need to figure out what is making her remain this way...she will be fine, master." she said seeing him look down.

    "I hope so.....I really hope so." He just could only wait for her while he just goes to his room. As for Hana she was indeed alright but her mind was empty right now. She saw her self floating in her head but looking ahead while seeing another floating around her like it's protecting her.

    'You seem to be recovering just as I thought. Sorry it's taking longer than I thought, Hana. I know you must be really tired or wondering why..' it was the same creature that helped her in the fight but she was looking ahead while her eyes were dazed over while resting.

    'It's fine. I just thought I would have been dead by now. I wasn't expecting you to save me...'

    'You shouldn't worry about it right now. Due to the sudden fight, your powers is trying to heal you or boost your abilities slowly. With the telekinesis growing more powerful as you rest....I know this is scary to you.....or are you alright with this? Figuring that your a lot more different than most vampires. I've seen it myself..'

    She blinks hearing this to look at the creature while tilting her head. 'Is that so? You mean, you've seen other vampires out there in the real world and how they act of their power?'

    'Yes. They are powerful true but most of them were not as powerful as a very little few. I believe your one of them too my dear. Thinking that a just turned vampire like yourself has this much power within you. Waiting to be unlocked. But, I guess the others are worried you'll become like her. Another vampire but a dark evil one...' he said but she didn't answer to that wondering what her future would be like.

    'Does this mean, I could be like this evil vampire I able to do what I think is better for me?'

    'Yes. True, your body is migrating or changing right now so you'll be out for some time. The others in the real world will be worried but you shouldn't be afraid. You will be normal again soon. *looks ahead* Just being here in your subconscious will keep your inner self protected but if you wish, you can be awake but you won't be able to talk or anything..' he explains but she looks at him for a second then looks ahead.

    'This is just fine. They will get a chance to breath......I'll awake when I can..just like you said.'she said while they still float in her mind.

    In the real world, she didn't move but was already feeling her body migrating and changing. Her blood was improving but becoming more different to become her own. Even if it's Ken's blood and her new formed blood mixing together. She was still going to be out for a while longer.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:33 am

    raina ken and even erika nurse her back to health making sure she didnt lack any comfort of necessity. h he had gotten used to the idea of her comatose state and was rarely leaving her side. he senses rather than hears the covnersation between her and the spirit animal that was helping her.

    in point of fact the only thing he knew for certain was that it was a spirit animal and it was safe for her. anything else was a guess. ken satyed by her side excpet for his important duties and training the others. erika was not around as often as raina but she did stop in to bisit while hana was resting.

    life went on as if she had never arrived and that was very empty for ken and erika. jason like hana but sensing ken and his possesive anture towards her jason backed off and refused to attempt anything else. now he was a bit worried becuase ken was worried and jason begins to learn a little about hana besides shes cute and a girl.

    hana rested deeply as her powers continue to develop and cement themselves into her psyche.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:27 am

    While she was indeed recovering, Ken was wondering and hoping Hana was alright. This was going on long for a while now being six weeks seeing her not move. He was worried of her becoming sick from not getting blood so when Raina suggested she gets blood, he only allowed her to drink his own that shocked her.

    "Are you sure, Master? You never usually offer your blood up to anyone before." she sees him look at her but his eyes were speaking the truth. He was deeply worried about Hana and just wanted to see her well and awake. He didn't move from his spot but turns looking back at her. She seems so peaceful resting like this but she was not dead he kept telling himself. Just tired.

    "I'm sure. I don't want her to get sick while not eating or having blood in her. You can get some from me and add it to her main vein without harming her. Besides, I know she'll be pretty confused trying to figure out what is going on and why she was out for so long. Though..I just hope she is alright.."

    "You worry this much master Ken. It's rare for you to be after so I stated, she will be fine. Just needs time to rest and recover. She will be alright soon.." Raina mutters but he looks back at Hana again while seeing her still remaining still for the time being. It's like she's on her deathbed but shook the thought out of his head. She's not dead just knocked out in a comatose state right now.


    Even for Hana she was busy resting up and hearing the creature still speak with her while they were hovering in her mind for the time being. She did learn a little about him to find out he's a really old monster from the history of time. A really old vampire that roams the world but his spirit was lost trying to find someone that can withstand his power. That explaining Hana.

    'So that's why your power is like this? You been all through the realms and seeing other vampires that might help you out but none worked?'she asked to see him shaking his head no.

    'Most I've met or seen were either too weak or was already taken by something far greater to their own power. I can't just go with anyone I wish to go to. It has to be someone that's able to take my ability and not die from it. As I stated, my power is very powerful and unstable. It tends to leave vampires in different mind sets. Killing, fighting, wanting to get stronger or...ahem, things they desire the most.'

    'So it depends on who is powerful enough to handle you I guess right? I never knew you have such power and you really think I'm able to withstand it? I just turned into a vampire myself but I was unsure about this...' she sighed but looks down at her lap while seeing him look at her figuring she's not used to this sort of thing or would be.'I would it be possible for someone like me to even use such a thing..'

    'Well, it shouldn't be much of a worry for you because when you do wake up, I'll be absorbed into you. Meaning, you'll be given my power and use it to however you wish. You have telekinesis but you also have the element of ice. It's a second hand me down power from my bloodline but it will be fine. You'll get used to that too.'

    'Ice? You mean you have two powers? How is really must be something else if you are going to leave these to me. What if I lose control?' she asked looking to him but he only shook his head knowing she won't. Even if she's just turned, Hana will learn in time.

    'I know you won't lose control. You seem like a very smart woman and I know you can do it. Maybe do better for yourself in this world. I hear you been training and trying to do better which is good. Though, you also should be careful when being out in the city. Many vampires might take a liking to someone like you in power......'

    '......................' she looks down feeling him keep around her but shows some ice flowing around her that Hana noticed looking at him. It felt cold but she was alright with it. NO bother what so ever that she blinks tilting her head then looks to him.

    'As I said in due time, you'll feel it naturally. It will be quick...either way your healing is getting half way done. This means you might be waking up but I don't know for sure yet. You'll be quiet for a while like I said so you won't's to help your body move slightly.'

    'So I'm still in my comatose state just in a trance?' she asked seeing him nod. Nothing dangerous which she understands and decided to remain calm for that when it happens for now, she just keeps floating around looking ahead.

    Ken was taking a light nap but he already had some food given to him thanks to Raina. She returns to the room seeing him asleep but walks in to make sure he was alright. This was insane seeing her like this but then looks to Hana still resting in her bed. 9 weeks have passed and still no movement. Maybe she was starting to fear the worse like the others, was Hana just brain dead or was her body already shut down? She knew he didn't want to hear that sort of news but what other thought could it be?

    She's been like this for 9 weeks now and still had no movement. She seems like a lifeless doll now and Raina wasn't sure what else to do. She only could assure this wouldn't help her and Ken was just waiting for a lost cause. Turning her head, she goes to pick the plate up that he ate and turns to leave. As soon as she gets to the door, she stops.

    She didn't move but felt a slight chill in the air, turning her head to look over. The source came from Hana. She didn't know but it got cold to where it then disappeared. What was that just now? She didn't say anything but saw Hana twitch or at least her fingers.

    Wait, was she waking up?!? Raina didn't move but she slowly sees Hana turn her head but goes over slowly making sure she's not seeing things. She looks to Hana but sees her turn her head again. She wasn't seeing things, she was waking up?

    Holding her breath, Raina sees her not move after a while till her eyelids twitch and open slowly seeing her ice dark blue eyes. They were even darker but Raina saw her blink slightly then slowly opens her eyes looking to the side.

    "..Hana?...." she sees her not move but turn her head to look up seeing Raina there. No words left her but she saw her eyes were dimmed deeply into a dark black like color. She figures she was awake..but she still in her small comatose state. She didn't move but Raina sets the plate down to help her sit up slowly worried. Her eyes were dark but she was awake so did this mean she was alright? Or was still recovering. She didn't even speak so it tells her maybe she still was.

    She helps Hana try to stand but she only stood up slowly as Raina looks at her. Maybe she can give her a bath and help her for a while without waking Ken. Hours later, Ken was still sleeping but he was moved to his own room that he stirs awake to see the new location. That made him sit up in shock, wondering where he was then sees Raina there with Jason and Kyle. They were quiet but looking at him.

    "Morning master Ken." Raina said sweetly while he looks confused.

    "What's going on? How did I get back into my room?"

    "We brought you here to rest. I mean, you been sitting up in that chair for weeks now. We figure you need some sleep." Kyle sees Ken look down then wonders about that.

    "Before you ask, Hana is alright but...Raina said she's awake or..sorta."

    "What?! She's awake or..wait, sorta? What do you mean?"

    "It seems like she's awake but her eyes are still dimmed. I think she's still in her comatose state but in some trance. It's nothing dangerous but I'm guess she's not done but her body is able to move freely now. Thing is, she won't be able to speak or talk to us. She will listen to us though..." she explains with Ken looking down at his bed sheets thinking.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jul 16, 2021 11:37 am

    at least she was showing more signs of life and that ease his worry considerably. he was happy to hear that and he begins to think about what could be happening. his mind was unusually buzzy like voices werre in his head lately and she couldnt stop them or turn them up and it was hard for him to concentrate.

    he cuaght a few words mostly her voice and another but it didnt matter. he still couldnt make heads or tails of what was being said until he asks her about it. her epser abilities must be far stronger than anyoen could be and he wonders if it was a remnant of her human heritage or if she was connnected to such a beast when she turned.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jul 16, 2021 11:57 am

    He figures this spirit was speaking with Hana but trying to be sure she stays the same or remains calm. Knowing the constant thoughts lingering in his mind only makes him really wonder about things. Hana was awake but she was looking still in her trance. At least she was awake like he said but the others would be sure to take care of her later. For now, she was sitting up in the chair while Raina just finished getting her ready for the day but keeps a close eye on her while she was leaning against the wall looking out the window.

    They saw how dark her eyes were but at least she was relaxing while sitting. "She seems so quiet like this. Or lost....I wonder if this is something part of her changing." Raina mutters with Erica blink hearing this.

    "What makes you think that? I know Hana wouldn't talk nor say anything to us right now because of her healing state. Maybe she still is waiting for her body to recover?" she said as Hana only keeps looking to the window seeing cars passing the hideout house.

    "We will figure something out, Erica. I know she will have time to try and work on something. Maybe she will wake up sooner or later. Now, we just have to wait." she explains seeing Ken, Kyle, and Jason confused. She seems like a doll this way but was curious if she can even hear them.

    "So what now? She's awake but she's not even talking to us." Kyle grumbles.

    "I don't know...but something about her eyes seems more..mysterious. Kinda hot."he jokes.

    "Seriously?" Ken grumbles seeing Jason look at him.

    "What? It's a guess Jester. I mean, think about it. Her eyes are cold but they look pretty cute. To me honestly..I figure women tend to have the prettiest eyes even if their in a trance. Maybe they are her new eye colors."


    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:11 pm

    ken couldnt deny jasons words it was true. and he was glad her coma was reduced to a trance. it was a good thing and he coud relax.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:33 pm

    He knew that she was still in her trance but she didn't move as much either. Raina helps her still during this time but that was only being more silent after a while. However, that made Ken look to her once more. He saw her eyes dazed but looking out through the window. He was hoping she was going to be alright but even during this time, as he keeps looking at her, the thought of her only made him care about her even more.


    "Well, either way, I guess we will know in due time if she wakes up or snaps out of it. Maybe she will just grow and we will see just how powerful she really is." Erica said but Raina only keeps silent after a while. This was all new to everyone but Raina was only turning to get some tea for everyone.

    Ken hears Jason and Kyle speaking to one another before he sees her not moving too much. Ken was looking worried to her hoping she really was alright before he sees her neck where one of the other vampires bit her that changed her to what she is now. Even her skin looked alright or fair after the fight she got into. He didn't know why but he slowly looks away to calm down. Something about Hana was really special but he didn't want to seem like a problem. As he was looking away, everyone didn't know that Hana's eyes slowly turn to look at them.

    The single look made Raina, Erica, Ken, Kyle, and Jason tense up. Erica's game started glitching. The  tea was starting to freeze over. Ken felt his body get goosebumps with Jason and Kyle getting nervous. It's like something was in the room with them that they all slowly look back at her. Her eye was looking right at them like a dead soul but this leaves them feeling nervous.

    "Please tell me I'm not the only one that felt that."

    "Nope, I felt it too.."

    "The tea!" Raina said worried. "It was hot moments ago. How could it have frozen solid.." she said.

    "Guys, you felt that too right?!" he sees Kyle and Ken not say anything but her eyes were still looking at them but she turns her head to the window again when everything goes back to normal. Yeah, something happened and it felt really weird.

    "Okay; Ken. I don't know what the hell that was but it really feels a bit odd."

    "I don't know, okay? I'm sure I'll figure something out. Their has to be something going on in that mind of her....*Sighs* Lets just calm down.." he mutters while seeing Erica really afraid and worried.

    "Master, that's still scary. We don't know if that spirit was doing something while talking to Hana." she said.

    "I'm sure it's nothing Erica. As master said, we should calm down and let her remain calm while recovering. Besides, she will snap out of it soon...I hope." Raina said with Hana looking through the window still not doing anything. She just kept gazing through the window seeing everything going on.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:16 am

    "i think that spirit is fine. she had a shodow about her just like it when she first ttransformed and now it comes back i think its tied to her powers." he said showing confidence and faith in hana.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:19 pm

    "How are you sure that the spirit is safe to be around? I mean, I read that spirits like that are dangerous and the host makes them even more dangerous. So again, how are you sure this thing is safe to be around?" Erica knew Hana was going to be okay but she was nervous because of that spirit being with Hana. They seen what it could do but that leaves them on edge.

    "Sorry Ken but I'm agreeing with Erica on this one. We don't know what that spirit will do and we seen what it can do." Kyle adds.

    "Calm down. As I said, it will be alright. The spirit is some sort of protector to Hana. That way it seems to help her in other ways too. So, in case we are not close, she can protect herself without our help. She will be safe."

    "Even if it's tied to her powers?" Raina asked.


    "That's pretty creepy but it's understandable. I mean, I know Hana will be fine but we don't know what that spirit will do. How powerful it is and what it's power will do to Hana. We are all worried about her too you know." Jason said while Ken knew everyone was worried about Hana. However, he knew she will be alright soon. It will take time but she will be fine. He just knew it. For now, they still waited.

    Over the next three months, she's been moving on her own thanks to some help from Raina and Erica. However, the spirit was helping her walk by getting her body used to moving again. The men were scared seeing that even with her now light glowing eyes with the iris a very white blue color. She seems to look like some zombie when her eyes were like that but they didn't respond since she couldn't.

    Ken was just done doing patrol that night when Raina was helping Hana with food. She just eats the food she made for her looking down. She was given some blood a while ago but she just didn't move from her spot with Ken checking on her.

    "So how is she? Still the same?"

    "Yes master Ken. She's still the same after the last change in her eyes the first month. Maybe the spirit is trying to finish up?" she asked as he was thinking a little. His eyes looks to Hana's own as she was chewing the food very slowly in her mouth. She was dressed in light clothing but leaning against the chair. She looks like a doll still and he only remains silent during this time. For now, he just worries and hopes for the best and wishes for her to be alright. Raina took her back to the room after she ate and lets Hana rest in her room.

    Ken looks at her sit there silent but her eyes were looking to her lap, remaining silent that even this was a bit nerve wrecking for him. For now, Ken wishes for her to just wake up from this trance and come back to them. To him. In her mind, the spirit was sleeping around her as she was curled up in it's warm both. Even if it's a spirit. She was resting up that she didn't know her body was starting to disappear after her recovering was finishing up now. She was returning back to the open world with her body now accepting the power and the spirit to help her fight and aid in battle. It was also disappearing into her body while they were sleeping.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:52 pm

    he had to trust that this was normal for her and maybe means things were truly building ot the events he believed were happening. he had tried to stop her from becoming a vampire not knowing how close the time of reckoning was at hand. he hoped she would recover quicly and they could talk and train again.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:56 pm

    Everyone was still doing their own thing while Hana remains in the room sitting up and gazing upon the floor. Her eyes were close this time but she didn't move from where she stood. However, after a longer while, she felt her body floating a little while her mind was returning. Raina was just walking into the room but stops, noticing this.

    "Oh dear.." she mutters going over and sets the plate down. Raina never seen her do this but as she was about to help her back down she sees her body floating down back on the bed. Her eyes still remain shut as Raina gets closer. "Silly dear, now your floating...strange but still new.." she mutters then turns to get ready for the check up. As soon as her fingers brush against Hana's cheek, her eyes snap open to gasp rather loudly.

    "!!!!" Raina jumps back seeing Hana's eyes now alive again but it seems like she wasn't breathing as much to cough while leaning over. Being quick, Raina tries to help calm her down while she coughs. "Easy now dear easy! Just take deep breaths." she said as Hana did that, her eyes closed while breathing but her power did calm down as well while quickly showing some invisible arms ready to tear Raina but stops knowing it's her.


    "....Easy..just breath...." she said carefully holding her shoulder seeing how shocked she was. However, at least she was awake this time but shaken just slightly. The noise was heard having Kyle, Erica, and Jason rush upstairs to the room. They stop at the door when noticing Raina but also seeing Hana finally awake.


    "Well, well, well, she finally awakens!" he cheers.

    "Finally. She's back..." she mutters while Hana opens her eyes after calming down. The invisible arms went away when she did to hear the familiar voices as Jason walks over but not too fast seeing her nervous.

    "Woah, easy there doll. We won't hurt ya. It's us." he said softly while she just breaths again to see them but then looks to Jason. He seems happier that she was back. Even though deeply he was curious to what happened in her mind when she was healing.


    "Seems she's a little nervous a little bit." she said while Hana looks to her then to the others. Jason even sits down beside her but she feels him hold her hand gently as she looks at it then up to Jason as he smiled. Erica and Kyle blinks seeing this but Raina tilts her head while he looks at them.


    "I'm not doing anything. Just being sure she's good. Though, she is still cute but maybe out of my reach? I know Ken would be a bit jealous or angry I'm touching her. Nothing weird mind you."

    "Seriously???" Kyle sighed to shake his head. "You know he won't like that because he'll think your trying to take her for your own." he warns.

    "I'm not remember? I already have a girlfriend. Even though she's doing her own thing.....Why?"

    "Just curious...." Kyle mutters.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:55 am

    ken was not present he was busy keeping his mind off of hana and working to better the nest as a whole. erika made sure to let him know as soon as she could and he was blissfully unaware that there was any problem. his work involed security and scouting so he wasnt even inside the nest when all this happened.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:46 am

    For now, the others kept a eye on Hana till Ken came back. However, she remains where she was but Jason was getting ready to leave till she watches him leave to slowly stand up. Raina and Erica noticed but goes to help her since her legs felt weak. She's been sleeping for a few months so she needs time to get used to walking again. Everyone was back downstairs again but she was able to sit down drinking something warm to help her body.

    Jason was confused seeing her not looking around but then at her while she looks down. Was something wrong? Erica even noticed that she was eating some food now. They were watching Tv now with Hana sitting in between the girls when she sees Kyle and Jason bringing some snacks over for everyone in case.

    "So have you heard anything from the master?" Kyle asked seeing the three shaking their heads no.

    "We haven't heard anything from Ken yet. I'm guessing he's still out working but he should be back home soon. He's already trying to rush things but carefully so he can see we were speaking the truth of Hana being awake." he looks at Hana eating some soft cookies with a warm blanket around her shoulders. She was resting against Kyle's side with her eyes closed. He didn't seem to mind but He only sighed.

    "Either way, lets hope he returns soon. I'm sure he will be happy to hear this."

    "That or become confused to why she's so cuddly against you Kyle." Raina noticed this but Erica was bored still playing her video game.

    "Maybe she was just afraid for now till he did come back. That or the whole 'waking up and falling for someone' thing is going on with Hana. It's something like your under a spell and you fall for the first person you see."

    "That's not possible. She already falls for someone else. Besides, I'm not into women like Hana here. She's not my type." he grumbles when the others look to Kyle as he crosses his arms over his chest. True, he's not into dating but at least the people here were alright.

    "Hey, nothing wrong with that man. It reminds me of my Minny. Such a sweet girl she is. So cute and cuddly and-"

    "We don't need to know that Jason.." he grumbles with him laughing at the thought. For now, they all just relaxed and goes on doing their own thing either way. They were now watching some movies with Hana resting against Kyle again that he didn't bother moving her. Even if he tried, she'll rests back against him. He only remains a sigh to look at the tv with Hana cuddled up against him that he didn't say anything. Why was she cuddling against him?

    He moves again but Hana felt too tired to move that Erica sees her resting on the couch with Raina petting her head. She hopes Ken comes back soon after his patrol.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jul 28, 2021 2:13 am

    she was wishing this many times and one of those times he did return. the reinforced door opened and closed and she smelled his scent fresh and strong proving he was really there. she sat up and leans on the couch to look at the entery way and sure enough there he was. he was focused and dismissed her sitting there as a trick of his mind until she greeted him.

    "welcome home ken." she said and that got him good.

    "h-hana youre awake? wow. umm. hi good to be home. where is everyone else?"he asks and she sees his face get some color and his heart started to beat.

    "they are getting ready for their tasks... you were gone so long... i thought you left for good." she said and for a moment her desire to be with him showed in her eyes and he cuaght it.

    "i was patrolling the area. looking for dangerous people or spies. we are clear. are you alright? you seem.. a bit bothered." he said referring to her desire for him. she blinks and blushes looking away.

    "im not bothered.. as such... im happy to see youre back.. maybe i showed too much emotion?" she says and he sits next to her.

    "no you didnt. i like to see emotions form people but yours... yours run deep. like you need me for something." he said brushing her cheek with his finger tips. she flushes and shivers.

    "p-per haps... what if i did? what would you do?" she asks trying to keep talking even though her fears were screaming at her to stop before things get too far.

    "maybe if i knew what you wanted. i could give it to you." he suggested kindly and her eyes dar to his pants then his face and she bites her lip.

    "i-i might tell you... but.. but what about the others?" she feigned concern of the others to cover her shock and rising desire to express her feelings with him.

    "the others wont mind. they will respect the mood given any situation." he said it like she couldnt get out of this and her heat was rising and his fac was flushed. he was blushing and clearly thinking naughty thoughts of her.

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