Immortal Anime World

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Begin! the immortal journey where the only limit to life is imagination.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown


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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:24 pm

    She made sure to take the time to run while dodging and avoiding anything she could crash into. Seeing the possible dangers ahead leads her to quickly moving and getting her body used to the movement. Ken noticed this but keeps on running doing his own course while dodging and running. The whole track was to see just how advanced she could get either way and it leaves him keeping an eye on her just the same.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:51 pm

    exertion started to set in as the traps and obstacles became more difficult. she was starting to get winded when he called a halt to the run and stopped on a dime.

    she had to slow down first and she skids to a halt panting a little and a bead of sweat ran down her face and neck into her suit. she felt exhillerated and a bit of heat creps out form her desires and she didnt care. he really did find a way to make a vampire a little tired.

    "next is strength lifting. the dumbells we use are denser than they look and weigh enough to make you feel a strain to use them. see how many you can do befor eyour arms get tired." he said and she agreed and wen tot the dumbells near him. hsi eyes never elft ehr and she felt invaded from his gaze. like he could see what was going on in her thouhts. she satrted to think maybe he wouldnt be a bad person to get to know and erica was heated form seeing them both.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:17 pm

    Even if she felt some slight nervous expression from all this, Hana didn't want anything happening to her. All she did was relax her mind and focus on the new task given to her. She begins to reach and lift the dumbbells over her chest as he watches her moving or lifting them up to test them. Honestly, the dumbbells were not too bad but that's what he wanted her to think. He looks to her and saw her lower the ones she had to get the next pair to keep going.

    Erica keeps watching them but still monitoring their progress while feeling her face flushed from seeing all this. Their bodies were still well toned even if Hana's never did anything like that before. Guess she's more of an indoor person than out. Better use of her muscles than nothing. Ken keeps watching her move from pair to pair that he sees her look at him with something to ask.

    "Something the matter?"

    "Are these some sort of special dumbbells? I've never seen these type in the stores. Were they hand crafted?" she asked him lifting up the next pair as Ken keeps his arms crossed over his chest.

    "Yes. Most of the items and equipment you see in this very solid like room has been hand made by a few of the others. The personal ones were made by me." he answered her question as Hana looks to the new pair of dumb bells then moves to the next bigger pair. These seem a little more heavier that she gets a good grip and tries to lift them. Their was some strain in this one just a bit before he lifts them up.

    "I see. It's just..I never seen or felt anything like these kind before.....even if they were home made by your group here." she said to hold it in her hands then lets them back down once more to the ground. She goes to the next pair feeling the same strain in the beginning before being able to lift them.

    "At least you got some understanding of them. Most I've trained think I got them from the store but they were hand crafted by the others here in our hideout. I'm shocked even you could see that from your own point of view. But come on, we are still doing the training..."

    "I know, I know. I was just curious is all.." she mutters quietly to him but goes ahead with doing what she was going to do. Even after a while the thought was a good guess just for her to think about. She keeps on going with the next pair of dumbbells but the more she went down, the heavier they got due to the new dense feeling. The strain was showing as she was having a little trouble picking up the more tougher one but she didn't stop. She just kept going or trying while Ken watches her.

    He was impressed though. She's gotten to the more harder ones than most he's trained. At least this tells him she's got some potential within her. For a while, he keeps watching her but he was already lifting the heaviest one here but it was no problem for Ken since he's trained himself either way. She still had ways to go but he knew she was just fine. He keeps watching her that he only sees her struggle once more a little more but she keeps going not wanting to give up.

    Erica kept studying her vitals seeing things are still okay even if she's pushing herself.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:50 pm

    he was watching hana closely and she knew he was. and it made her mind go all over the place. she focused on holding these heavy dumbells and after their repetitions she set them down and moved on to the larer bar bell. she tried to lift it but it was taking eveythign she had and he noticed she wa sufficiently worn out and having to use her dark power to suppliment her strength. it was a start perhaps unconcious but she was doing fine and erica saw everything was normal. erica was recovering from the unexpected things she liked and watching her master and her friend made her think maybe she should push htem together.

    her senses finally realized she was over exerting herself and set the bar down to rest. she was tossed a waterbottle and she knew it had blood in it.

    "now that weve successfully tapped into your energy its time to see what you can do with it. what would you do with pwer?" he says then asks as she gulped down the blood not caring because sh knew he would just make ehr drink his.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:15 pm

    "Ummm, to be honest; I don't know. I never expected myself to have any sort of power in my life when I was a human. So I don't know what type of power or what I would do with it." she was honest looking down at the bottle but she was holding it in her hand. She didn't want to drink blood inside of this water bottle but she didn't want to get forced to drink it like the last time.

    "That's not what I asked you. I'm going to repeat it again to you. What would you do with power? What type of power do you see yourself wielding within you? Their always has to be something even in human dreams and minds most think about it. You mean to tell me you had no ideal of that?"he asked but once more Hana didn't answer.

    She didn't know to be honest because she never saw herself as the type to want powers. What would someone like her even do with them. What would she even want with them? This vampire life is still getting through her head and she's still not used to everything just yet. Even the possible thought of Ken doing this to train and help her.......she looks down clearing her thoughts from anything too dark and lustful to spring forth. He might not be in that way even during that time when gazing at her when she wished to be chained down.



    "I'm sorry, I really don't know what I would do. As I stated before, I don't see myself holding or using any sort of power. Even with whatever power I somehow have hidden inside of me, I don't think I'll be good in using it. You all seem to have gotten the hang of this with no problem. I don't think I will be able to." she said looking down but Erica looks at them now really wanting to get them together or at least nudge them together to see if they were really made for one another.


    "Was their more to this training, Ken? Or am I done.." she asked not looking at him but he lets out a sigh, holding his own bottle water then grips it tightly in his hand. He figures she wouldn't want to tap into that power but he knew it's there. Deep within her that's waiting to come out. Whatever her power is, he knew she can bring it out. He drinks more of the blood that he slams the bottle on the counter to startle her.

    "So let me guess, are you just giving up now? I didn't start this for you to quit on me. need to think about this. What sort of power do you see yourself using? What would you do with it? I don't want to see or hear nothing for have to have something."

    "But I'm telling you I do-" he quickly flashes towards her and grips her wrist to hold her arm up. She winces feeling that but sees Ken looking at her as her own eyes looks at him nervous. He seems to be holding back the urge to yell but he didn't want to do something scaring her.

    "You have power within you but you just don't know what it could be. It might be anything. Magic, elemental, darkness, something of older magic like would you know if your not curious? Most here had to go through the same thing when learning about what power they could wield. I know deep down you have something...anything to help you see through. I don't want to keep hearing you say you don't when I clearly see you do."

    "And you expect me to try figuring that out? I don't know if I can, Ken. I'm not like you or the others here...I'm...just starting out. The power I could wield is just something I don't know."

    "You expect me to believe you quitting on me?" he said now holding her wrist down to the ground. She winces but looks back at him as they didn't say much.

    "If I quit on you..I wouldn't be here would I? I could have ran away from this place and you would never see me again....or at least me getting killed by others in the city.....I'm just trying to see why I'm doing this when clearly I don't think I'm good enough to even do anything as what I am now.."

    'Geez..she seriously wants to just give it all up? Though..master really don't want her to. She's a stubborn one alright....*blushes* Even if it's really cute seeing them like this....even her being a brat and him wanting to help...' Erica thought but Ken sighed to let her go but sees Hana sit up slowly to rub her sore wrist.

    "I'm still not shocked your haven't given up on me. In the end, I'll just disappoint you." she whispered that his eyes widen hearing the words.

    'I'll just end up disappointing you like I always do. Why won't you just give up on me, Ken? Why are you this stubborn to ignore my cries for you to stop....please. Be free from this and never look for me. I'm sure someone else..will be in need more than me..' he remembers a woman's voice speaking to him in his younger youth that she was up close but their lips almost touched that he quickly slams his fist to the ground cracking it.

    Erica and Hana tenses up from the shock but she looks nervous seeing his fist shaking in anger remembering the words. "..K..Ken?"

    "*Takes in a deep breath but slowly lifts his hand up* Hana...if you ever...say those words to me again, I'll be sure you don't get permission to leave my sight. Do you understand me?"


    "I said do you understand me?!" his voice booms out that made Hana cover her ears but she moves from his side just a bit shaking a little from the intense power he was letting off.

    "Y..Yes, I won't s..say it again! I'm sorry...j..just.....calm down...your scaring me.." she said shaking where she stood as Erica rushes over to try calming Ken down as she was using some calming aura around his mind. Ken looks down feeling that from Erica but she sighed looking worried of her master with Hana looking terrified.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:23 pm

    "im sorry but i dont want anythign to happen to you." he said and she knew he was scaryonly because he lived a ascary life. she saw him calm down and start to worry and she gulped as her dark side wished ot see how rough he could get with her. she cleared those thoughts and she thought hard about what she would do with power. she had to remember what she pretended as a little girl

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:32 pm

    "You shouldn't be worrying about me. I may be dumb but I don't want to die that easily. I don't see why you even care this much about me. I'm just another follower..aren't I?" she didn't sit back down near him while Erica worked on calming him down. Her hand pressed onto his back with her own power flowing through him. Even if her dark lustful thoughts were screaming at her inner mind, she ignores them.

    "That's not the case. I don't want another one getting killed like the others that refused to listen to me. I just want to be sure your that so hard for you to understand?" he said that Hana lowers her wrist down but looks away from him, arms crossed over her chest thinking about her hard times as a human. Figuring why she didn't want others worrying about her.

    "*Sighs* As I said, you shouldn't bother worrying about me. It's a waste of time, Ken. You should worry about someone that really needs that help." she said but Ken sighed to look at Erica that moves her hand off his back signaling he's fine now.

    "Could you please at least work with me on this next lesson? I want you to just tell me what sort of power you see yourself holding or wielding. Can you please tell me that." he said seeing her shaking her head.

    "I'm telling you I don't know. I don't see myself having anything. I don't remember much when I used to pretend as a little girl.......I never was excited about playing because I didn't have many friends as a kid. So I don't know if that helps you or not Ken." she looks away from him but he covers his face with one hand.

    "Believe me, that don't help me at the slightest."

    "Then this lesson is done then? If I don't know any power I see myself holding then what's the point of this lesson..." she said not looking at him as he looks at her back but he felt annoyed she's thinking like this? Did Hana really give up that quickly because of her human life? Even fearing of what she could become later on?

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:35 pm

    "no were not done. you became a reporter so maybe your skills are finding information or locating hidden themes o objects. you could even be able to identify everything maybe even have senses that dont rely on the physical side. " he siad and she flushed thinking about what his thoughts were buzzing about. maybe reding minds and effecting others was a power too but she wasnt sure.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:00 pm

    "Yeah, when I was human. What does that have to do with anything? Or to better say; what good will that do for me?" she asked as Ken looks to her but Ken sighed thinking she's not working with him here. He just wanted Hana to see what she could really be good at but she's stubborn not wanting to figure that out just yet.

    "Hana, please. Just let me.." he started to say but she looks away from him not sure about any of this. The physical training tried her out but her head was hurting over thinking about all of this.

    "Maybe from all this, you could be a telekinetic user. They use their powers to read other things and use very dangerous powers. Maybe even finding things we normally can't find.." he explains.

    "That's impossible. I'm a vampire yeah but I don't believe that. How could someone like me even have that sort of thing? Have you lost your mind?" she said glaring at him with her arms still crossed over her chest. This was getting annoying because Ken didn't seem to understand what she was thinking. The negative thoughts ran through her head that she just looks away from him.

    "Hana, all I wish to do is to help you. I want you to really open up to me so I can help you. I don't want anything or anyone trying to hurt you. I only wish to see that maybe someday you can be really happy. I can see that but you just won't because of everything that happened to you." he slowly looks to her but she didn't look back at him.

    "I know you are still upset to become one of us. I know it hurts right now because your unsure of where you fit it. I just want to help you know your not alone." he touches her shoulder with his hand but she grips her arm still not looking at him. "Please believe me..I won't hurt you or do something that might hurt you." he sees her not respond but moves her shoulder from his hand not looking at him with arms crossed over her chest.

    "Then your crazy. This lesson isn't a help even if I am a reporter...everything is just another bad dream for me. You don't understand. You wouldn't understand how painful this is for me becoming one of you. I guess I should be dust then right? I shouldn't have been changed but here I am. In this god forsaken room going through lessons when I am nothing but fucking trash. What else would you tell me that shouldn't happen?! I should have been killed? I should have been chained up? I should have became a human still but I ended up staying where I am!"


    "I'm not special..I'm nothing but a simple beast that is learning everything she can till it's all for nothing. Whatever your trying to tell me, what good is it when I'll end up dead!?"

    Suddenly, his hand grips her throat slamming her into the wall as Erica gasped seeing this. She tries to calm him down again but he glares to make her stop. He slowly looks back at Hana as she was wincing from the grip he had around her throat.

    "*Eyes were shut but grips his wrist* W..what? Are you f.finally going to e..end me? I know I'm a waste of space to why don't you do this and leave me to die then? Are you that serious in trying to help someone with a loss cause?" she whispered as he had her lifted off the ground but he didn't look at her still thinking.

    "..I don't understand why you wish for death like this. Don't you want to live happily? Don't you want others to know your alright? Have you given up on everything..." he asked as she slowly opens her eyes seeing them dimmed to a pale color.

    "Why do you care?...Your just teaching me.....I'm nothing but a lab dog to you all...right? A human becoming one of you...that's all my good reports and stories are for now anyway....." she whispered but he only looks silent to drop her to the ground as she coughs rubbing her throat but Ken looks to Erica as she was scared to move if he's angry right now.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:39 pm

    "no you arent. stop thinking these bad things about yourself. what do i have to do to prove im serious about helping you?" he akss and there was a rigning silence. she bites ehr lip and didnt say. erica stepped in.

    "she wants you to treat her as a person. as a woman. her mind buzzes with thoughts about what vampires do to mate and you are in those thoughts." a sharp galnce at erica made erica giggle "she wont ever say but shes completely infatuated with you and doesnt know if these feeling s are true or just the darkness trying to take over."

    hana felt exposed and vunerable now and erica smiles. "thats not all erica. and i would prefer if she open up herself not have her secrets told by someone else." he said and hana was not sure what he was thinking anymore. his dark thought in he rmind told her she must be truly terrified if she wont be herself only for those words to leave his real lips just after.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:01 pm

    "...Hana-" he sees her stand up but she glares at him then looks away with arms crossed over her chest. She hated feeling like this because it confused her at this moment. What was she even thinking or what did she even want? For now, she just wanted to get out of this stupid room and be alone for a while.

    "I want to go to my room...Now." she said glaring at him but Ken didn't say anything while standing there. He sees Erica nudge him over to see if he could make her feel happy or say something but he only sighed to think about it. Remembering the same woman years ago that was giving that same glare in her eyes.

    "......" No words left him that he only snaps his fingers seeing the room change back to what it was. Hana turns to leave the room as she opens the door and slams it shut behind her. Erica blinks confused but looks to Ken that sat down to look ahead.

    "Master, why did you.."

    "Erica, will you please give me a few moments to myself? I need to think.." he said as she didn't move from where she stood looking at him. However, she obeys and leaves the room so Ken sat in the room alone. He lets out a sigh covering his face but his eyes open showing them glowing.

    The same woman was standing in front of him in his memories but she was tilting her head showing a smile. Looking happy at him since she trusted him. Ken hated this memory because it's the same one that betrayed him to the other. Dying as she was trying to take his own life. Maybe he still wanted to help her know what power she could hold but he decided to let her do it herself.

    Hana was back in her room but she was dressed in relaxed clothing while she was sitting in the living room. The others decided to let her get some food to fill her stomach but she didn't say anything to anyone. They did see she was alright for now even Erica was quiet wondering if she was alright.

    "You seem angry at me for saying your secret. I was just trying to help you know." she grumbles.

    "I figure but you didn't have to. I didn't want you to help me like that. I don't know what is going on with me...but I didn't want you saying anything that's confusing in my head. Al this is just really annoying." she said but Erica sighed sitting down near her.

    "It could be because of her darker thoughts tend to get the best of others." Kyle said seeing Raina eating some food and Jason happily reading another news update on the news. His books were still selling but Hana sighed to just sit down and she just looks away to stand up sitting near the window. This area wasn't too bad but at least their isn't too many people out.

    "Are you sure you're going to be okay dear?" Raina asked touching her shoulder but Hana moves out from her touch looking through the mirror.

    "Yeah, I'll be fine...It don't matter anyway...can you just leave me alone?" she said but Raina blinks to sigh.

    "If you wish dear." she said leaving her alone with the others eating and watching Tv.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:12 pm

    it seemed this wasnt going well and things were breaking down again. she was recovering her strength quickly thanks to the blood she drank and her fatigue was nonexistent. he didnt know what to do and his urges to be with her wer enot helping as he meditated to focus and control those urges to helping her not trying to be one with her.

    he wished he had just done as she asked when she first turned and seen what happened.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:29 pm

    "................." he didn't understand this. He knew things were not going well and she just distanced herself once more from him. He knew the situation wouldn't end off wrong with them just jumping at one another. That's all wrong. He wanted this to be fixed but he wasn't sure how in the world it's possible. He just keeps medicating but hears the slight laughter of the female in his mind.

    He ignores it but feels ice cold hands touching his shoulders. "..I know your there. What do you want?" he didn't open his eyes but he turns his head seeing the figure gone. Ken remains quiet looking behind him that when he turns his head, he saw her. She was standing there in front of him, her hair floating around her body. Cold dead eyes gazing upon his own glowing living ones that she smiled sweetly to him.

    'What? I'm not doing anything, Ken. Just checking up on have you been?'

    "Fine. Now please leave. I don't need you trying to rack my mind again. Taunting me like you done in the past before you betrayed me." he said as she only tilts her head to the other side still showing her smile upon her face. She bends down near him but looks right at him.

    'Awww, you can't be that angry with me. True, I did it because I know you. Your powerful, Ken..I know that. You just had to show if it's true and I was right. Even when you killed me when trying to help me. You would have turned me but you didn't..' she said looking at him but touches his cheek.

    'But that other woman..Hana I take it? You changed her and look what happened. She's unsure of what she is...lost within the dark corners of her mind. You figure if you helped her she would get even closer to you?'

    Great, she was taunting him now and it was annoying Ken badly. He knew this woman died years ago but only because she betrayed him. Giving him up when he thought she really cared about him. They were allies, to friends, then to crushes. He thought she was the one..but she wasn't. He stood up looking away from her but feels her from behind with her arms wrapping around his waist.


    'You know I'm right love. You can't ignore that faith and it's possible she dose have a great power. Something she never expected her to have. You wonder what it could be? An element? A thought? Something that results in facing the pain she's bared over the years? You just don't know would you?' she moves closer to be in front of him but her cold hands touches his cheeks looking at him.

    'Besides, I trusted you and look what happened to me. I'll tell you this now, Ken. Her power is strong...deadly but what's stopping her from learning about it? She might discover it on her own or with your help. You'll just have to see for yourself and figure it out....she's a poor lost little bird afraid of this world.....*whispers to him* Even when the one man she finds unlike any other is differ....'

    "And you think your any better? I know she got turned but..I didn't expect the outcome to be this bad. I didn't want her to think I would.."

    'Use her? Oh believe me, you didn't..but she thinks you have. You all have. Even now, she's thinking she's alone when she didn't see the real truth of her future. You'll end up having another me in the future if you can't figure this out. Or at least her heart. Just take the time to think Ken...I'm sure if not, she'll get the death she wished for....even by your hands or her own..' the woman smiled chuckling till she begins disappearing into smoke. Ken was alone but he closed his hand into a fist remembering but he shook it off to head back to the main floor as he sees everything was done. Dinner must have been finished but he noticed the bowls then looks to Raina.

    She was reading a book but he walks over to look at her. "Is something wrong, Master Ken?"

    "Where is Hana?"

    "She's back in her room sleeping right now. The poor thing didn't say much but at least she ate. I'm sure she'll be better tomorrow morning after waking up to a better day." she smiled sweetly to him but Ken looks down to sigh. He looks at the time seeing it's late then turns to head to his room to retire this night. He needs to think of something to fix this or get things alright with Hana again. He wants to help her get used to her new life. So things don't take a dark turn again. Just like in the past. Getting to the stairs walking up, he walks to his room but at least her physical training went well. He just had to work on other things later on.

    He got to his room to head inside and close the room. For now, Ken needed sleep.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:36 pm

    Ken didnt know what to say or what to do. he didnt want to force hana. he wanted her to be happy. he wished he was better and he started to run himslef ino the ground mentally. he thought he was stupid and didnt get her. he thought maybe everyting he did was wrong and he was the one that needed to die.

    everyone felt the weight he carried and the darkness brewign insid eof him. he was depressed and hana who had a copy of him inside her could hear what he was saying to himself as if the shadow was talking to itself. she hears the struggle he goes through. she hears the pain and loss he blames himself for and she hears her suffering and how he blames himself for it.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:50 pm

    The words were painful to hear but his shadow didn't do much when hearing him talk. It was rather..shocking to see the strong Ken really feeling down like this. It wasn't like him at all but she only shrugs knowing the darkness tends to make someone feel like that. Maybe he'll snap out of it later on. For now, it was time to sleep this night off for everyone.

    In the morning, everyone was up but Hana was downstairs already getting some food thanks to Erica making a plate for her. She figures maybe Hana had to get some time off from being in her room that she was chewing on some toast. She also wanted to help Hana get out more so she was taking her outside to the front since they didn't want her to go anywhere too far yet.

    When they leave for the outside, Ken came down not saying anything but his upset state made the whole room cold. Raina, Jason, and Kyle felt this looking at him but he passes them all to get some coffee to drink and help calm his nerves. He wanted to fix this but didn't know how that he felt the others looking at him.

    "Is something wrong my lord? You seem down today.." Raina asked.

    "She's got a point. Your always in a shitty mood when something goes wrong." Jason joked but got hit by Kyle that made him rub his arm grumbling. Ken just shook his head looking away from them to drink his coffee. The three didn't say anything but Rainia sighed seeing him.

    "Is this about Hana? If you are worried, she's out front with Erica. She figures of letting her get some fresh air..since she's been locked up in his place since we got her here. Maybe this is a good time for you both to talk. Learn about one another." she suggested.

    "And you think that will work? If I remember, she don't wish to talk to me after what happened. What makes you think a simple talk will work?"

    "Talking always helps. Maybe for you and her to get close. We know you trained many in the past but most are fine but You don't want to mess another one up do you sir?" Raina said that he looks down thinking. He didn't want to ruin this one but he lets out a sigh, figuring it's worth a shot.

    They see him just drinking more of his coffee trying to think of what to say. Small talk wasn't his strongest point but he figures it's a shot trying. He heads over to the door but he sees Hana sitting on the front stairs of their hide out looking to the street. Erica was sitting there playing her game but he noticed something.

    A few floating rocks was seen around Hana as she was seeing them move around like a orbit. He was shocked seeing this but wonders if this was a power she had or didn't know. Erica was still playing the game but was floating around thanks to Hana. She was shocked seeing this since they talked a while ago but she was trying to figure this out. So she did have a power? Who knew.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:53 pm

    "that was a pretty good one. telekinesis is a rare paower to have. only the most powerful have it." he saod to hana and she flsuhed not expecting praise.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:09 pm

    She had the rocks set down in a neat pile and sets Erica down carefully on the steps as she didn't mind. Her mind was focused on the video game she was playing in her hands. Ken looks to see Hana not look at him but she rests her hands on his lap. "Is their something you want? If you need Erica, go ahead. I won't be in your way." she grumbles looking ahead.

    "That's not the reason why I'm here. I umm...wanted to talk. Just a little if that's alright?" he asked with Hana not looking at him still. Why did he now want to talk? Was he going to do something or have her be punished for being mad at him?

    "Erica, could you leave us please?" he said seeing her look up after pausing her game hearing his words.

    "Alright..." she stood up to head back inside the hideout house as it was just Ken and Hana now. He walks over to sit on the stair but looks ahead holding his coffee still. She didn't look at him but looks at the rocks as they were now moving in a circle while floating. She just used her thoughts looking at them and now their moving.

    It was really rare for someone like her to bare this power. The Telekinesis was something not many of his kind get due to it's destructive nature. He knew other hidden abilities within it but he was sure she might know these already too. She and him remain on the stair not saying a word before Ken sees her having the rocks floating around the tree on the left.



    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:11 pm

    "hana could you tell me why you hate me so much? am i really that bad?" he siad and couldnt look at her feeling ashamed of imself and she knew he was deeply hurting.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:26 pm

    "............" she didn't know what to say or how to respond to him hearing this. Did she really think of him being bad? Hana was really confused but she just looks down knowing he was waiting for an answer.

    "*looks at his cup* It's fine if you don't wish to tell me but I still deserve to know. I only wish to help you, Hana. I know because of that night you got into something that changed you into my kind. I only want to do everything in my power to help you without hating me. I don't want you to hate me for something I didn't know I've done wrong. *looks down*" he wanted to hear that at least that she slowly closed her eyes thinking a little bit.

    I don't hate you. I'm just confused. My mind and thoughts are not focused on the other things like trying to live as I am now. I don't want to be a problem for anyone and yet you just won't give up on me. I'm just another follower to you but your working that hard to just help me." she said not looking at him still. "So no, I don't hate you nor think of you as bad. I'm just...really really unsure about what's happening. It's like my own thoughts won't leave me in peace to figure this out but instead leads to fighting, yelling, shouting, cursing, or hurting myself." she hugs her legs close but Ken hears her out. At least she didn't think of him as bad.

    "Well, at least I know that you don't hate me or think of me as bad. I'm really happy to hear that." he said to drink more of his coffee but she didn't still look at him hugging her legs close against her chest.

    "Thanks for telling me Hana.."

    "Was their something else you wish to know?" she mutters this but he was thinking about something to look down at the ground near the stairs.

    "Do you really hate the fact that you are my kind? The same one that has my blood flowing through you? It's a lot to take in I know but you shouldn't be scared about it." he said but she didn't look at him still with her legs squeezed against her body.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:31 pm

    "hana... if i said you werent just a follower.. if even before i turnd you i waned to help you and mybe felt something... would that be wronmg for you?" he said and didnt ignore her movements. he didnt want to take things too far and chase her off but he did have to know if his feelings for her were going to be a problem.

    he was going toheelp her either way and it was plain to him that nothing would get in his way short of his life coming to an end.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:46 pm

    "To be honest..I would be happy. Because I know at least my feelings are real for someone else. At least I know they like me for me and not because someone else was trying to hurt you.." she hugs her legs but sighs seconds later to hide her face in her knees.

    "*Sighs* Would it matter? Even if that's possible, my head is just not right. I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't know if these feelings are because of my lust. Years back, i never had this feeling because many don't see that in someone like me. I only wrote stories and nothing more. Nothing else cared if I was a dog." she mutters but Ken looks to her not sure on how to respond towards that. Was she hating herself because she didn't know what to do?

    "But that's not it?"

    "I don't know. Before I became someone like you, I was used to not getting help or others helping me. It was fine because you know deep down no one would hurt you. No one would shatter your dreams saying how your stories have lost their way to the people. How you don't deserve anything but your own self happiness. *eyes were closed* Sometimes, I wonder what I even think about for myself. Even if for someone like me...wishing for someone to just like me for me." she grumbles. "Maybe even love me too but what's the use? I don't know if I will get that feeling returned."


    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:56 am

    he sat close to her and took her hand. he didnt know what his face looked like but he felt her pain. she felt his gentle touch and his desire to keep her safe even from herself and she felt tears falling down her face but she didnt move away. "then i have to say ive been the one protecting you from the shadows. i didnt know why until i nearly lost you... i turned you becuase i didnt want to lose you... im... sorry i never said... and im sorry i made you like this and youre afraid all the time." he said softly kissing her hand

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:08 pm

    "........." she didn't say anything but Hana's head turns away from him as she was controlling her tears to stop falling but they just kept falling down to hit her lap. Why was he being like this now? Why was he now saying sorry to her when they never met back then? Did this really mean he kept her safe without her knowing?

    "I know you don't fully trust me yet..and I know you still will hate me for the rest of your life. I figure if I did this, you would be safe. From everything that tries to harm you....I know my words don't get through to you Hana but I still am sorry for hurting you like this."

    "...Please stop talking..I get it..."

    "But I'm just saying.."

    "Why are you trying this hard just to help me? Don't you see their is no good for me anywhere I go? I know you turned me. I know that but...what good will I be? I'm just a waste of space here. Someone that's too afraid to even do something in order to help. What good will I be for you?"


    "*Hics to rub her tears away but more kept coming* Why didn't you leave me to die that night? You could have been free from trying to help me. A worthless human that had to be changed to keep her alive....I don't know much about anything in my new life. I know a little things but..what good is that? What good will I be for you!? Why are you dense to see I'll just hold you back!"she shouts this out sobbing now but rubs her eyes with her free hand.

    He was really going all out on this but Ken saw her hic and sob from the words that he carefully pulls her close to hug her. He didn't mean to make her cry but at least he got his words out.

    "W...why didn't you..*sniffs* Give up on me? Just why?"

    " more. I get it...I guess I"m just's fine now.."

    "*Still crying with eyes shut*"Ken knew she was hurt pretty bad but he will do what he can to help her. However, he glares at the sky seeing the same woman floating there. She looks down at him to hear her whisper something that only he can hear,

    'You will fail her..just like the others and me. I wonder how long you will be able to protect that precious little startlight........'

    "..........." 'I"ll protect her. I'll do everything in my power to help protect her from danger. She will be..' he thought but keeps hugging her that he pulls back seeing Hana looking down still crying. She never had anyone be this nice to her except for Jason but that was in the past. So why would Ken be nice to her now?

    He sees her tears still running down her face and reaches to wipe them away with his thumbs. Hana must have been in a lot of pain but how much? He didn't want to invade anything but maybe talking was best right now. He didn't want to bring any more bad memories to her. Even if she's just like him.



    "Do you want to go on a drive with me? Maybe it can help clear your mind for a while. I know it's not much but it's better than you sitting out here. Maybe that will help.." he said as she pulls back to look at him.

    "A...a drive? Drive to where?"

    "A place where we can just be there and talk. Or stay in silence; I don't mind either.....would that be alright?" he said as she sniffs wiping her tears away again to look down and then nod. Seeing that, Ken stood up and helps her stand too while he heads to his car with her. The others saw him taking Hana from the front steps somewhere but Erica got a text saying, "Going for a drive to help Hana. She wants to clear her head for a while..Be back late."

    "......." she smiled hoping the drive will help calm her but mostly it do. She saw Ken help Hana in a car as he gets in too. It starts up with his keys before he drives away with Hana into the city. At least getting away from one place is helpful. She just hopes it will help Hana.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:20 pm

    he hoped that getting her out of this would help her and he decided that he might find a way for her to continue her career. for now she was missing and presumed dead to everyoen but if she keeps herself secret and keeps reporting maybe she could find some balance with her two lives.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 5 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:11 pm

    She watches the other cars drive by them as Ken drove down the road. He wasn't sure what to say at the moment but he was hoping she will be alright. He keeps looking ahead not sure on what to say to her but he didn't want to do something that might upset her. They remain silent during the whole thing that she keeps her arms crossed.

    In a while, he drove right into the city since she didn't see it but she's used to it. The city was the city; nothing else. However, he didn't know if she saw the side of the city where most were like him. He stops at a red light then turns right heading down the road that she keeps looking at the window as he drives. She didn't know this location but looks confused then to him.

    "Before you ask, no it's nothing bad. Just taking you to another location in the city. Were going to a diner in town. They serve the best icecream cakes and food in the world. I figure you would." he said but she keeps her eyes on him seeing him glowing but then calms down to look at the window more.

    He figures she calmed down to trust him while he keeps driving. She only remained quiet but her arms remained crossed over her chest till he keeps on driving to feel the car stop. She and him arrive at a small med sized diner with some cars already there. He turns off the car and gets out that he goes ahead to open the door for her too but she already did it.

    Hana steps out looking around then looks to the diner. " a diner?" she asked seeing him nod, heading over to the building.

    "Yeah. I think this will be a good spot so you can relax and fill your stomach. Maybe even talk if you like?" he asked looking behind him but she really got confused to sigh, following him since she was nervous being in a new location. He gets to the door and opens it as he sees Hana get there. She looks in seeing that everything was alright but it had a few people but she caught a few scents.

    They were vampires but different types. This made her tense up as he walks in as she did closing the door. He walks in passing a few tables when the head cook looks up seeing him. He held up a fork showing a smile.

    "Well, well, well. Hey Ken! Visiting up again?" he chuckled to walk out holding his arms out. Ken shook his head to walk over giving him a hug but felt the pat of the cook on the back. They were best friends for a while and Ken helped him with the diner.

    "I'm fine, Ben. I'm just here to get some fresh air and food. Think you can help us out?" he asked.

    "Of course and friend!?" he asked seeing Hana behind him but said nothing looking down.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~

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