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Begin! the immortal journey where the only limit to life is imagination.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown

    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:18 pm

    he made sure ot order what she anted and sat quietly thinking.

    ooc: i think i messed up. who is the lead vampire?

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:24 pm

    ooc:Ken is. He's the one that got many like him to follow and see him as a leader. Unless your talking about the evil one that's against it?

    bic: He and her sat apart from one another but she was looking down at the table while Ken remains silent lost in his thoughts.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:30 pm

    ooc: no i wasnt you got my meaning. thanks that means i didnt mess up.

    bic: ken was certain she was doing alright and he let her be quiet and take her time as they wait for their order. he did talk about his past and when he got to where she came into his life she couldnt believe he was with her that long. he noticed her as a reporter and knew she was in toruble and even left cluses she neeeded to show her stories facts and be truthful.

    he said he liked her mission her goals to report the truth and liked how she was doing her best in an evil world to be true to her own beliefs of right and wrong without breaking them. she didnt expect his praise and flushed. he was tellign the truth and the private cluse she never tolda nyone but ehr editor were the signs he was honest with her. he gave her details not int he papers and she noticed he never let her get hurt if he could help it.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:23 pm

    ooc:But you never did. You were just fine.

    bic:"Seems you've done a lot more than I figure." she mutters looking at the table as Ken looks towards her seeing she didn't look at him just yet.

    "From someone like me being able to help you to my best ability, I just want to see you happy. I know things are different right now but think of it this way: You can grow and live your life." he said this but she slowly looks up to him not saying about it. How could she even do that? She couldn't back to her old work place but looks down again.

    "I don't think I can ever go back, Ken. My human life is done with Ken. I can't go back to how I used to live." she said looking at the table that made Ken look silent thinking about that. He knew the ones that was after her will try finding her again. He didn't want them to hurt her.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:37 pm

    "then what do you wish to do?" he asks and she sees he was only caring about her with this question and she looks down to consider it.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:41 pm

    "Honestly, I don't know. I don't know where I belong anymore. I lost my human maybe a fresh start would be better for me. Or at least figuring something out. I want to at least do something to make myself feel more happier. I don't like the feeling of me not being able to live my life how I wish. I just want to start anew. Like the boring me is never there." he looked worried wondering if she was asking to be reborn again. He knew she was given another shot after changing her but he only sees her looking quiet.

    "You mean start anew from what you could learn....or something else.." he whispered seeing her not respond for a while but she only looks down at the table once more. She only lets out a sigh but sees their food coming now. It smelled pretty good that she gives her thanks and Ken did too.

    "So you wish to start over? Like a new career? A new life?" he asked.

    "Yes. I know I'll just be the useless person as I was when human. Maybe I can do something better for myself..and maybe others too..." she said.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:47 pm

    "then you have to try living a bit. go outside of whre you are comfortable and just go wild. find what you like and do it." he said and sh eblushed. he was telling ehr to forget ehr self control and do as she wished and her eyes glow a bit as she looked at him.

    "i do have to maintian my vampiric dignity. i have ot be mysterious you know." she said and he smiled

    "of course. so do as you wish have fun and live. i can help if you want just ask for anything." he said to her and she smiels at him.;

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:51 pm

    "I could but I wouldn't know what to ask." she said thinking a little as Ken looks to her with a tilt of his head. He knew their was many things to ask of but it takes time to see just what she was thinking about. Maybe she can change her life into something different.

    Even if her stories were not as good, maybe others will enjoy side notes or posts maybe? She just looks to her food then begins to eat. All this talking was making her a little hungry too.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:04 pm

    'amybe you should ask for what is on your mind. dark or not they are what you want and denying them might just be against your nature." he said and she looked down. she knew she had her own dark thoughts and many of them were to indulge in her urges with him.

    "thats not fair tho." she said trying to protest and he laughed.

    "you are a vampire. fair is subkjective to what you want and need you can do what you wish with only a feww ules to follow for the sake of secrecy. among us you can ask mos tthings and we will give you what you wish." he said and she sighs not knowing what to ask or if it was okay to ask for what she was thinking about.

    he didnt seem to be getting anywhere but he wasnt giving up. he wanted to help her in any way and she needed to experiment with things to figure out what she liked.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:34 pm


    "No?" he asked confused with one of his eye brows raised up seeing her looking down at her food to eat some of it. Still piping hot and she was just eating a little thinking about her words to answer what he means.

    With how her new life is going, she wasn't sure how to start to like anything. Even with the small thoughts of what she used to like as a human. Would it be different as a vampire? He was really confused now but she was looking down and not at him.

    "As I said, I just....I don't know. I figure it just leaves me really unsure about what I need. What I want. What could my thoughts be telling me that's not....confusing." she said looking upset again.


    "As I stated before..I don't know what I want. I'm really lost to what I need to do or feel in my own personal needs. Are vampires usually this confused?" she asked but she sighed to eat more of her food. "Maybe I shouldn't have became one if I don't even know what I want."

    "We really need to work on that with you. No need to sound so down you know."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:47 am

    "many of them are. and many times they cling totheir masters for guidance unitlo they get use dto things. it could take months years and some will take centuries." he siad and she looked at him.

    "but not you." she siad and he nodded.

    "not me. within an hour i was captivated by my powers and thirst and i was a wild foolish thing satisfying my every desire as soon as i had it. in those days people died all the time. nowadays its like if someone dies the whole city is searching fo the killer. wha ti head to learn was self control and that toook me centuries and a rude awakening" he said and she nodded having heard the story before but it did help he rto know that it would take time and she didnt mind that because even if she didnt go out an a bout she had as much time to contemplate these thoughts

    her impulses were stil fighting but she was able to recognize them now and supress them without needed help.

    "is it normal to have my thoughts always telling me to do things?" she asks him and he laughs.

    "why yes it is. your mind wont stop until you learn to master it and silence it. that by itself is something most cant ever do and those that can usually take centuries. but a the rate you supress your urges you could to it in decades." he said and she realized his scale of time was drastically different than hers and she felt like a newborn compared to him

    well as she thought about it she was a newborn. maybe severlal weeks old. but she didnt like ot think about how much older everyone else was to her in their group and how she would outlive everyone around her except her group.

    "i think maybe i can bear this... but maybe if i had you all it wouldnt be so hard." she said bravely in the face of her fears and he smiles.

    "good. that is the first step. give yourself time and stay hidden. thats all you need to do. dont need to draw attenton to yourself and you dont need to go out alone. wha tyou may need is to be alone when you feel things are too tough. thats why we let you have your alone time." he said and she slowly sees a bit of a pattern. every time she was needing to be alone she would only be visited to feed her but if she wanted to be around others more than one was there for her. and having women around really helped her feel like she belongs.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sun Jun 27, 2021 5:39 pm

    "See? At least I know you can do it, Hana. Just trust your own instincts and it will flow to you like butter. Besides, I know it's going to be a while before your used to everything but that's why we are here to help you. We are a group and we do have our own lives or live together. I guess you can say we are all roommates." he said but she blinks wondering about this. Even if that's the case, it still was something else even for her.

    "..........I guess if you say it that way but..I don't know what fits me anymore.." she said but Ken blinks hearing this once more to wonder himself.

    "Why don't you be a reporter but for the vampires in the city? Your words will still be reached even if humans won't understand or I think they never did. You seem to know the real truth but Jason did tend to write stories that never made sense."

    "I guess..but I will give it a shot in some way..why not?" she said but he smiled finding it precious but he was happy she will try. He reaches with one hand and pets the top of her head making her shut both eyes.

    "That a girl.."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:39 pm

    he was definitly happier to see her considering something of a life now and he decided not to push anything. they ate slowly and she took stock of him while they did. he was lean and muscular but that air of danger still exuded form every pore he had. as she looked at him she found that her gaze could go deeper seeing the smallest details without effort. she took in these details and came to know that he seldom smiled alone. he was smiling now and it was happy and sad. he was thinking about somethign she guessed and her eyes raked his form. he wasnt normal and seeing his aura was something she didnt expect.

    he looked like a warrior, a wise man, and a common sort all at the same time. he seemed on edge and she noticed it was becuase he had his guard up. he was ready for attack at anymoment and as she glanced around she saw his aura was encircling her as if to sense and prevent any attack aimed at her. she saidn nothing noticingthese things because she didnt want to make him feel like it was unappreciated. she did however notice that he was dedicated to her saftey in more ways than one.


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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:52 pm

    Hana was still sorta shocked from him doing this but the sad expression he felt did worry her. Was it something she said or did? Was he expecting something else from her even though she said she was trying to grow on her own? In some way, he only remains silent looking down from his food to the table since he was thinking about it even more. Maybe he can do his best to keep her safe no matter what. She means a lot to him and hopes one day they can learn more about one another.

    He saw her looking at him to relax himself, his serious expression changed to look at her worried. "Hana? Is something wrong?"

    "N..No. I'm just....are you okay?" she sees him look confused but his smile didn't waver. He was still showing the smile he gave, not the hidden sadness of a smile within himself. What was she asking? Was he being read from her own point of view?

    "What do you mean? Nothing is wrong my dear. I'm just happy to know you have your mind set on your new life right now. It's good to know that because you won't have trouble...or worry about anything hurting you."

    "That's not what I mean. I seem...upset about something. Did this mean you guys are just going to let me go out in the real world again after you helped me? I mean..I don't want to......leave or anything." she mutters under her breath but he hears it looking at her. Of course he didn't want to force her to stay but he was thinking she wanted to live out there in the city and not in the small house they were in.

    "It's fine Hana. I mean, we are not kicking you out if that's what your worried about. I'm just trying to be sure you are happy and it seems you are."

    "..But are you happy?"


    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:35 pm

    "i want something. and if i were to take it by force i could lose it forever. if i wait i could lose it to someone else. personal feelings are involved as well as a relationship with someine i care about very much." he said trying to be cryptic and reveal very little without actually lying to her. he was honest and he wa talking about his desire to mate her or breed her or even marry her. or maybe some misture of the 3. she not trusting her thoughts overlooked this and thought in less romantic terms for the forst moment and then she decided to ask questions to learn more.

    "is this a person property or object?" she asks and he smiles it was a shewed question and he decided ot be honest.

    "person." he said simply and that opened her mind to a whole slough of rushing thoughts about romance as a vampire once more. her thoughts for him even stood out plain in her mind. and she was thankful he couldnt read her thoughts.

    "is this person close to you?" she asks and he answered literally and shortly but soft and sweet.

    "yes. very close at the moment." she thought that was a hint and started thinking a bit too much she didnt take him literally knowing he was avampire but he was speaking directly about her sitting close to him.

    "what would you do for them?" she asks a bit hesitantly as soem ideas form in her mind.

    "i would try to make this person happy. in every way. safe from troubles. the uncommon or outside troubles. i would give them anythign they ask for." now that got her attention and she wished dearly that he would feel this way about her.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:47 pm

    "Even when you can do your best to see them happy and wish for a future with you?" she asked looking silent but make her see him thinking about it. He was wondering about how she or this special someone feels.

    "Yeah, you can say that. I just want her to be happy with nothing but smiles seen on her face." he rests his hand on his own but thinks about wondering about it. He was hoping to see her being more happier that his eyes were hidden from view.

    "I..I see.." she mutters thinking about it but she was hoping he was going to be alright.

    "I just want her happy with nothing worrying her but I don't want to do something that will upset her any way. She means a lot to me even if we just met for a little while. she is very precious but...I don't want to lose her..I can't." he said thinking about it.

    "...............*looks down* She must be really special to you if you think that way of her." she said poking the food while seeing him remaining quiet after some time. He wonders if he will be alright after a while but he was still lost in thought.

    "*Sighs* She is.."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:53 pm

    "very special" he finished and his eyes never left her face. hti plate was empty now and she seemed ot have missed the things he wished but a part of him hoped she would see her in that picture. waht he didnt know was she wished it was her in that picture so maybe that was best for now. either way their meal was done and they were enjoying this conversation they were having.

    she begins to think she wished for him to be happy as well and maybe she thought she could figure out who it was and help him claim this person.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:11 pm

    "Well, have you talked to this other person? Dose she know how you feel?" she asked softly to Ken as he was thinking about the question. He didn't know if he should but it leaves him silent wondering about it. He didn't want to ruin this but sees her looking quiet. This made Hana look worried to him.

    "I can try but I just wish I say the right thing and not freak her out. She's really special to me. I would do anything to see her happy." he mutters but Hana lets out a sigh, reaching to touch his hand.

    "I think you should just tell this special someone how you feel. I'm sure she will be happy to know about this. You shouldn't be afraid to express your feelings. I'm sure she will like what you have to say or be flushed." she said as Ken looks up to her as their eyes meet. Her eyes looks into his own and his look at hers. They didn't say much but looks down at the table.

    "You really think that would work with her? Just telling her how I feel or something close?"

    "It's that or maybe showing her how you feel. You could try impressing her?" she asked gently while two male vampires were looking at her, thinking Hana was pretty cute but Ken was thinking about her words wondering about that. Impressing her could be one way to show his feelings but he didn't want to shock her either way.

    "That could work..."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:14 pm

    he bites his tongue and decided not to tell her unless there was no one around. he wa going to take her advice. as for impressing her he wasnt sure what she liked to see.

    "what would impress you? im curious. i havent asked abotu your interests yet." he said probing for ideas and she didnt supsect a thing. he had never asked unless she was unwilling to answer adn now she seemed willing to answer.

    the other vampires eye her and keep walking not changing their conversation as they pass. he relaxed a little as they leave and he reocused on her as she answers him.


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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:21 pm

    "My likes or interests? I don't have many. I do love reading, sweets, I like...*blushes a little* Being cuddled and treated like I'm someone special kitten. I never had feels when another would spoil and love me for being theirs. Though, I don't think it's possible. I do love soft music, enjoying a light drive with soft music." she said thinking about it while Ken looks to her hearing this. AT least she was more open with him while stating what she enjoys and like. He sees the other vampires relaxing in the diner but also just mind their own business either way.

    "Was their anything else?"

    "I guess the most thing that would impress me is saying what they like about me. I know I'm not exciting or fun. I know I'm more of a boring little woman thinking she can be better but I know I'm not. All I want is for someone to make me happy. To care and love me, protecting me as I can do the same for them too..that's all I really want." she closes her eyes to touch her chest.

    "But..It's impossible. I mean, who would love someone as boring as me? Even the others back home are more interesting than I am." she looks at the window seeing the lights turning up while he was worried hearing her speak negative about herself again. Ken didn't like to hear her speak to ill of herself because she wasn't at all any of these things.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:30 pm

    "well i think you are lovely. youre sweeter than any candy and you taste better too" he said with confidence. "i think you are the most precious thing and im not kidding about that." he said and she hears every word even though his voice was soft and carried only to her ears.

    "i like driving and i like all kinds of music. soft makes me think of peaceful times and happy times. and ever since you joined us ive felt like my life has meaning. protecting you. keeping you safe as i did before you joined us only makes it easier to protect you now." he said and finally some of the hints fell into place and she looked at him with a red face and suddenly realized just who he was talking about when he was describing this person.

    he was talking about her. she couldnt believe it at first excpet he wasnt lying. he hadnt lied at all nt once. he wa holding back sure but that was because he was being polite in public.

    "maybe we should pay for our meal and get back to the car?" she suggested and he smiles.

    " i think youre right. meet me at the car. ill be along after i pay the check." he said and they both get up and she leaves. he went tothe counter and waited in line to pay while they two vampires follow her out unnoticed by either of them as they were distracted by the spark they felt between eachother.

    she was walking to the car when the two got in her way. one behind one infront. "hi there beautiful. whats a sexy little thing like you doing out so late?" the one behind her asks.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:50 pm

    "M..Minding her own business I guess. Can i help you gentlemen?" she said not wanting to be near these guys because something about them was off. Hana was just wanting to get away from them but they keep close looking down at her while the one in front smirked finding Hana adorable. Even if she was a vampire like them, she was still scared like a human.

    "Awwww, we won't do much doll. Just checking up to see how you were doing. You know, we could show you a real good time if you get my dirft. Pretty little things like you deserve that.." he teases as she was blushing nervous to look at the first one. They look at her seeing how cute she was getting closer as Hana moves back glaring at them.

    "Well, we said before, we just wanna get used to knowing you..that's fine right?" he said but Hana gulps.

    "No thank you. Now, please if you'll excuse me.." she moves to get away before one grabs her by the wrist to hold her. She struggles in the hold but the first one smirked touching her cheek. His hand was strong that it wraps around her neck feeling the old scar marks of the ones that bit her before becoming this.

    "Such soft looks so pretty.." he hissed seeing her shaking but getting angry trying to get away.

    "Let go of me you jerk!" she shouts but her mouth got covered by the other while they were holding and touching her. She struggles glaring at them but her eyes were glowing from feeling mad but the power of what she got was also growing or developing. Something was happening that the items around her were shaking or showing some energy flowing.

    "Oh stop squirming. We won't hurt you too much..just want a little fun." the first one laughed holding her waist feeling it's plumpness but the second one smelled her hair while Hana struggles feeling the angry burning through her.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:58 pm

    their fangs lengthen and they both hiss ready to bite her he one lost his hand and the other his fingers. she jumped seeing a shadow blur get between her and the other two.

    "no means no gentleman. why dont you listen to her advise before i make her even more expensive." ken said and she was stunned that he was so fast even she couldnt see him. the other two start regrowing their missing appendages and hiss sulking away to lick their wounds. he turne dto her then

    "were those guys causing you trouble miss?" he asks coyly as she massages her wrist. soemhow he broke their grips wothout hurting her and cut through thier bones.

    "not anymore. th-thank you." she said and he opened her door for her befor eshe got in the car.

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    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:16 pm

    "D..does that usually happen around here in this side of town? I never expected that to happen to me and I'm not used to that." she keeps looking to her wrist feeling the grip numbing away but at least they didn't bite her. Ken sighed about to start the car but begins driving off away from the diner.

    "In a way yes. Sometimes the vampires here don't take no for an answer, leading to that. No worries though, they won't be a bother to you anymore Hana." he said while driving but she looks down from his face knowing he was angry they touched her. At least he really cared about her to make a small smile show upon her face.

    "Thank you.."

    The drive was quiet for them both after that but at least Ken was able to keep her safe for the time being. He never understood why jerks like that try hitting on females and males. Most were trying to enjoy their evening without that sort of stuff happening. Seems he might have to go on patrol later on but for now, he wanted to enjoy this moment with Hana.

    Cars were passing by them while he drives down the road. Other vampires were lingering about their evening as the two of them went on for the drive. It's pretty peaceful and she liked it so far. This really was a special drive thanks to Ken.

    "Hey Ken?"


    "Thank you a..again for helping me. I guess I really owe you for it. So..maybe if we even had time later down the road, you can teach me ways to fight. I want to be able to defend myself just in case your not here. Same with using magic too.." she wanted to be better while Ken thinks about it still driving.

    "I don't mind showing and teaching you what you wanna learn and known. Besides, this lets me see if you know anything else powerful that can really help you down the road. Think of it as extra training from the previous one." he stops at the red light waiting as she looks at him confused.

    "Huh, you think so?"

    "Yes. Don't forget, I did train many of the vampires in this city when turning them. So, I'm sure I can help you become stronger and powerful. Could take a while," the light turns green to signal him to go. "That way you can grow into something really special.."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
    Join date : 2017-06-23

    The Unkio moon of downtown  - Page 6 Empty Re: The Unkio moon of downtown

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jun 30, 2021 11:43 am

    "thats right. you said you would trian me didntl you." she said thinking out loud and he smiles.

    "yes i did. and if there is something specific you want let me know and ill do my best to get ti for you." he said and she flushed hearing that.

    he took the long way home playing soft lovey dovey music for her to enjoy and she relaxed and honestly felt a bit more secure and safer after the little incident. she was quiet thinking about possibilities. and she found that he was taking the long way back. he wasnt going out of the way too much but he was definitly extending how long they rode liike this. probably to help her calm down.

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