Immortal Anime World

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Begin! the immortal journey where the only limit to life is imagination.

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    new soul society for new students.

    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Dec 01, 2021 3:22 pm

    when the searchers walk off she panted hard in relief and rests against him. he held her back now laying with her and she looked at him seriously. "i dont care what you have to do.. as long as you dont get hurt... but please find a way to end this mission soon... i cant stand not being near you." she said to him knowing that the mission was mainly conducted on his side of the portal.

    he raised a hand to her face and held her cheek. she leans into his hand and he nodded. " ill do my best. that was a close one i wonder what would happen if we got caught." she punched his shoulder then trying not to laugh.

    "stop it. saying things like that will make it happen. it would be embarrassing first and second we might get in trouble." she said and he smiles

    "as you wish love. i did find something out though. it seems this attack is being conducted by a higher rank looking to satisfy a craving. if i can find that hollow i can kill it and all the others its eaten will either be mindless or destroyed with him." he said and she thought about it. it sounded reasonable and she looked at him seriously.

    "i dont want you going out alone. take backup. and please whatever you do dont forget me." she said to him and he huggs her. they separated once more after they were dressed and each went to their respective camps. the squad members he came with rushed around him saying he was missing and thought he wandered off like he does on the other side. he eased their worries saying he was just out walking.

    when she returned the healers noted she had a bit of a limp and was heated and flushed. she tried to wave them off saying she was fine but they insisted that she get looked at. she glowered at him across the camp and blamed him for going so hard. it was a simple checkup and inspection. testing joints for responses and then she was let go with no comment other than "my mistake"

    glad to return to her bed she rested and thinks of her love and wishing this was all over and she could go home and really show him how she wanted to claim him.

    he talked with his squad and phished for information about this hollow. the others got his meaning right away and told him everything they knew which was no more than he told her. but now there were more looking and he was invited to join them in their wing instead of fighting alone like he does he agreed and they went ino the portal since their break was over.

    the next day she was going to fight ahrder than ever. and so was he.

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:40 pm

    The groups were standing in waiting, looking around to be sure the first row up in front was ready to fight off the hollows and the main one that was in control. Hayate was still in front looking for any more that would show up holding his blade in his hands. He stayed focused on the mission once more, wanting to finish this as soon as possible. The same for Oksaki still waiting for any that might have slipped past her. She knew this was going to be a long one but to her it was simple. The sooner they finish this, the sooner this mission will end.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:44 pm

    as hayate returne to his attack group his thoughts linger on osaki. she was Truely amazing and he wanted to finsih this to return to the times like before. the mission was progressive as the waves were thinner and the hollows were strogner. in a few days there were whispers of a hollow leading this attack and the advance squad was hunting it.

    she wasnt expectign to hear news of him after so long but she listened anyways. she had been healing more than fighting and recently she ha been asked to stay anguard the base camp and help heal the injured it was a good place since there was less fighting for her and she could help others and get news of hayate if any came in.

    hayates expoits were not known and this informtion was about the attack group hunting a few specific hollows that killed a few team members. they hadnt retuned and "the rookie" was with them. she ahd learned hayate was the one they called the rookie and she gulps down more food listening.

    "... and they say that the rookie was definitly getting impatient and breaking lines. on top of that the ones that got away in the confusion wounded their leader. the rookie volunteered right away to amke it right and the group agreed and set 3 others to go with him."

    "so hes still missing?"

    "yeah but thats not the worst of it the sounds of the forest is nothign but hollow howls and devouring noises. you could go mad there. the hollows swarm in numbers that make it pointless to do anything at all." and osaki left the mess area and went to the medical tents. they were empty thanks to her efforts and the nurses and healers were washing the bedding. osaki didnt want to hink of hayate being hurt when suddenly she was grapped form behind and pulled into a bush.

    the hand covered her mouth and held ehr waist yanking her off balance and she turned to strike only to see hayate grinning at her. all anger and frustration and fear gone she kisses him happily. he must had sneaked away to see her.

    "hayate mmm what are you doing?" she aska and he smiles.

    " i managed to sneak away. i need to get back soon but i bought an hour or so." he said and she hissed as he nips her neck.

    everythign snapped to normal and she woke up out of ehr daydream. she was washing a matresse and was daydreaming. she shook her thoughts clear and focused on her work wanting him to come back and this all to be over.


    hayate was hunting following tracks and reatsu. it was faint but his quarry was indeed close. he was slilent making hand signes to alert the others as he stepped forward. his signal red "ambush 20 feet ill set it of" before he stepped out under the shadows.

    a huge foot nearly crushe dhim and a menos witha n odd mask howled. it charged a cero and was cught from behind by a kido assault. the 3 other menos lying in wait howl and release their balsts missing and causing chaos. the team trikes taking one out and one narrowly dodges a stop by leaping backwards and lands into another menos. Hayate saved him leaping to his position and away witht he team member.

    one more fell and the masked one raises a clawed ahnd to strike onlt to be destroyed witht he last remaining menos as the other two attacked. wordlesslyt they move on and pursue the tracked that eld them this far. all these interruptions showed it wasnt an ardainarly evolved menos but possible the leader. and they ha an opportunity to scout its lair and repor ttheir findings.

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sat Dec 04, 2021 6:40 pm

    A few of the others back at camp was waiting for news but others did wonder how things were going where the top fighters were. Even Osaki was worried but she hopes Hayate was alright while healing someone that was having injuries after returning. She looks silent focusing but she was still worried about Hayate.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:39 pm

    she ehars a hollow howl and draws her blade as the tent caves in. she slashed hard and fast cleavign the tent and hollow attacking it in two before pantign and looking around. there was a few more lurking and she moved quickly to engage them. two were strong and she was on the defensinve as she started a kido encantation. her encantations were neeed to get the same power as most kido users. whens he finsihed she shouted out out the pale fire cracked out of her hand splittingthe hollow in front of her in half as the one behind her was bathed in the falmes of the backlash. she used the force of her own spell to propell herself into the hollow behild her and add that force to her strike finishing off the third one.

    the squad was finishing off the last and the guard unit was returning to clean up their mess since these got past them. she returned to the tent she was in and held her heart. the one she saved was shaken and alert. he was going to be fine and that freed her attention to deal witht he remaining haollows.


    the heated hunt led them inot several ambushes but each tiem theyw ere fine. it seeme hayate fell in witha tough goup because one the leader was actively protectign everyone. he went after the strognest most dangerous hollow and left the rest to mix and match and hayate watched and learned everythign he cold from this man. he never learned the name because as they finally appraoch the leader of the hollows leadignt he attack he was caught by a powerful cero and lost his head.

    dismayed the team fell one by one as the hollow who was pantign and scrambling away in error now cackles in glee as the tables turned. hayate was the last remaining and the alst few weeks of watched everything happena nd the leaders technique and praticing to imitate it he knew he could win.

    he and the hollow stand ready unmoving waitign for the slightets movement to srike. a leaf hit the ground making a single sound and the hollow looked. hayate flashed forward and slashed at the adbomin of the horse masked hollow and it kicked with its hoofs at his head.

    he blocked and parried every attacka nd the attackes didnt stop. he focuse don defense and striking openingings only when he wouldnt leave himself open. cuts and blows rain out in the darkenss attracting the rest of the attack force. hayated and the horsemask were riunning and fighting gettign faster and faster. hayate was adaptign and his reastu filled the area makign it dense and hard to breathe as he unleashed al lhis power.

    the energy fillled his bladed sharpening it increasing its speed and force. the hollow was glowing with evil light and started to fire ceros point blank. hayate leaps up and bounces off the trees fettign faster each tim as he bounced. the hollows blows his where hayate was shattering where eh had been reducing future points of conact hayate didnt knwo this and ran out of steppign spaces and lost a clash getting cut across his belly just like the hollow had been.

    both dripping bloos and feeling similar wounds they clashed ahrder faster the sound was deafenign and the force shook the sands away from them. there was a sudden flicker and a whisper of a name in his mind as a burst of grean light cages the hollw for a singlt moment only o vanish before hayate saw it and hayate cut the hollow clean in half in its one unguarded moment.

    as the hollow faded away the squad arrives and the hollows attackign everywhere under this hollows control died and faded. the others retreat.

    hayate was carried back to camp wounded and sleeping. the squad witnessed most of the battle and reporte it in detail to everyone. when osaki heard it she was at his side in a n insitant and tending to hsi wounds. the deep gashes would scar his belly and side and one hoof mark would always remain on his chest.

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:03 pm

    She didn't speak a single work during the time of healing him, her eyes looking at the scars that would remain on his body forever. Osaki knew it was dangerous but at least he with the squad was able to finish it off. "....." A few were wondering how someone like him was able to bet that dangerous type of hollow but they won't know. The witnesses did explain what they saw in their own words but she will hear it from him when he wakes from his slumber.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Dec 06, 2021 12:03 am

    the witnesses describe how the hollow was running because it as woundd but the leading team was led into a trap. several fell in battle wounding it before he an the dead leader caught up and their fights happen. after hearign that others softened it up and wounded it before hayate got to it made sense and she finally finished healing everythign she could and the rest was up to him.

    slowly he wakes up and she was restign with her head on her arms and his hand under her head. she lookd tired and he let her rest but as soon as he moved she snapped awake and started to check up on him. he protested comically and she insisted to tell him abut every hurt she healed and the scars form the serious ones.

    he said nothing as she explained his situatin and how cose he came to dying from bloodloss. after she caught her breath he took it away with a heated deep kiss. she nearly melte into the kiss and forgot everythign but she broke it and pulled back licking her lips hungrily.

    "not now love... we still have to file our reports and count our bodies for the final mission report." she said writing down all his injuries and moign on to the next patient. everythign was being taken down except th emedical tent and she as in charge of cataloging the injury reports and submitting them to the mission leader.

    hios report was combat analasys and ability /move set reporting as well as gauging in his opinion how strong the enemy was. the mission leader took his statement and that of the survivors personally and within a few hours he was being shipped to the medical facilities in the seireitei and she was sent home.

    home was the academy and her dorm was just as she left it. she waited hopeing for sure he would see her as soon as he could and she was told she was on leave and to not exert herself in any way. sh was even refferred to a grief counselor for the loss of life she witnessed. not allowed to see him and not allowed to attend classes she stayed in her room and worried and when she wasnt worrying she was seeking to relieve her desires for him.

    surely he would visit before too long passes she made sure hew as fit for combat again so why wasnt he back? she dcided to look for him and found him resting in his own doorm under orders not to leave at all. she could leave and she decided sh would visit him.

    she didnt ask questions but whne they were alone she locked his door and walked over to him. next thing he knew her lips were against his and she was laying on him purring as she kisses him.

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:35 pm

    Her lips were still warm as she held his cheeks, leaving the feeling of their lips touch even more. She was already happy to know he was back here but she didn't want to do something to mess up the healing. Just as she sits up, her eyes noticed him awake to stop and look.

    "H..Hi Hayate. Are you alright?" she carefully gets off of him but he sees her just petting the top of his head.

    "I'm you know the reason why I can't move." he sees her look silent knowing the reason but she couldn't help but visit up. He was her love and she had to at least check up on him either way. Osaki sighed to rest her hands on her lap looking down at him.

    "Well, one thing I will say is that I'm so happy to see you awake. I been so worried about you but I'm glad to see your awake." she smiled to touch his cheek. "Even through your on bed rest for a while....seems we won't spend as much time together till then but I can still always visit you."

    "..what makes you think we won't see each other again?" he asked.

    "Well, due to what happened the doctors said they will have you under guard for protection. Just in case. I find it silly but it's a rule that think will help you heal faster. I mean..I don't like the rule at first but I think it's good since you can recover. I just can't see you for a while is all-"

    "Wait, that's not a fair deal. What if I wanted to see you every day? We been through one hell of a mission...and yet they think this is best ideal choice for me?" he said but she tilts her head to sigh, standing up to think.

    "They are doing it for a reason, love. Just in case. I know after you rest a little more, you'll be your self again....all healed up like before." she said as he remains laying on the bed.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:42 pm

    she kisses him again and holds him close to her. "they said i was to remain here until the mission was completely cleaned up. theyre still anayzing the evidence. they are convinced im no traitor but losing a squad leader is a big deal." he said when she broke away to breathe. she looked at him more seriously and wished he hadnt said anything about that.

    "love... i dont know.. please lets enjoy this time we have." she said softly nd he lifted her face to his kissing her. the kiss lasted another breath and she flushed red not expecting it.

    "give them a week or so to debate and file things away. the doctors said i would be fit to return to active duty in a day or two." she bit her lip it wasnt fair she ahd to wait but she could.

    "youre teasing me arent you." she said and he changed directions again.

    "oh no. im saying you are a remarkable healer because no one else could have healed my wounds so fast." he said to ehr and she felt his lips pulling on he rneck.

    "s-stop it if you keep going ill be tempted.." she said an he didnt stop and she whines. " but youre still... mmm healing we cant yet." she said feeling his intentions as his kisses leave marks and his hands travel up her sides to her chest.

    "im fine. ive been waiting too you know." he said and tha made her flush even brighter as his hands pres and rub her breasts thorugh the thick robes she wore as her uniform.

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Dec 09, 2021 11:32 pm

    She twitches feeling his hands on her again, trying to feel her through the thick robes she wears. Osaki knew it was not the time since he's recovering that she sees him lean in to kiss her neck slowly. She gasps out feeling his lips but shook her head to carefully lay him back. "Is something wrong Osaki?"

    "You are tempting I swear..but we can't. You need rest...maybe when you are fully recovered and when this is over w..we can..." she said but Hayate looked to her seeing her flushed expression. "Don't make this more longer love. I thought you wished for us to be close?" he asked but Osaki looks at him.

    "I do but you need to rest and me, when all this is over t..then we can. I miss you just as bad as you do but you need to take the time to recover. I'm sorry love really." she softly touches his cheek to kiss Hayate's lips. She wanted him fully better and not risk of hurting him. He sees her stand up and goes to check on others while he sighed resting.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:20 am

    she refused to visit him knowing he would just tempt her. and sure enough with in 3 days of her avoiding him he was allowed to leave under probation and not allowed to go on any missions until the oversight comittee determined a verdict. she agreed to spend time with him trianing eating and recounting their mission but she refused to get within arms reach of him. after all she did say she wasnt going to do anything with him unti l the situation was resolved and days slowly twist into a week and she begins to regret her determination and decision.

    "grrr how long does it take to decide?" she screamed out loud one night when his social worker told him they still hadnt made a decision but his adherence to the stipulations of the probation were favorable in their eyes. not yet favorable enough to decide but they were talking about having a hearing to disciss the terms in 3 days.

    when she heard this news she was on a mission and she slashed at the hollow in front of her for she was hunting hollows that slipped into the soul society through cracks in the barrier between worlds. a common happening and routine mission since the hollows wer elow level. with her were the remainder of their class. many had washed out but a few were still competant enough to deal with the taskes they were set as second years. he was allowed to run errends for the staff and continue his studies.

    she wanted the wait to be over and she poured her pent up frustration in to her studies and missions. her kido was better in the hado spectrum when she was emotionally charged with anger. compassion fueled her healing and her desire to protect for the binding spells. she devoured book after book trying to distract herself from the rising heat that was never leaving her place.

    finally the day of th eharing arrived and central 46 revealed themselves to be the investigators. they went over his charges his situation and his standing with the parole board. he wasnt in trouble and his actions were deemed nessecary to complete the mission. " we have there fore decided to give you special commendation and grant you authrority and priviliage of a third seat officer. however we do not grant you the rank since you have not graduated the acdmy. therefore in light of your progress and recovery we have decided to lift the restrictions placed upon you. you are dismissed.

    hayate was crushed in the diving hug osaki gave him hearign the verdict as she cheered and hugs him as tight as she could. he hugged her and they walk out togethe rfeeling like they owned the world. he hoped that was enough for her to let herself do as she wished but she had been making somethign special for tha tday in case this did happen. she had no doubts and she held his hand tightly never wanting to be seperated from his touch again.

    she was silent and listend to him babble about whatever came to his mind and some of it she a gree wiht some she didnt but she was happy to spend the tiem wiht him. as they walk she noted they were heading to a spot they hadnt been to in ages because it was on the outskirts of the soul society. she saw places she slept as a child and places she and he both had adventrues trying to survive. they were heading to the spot where they met and she knew he had been going somwhere for some reao but now she looked and saw their old spot had been converted into a hideout.

    the trees were draped in wind chimes there was a 3 sides wall made of earth blocking the windy side of the area and a fire pit with a metal lid. he even hualed a bed out here and this place was close to the middle of nowhere. she didnt know exactly what to say and maybe he did too much but he knew he would be herself and he trusted her.

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Dec 10, 2021 7:09 pm

    "...You don't seem happy for what little changes I did to this place. I figure I make it more home like since we been through here for a good while as little kids to now. Or do you want me to take some things down-" She stops him talking while hugging him tight, leaving Hayate looking at her.

    "You didn't have to but this is beautiful, Hayate." she smiled that he only hugs her back, smiling since he was happy she liked it and because he missed holding her like this. He knew she was still her soft cute self even from the training and missions she's been on for the past few days. The two of them let go of one another and goes to take a seat to savor this view and being near one another. He held her close while she rests her head on his shoulder, smiling slightly.

    "I miss coming to this spot you know? Holding so many old memories right?" she feels him rub her arm remembering the memories himself.

    "That is true. Remembering so much but it leaves me thinking of the memories." he mutters looking at the wind chimes blowing above them. She keeps resting her head on his shoulder still enjoying this moment without anything ruining it. This was fine with her. So the two of them just sat there relaxing with one another that he looks seeing her eyes closed but he was happy just being here by her side again.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
    Join date : 2017-06-23

    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:02 pm

    as they lean on each other she was biting her lower lip to control herself. as she felt he was doing the same. he was tense and not because of her but because of the memories. she too suffered the same way but they suffered together and still had eachotehr. the sun was setting slowly as they relax and let the past flow away. she presses more against him and he wraps an arm aorund her.

    his warmth closing around her sparked a flame insid eof her and she shivers as the feelings and time flowed. she felt her heat for him as she reaches around him and pulls him closer. she presses agaisnt him harder and they cling to eachother never wanting to let go. he spoke his love for her she said she knew. she spoke her love for him and he kissed her lips.

    soft sweet kisses with a lastign tug to her lower lip as he parted form her face. she kisses his neck wanted more of his touch and kissses since they heled her forget the bad things. he wanted her to do anything she wished to him knowing that she helped him forget the bad things too.

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:08 am

    His kisses and touch was soothing to her that Osaki just presses up more against his chest, wrapping her arms around his shoulders wanting more of his kisses. He looks down at her holding her where she was, his hands resting on her waist to just gaze upon her. She was beautiful and he felt the burning within his heart getting stronger to see her even more excited. For now, this leaves him lowering down about to kiss her but didn't while seeing her grow more excited.

    "You really are cute like this. "he mutters softly but Oksai blushes hearing this to look away.

    "I'm not know that." she mutters back softly looking at him still feeling him hold her in his lap. That made him feel her pressing up more against his body but she blinks to snap out of it blushing. she didn't want to cause a problem to look away still feeling worse as she tried to get off his lap but he didn't let her move. He keeps her where she was. This made her blush hard to just hold onto him while he blushes still holding her.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
    Join date : 2017-06-23

    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:39 am

    "remember our promise?" he asks referring to befor ethe mission and she gulped. she didnt expect him to remember that far back but he did and she looked away very shy and feeling naked under his gaze. she remembered. and they were so close to completing it but she didnt want to rush things or cause trouble.

    they almost got caught last time and that was not a planned romance. she didnt want to plan something and have to stop or get caught and get in trouble but he wasnt letting her off his lap and she presses more against him knowing this may be risky.

    the risk made it a bit more spicy and his kisses didnt stop against her neck. he was carefully trying to inch his kisses to her collar getting closer to her chest. he was seriously trying to heat her up and she wanted to stay out of trouble. the kisses were getting to her head and her thoughts were lingering on how they didnt get to finish last time and how badly she was craving his touch and love.

    she was pressing more against him as she thought and he was still kissing her collar as his hands loosen their grip and start to massage her.

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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jan 20, 2022 7:01 pm

    Feeling his hands on her again made Osaki twitch, shivering softly as he keeps leaving kisses on her chest. He did move back up to her neck, holding her close as she shakes in his arms. This was too risky to do but he didn't let her up or lets her move. He keeps her right where she was that she gently pulls him away to see him look up at her. Seeing the flushed expression on her face.

    "Is something wrong, Osaki?" Hayate speaks in a low tone but she looks away to cover her lips from him. He didn't get why she was hiding but only sees her blushing even worse.

    "Nothing's wrong. It's just..." she started to say but stops trying to think of the words on how to say it. Of course he waits for her to say it, holding her by the waist being patient with her.


    "I....*gulps* I know it's b..been a long time since we done it...even back during that mission but...this is too risky for us to do out here. Someone might hear us or try to figure out the noises that is coming from here. I don't want us to get in trouble or anything Hayate." she mutters but he didn't respond to sit back looking up at her.

    "Risky? We done it once before, Osaki. True, we almost got caught. Almost but we didn't. Besides, I really did miss you after so long and you and I still have a promise to keep..remember? I mean..didn't you miss me?" he said this against her neck but she blushes to look down as he hugs her tightly against his chest.

    "Of course I missed you. I always missed you I said, we are in a risky location right now..we shouldn' this here." she whispered. He feels her sit back again but he looks at her, shaking his head to move his hands up from her waist to touch her cheeks. He gaze into her eyes seeing her flushed face that she avoided his eyes.

    "Osaki, don't be so nervous..I know you deeply missed missed us being so close together right?"

    "...I..I did..but we shouldn't.." she said again.


    "Besides, as I said it's too risky.." she argued that he looks to still keep her down on his lap while she was trying to get off his lap and sits on the side of him. Osaki was looking down at the ground but he looks to her wondering what changed her mind to not wanna do it. He knew she was hot and wanting so what was holding her back?

    "Did I do something wrong?" he said.


    "Are you mad at me?" he asked next.

    "No..." she mutters still blushing.

    "....Then their shouldn't be a problem..I've missed you...didn't you miss me, Osaki? Don't you miss us being together?" he whispered to touch her cheek but she blushes again to avoid looking at him trying to keep herself in control. She did miss him but she didn't want anyone to about them being out here.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:02 pm

    he didnt stop and she felt his hand on her thigh squeezing gently close to her hip and she wiggles on her seat trying to resist the ideas coming to he rmind. she did want him that was plain but she was so afraid to be caught she was denying her needs.

    "i know you want this love... why bother holding back when we picked this place because no one comes here." he said to her softly. his voice was in her ear and soft his breath brushed against her ear making ehr shiver and his closeness was making her blush worse.

    " I-I told you... what if they do?" she said and he wasnt taking no for an answer.

    "No one will come here. we are far away from everything and you can be as loud as you want." he said and that made her blush even more. as loud as she wants? but that meant he was going to make her...

    her thought was interrupted by another kiss to her neck and his hand sliding closer between her legs on her inner thigh. he was serious about his belief that no one would find them here as no one did before even as she was as loud as she was. she was happy just sending time with him and he was too but he wanted to make all his time with her special and this was the most special thing he could do with her that he was aware of.


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    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jan 21, 2022 7:49 pm

    She begins squirming away from him but Hayate keeps her close to his side, leaving more kisses against her neck. He moves down to her shoulder to leave some kisses there next that a weak shiver leaves her lips. He was serious in dong this and he wasn't taking no for a answer! She grips the front of his uniform, trying to speak but he keeps touching and caressing her body as much as he could trying to make her just lose it.

    "H..Hayte...d..don't..." she speaks softly but he was not responding to her while she twitched feeling a slight nip on her neck. He really was enjoying this and it was not too bad. He already grew excited feeling how her body reacted. His hands moving up from her thigh to her waist to look at her as she avoided his gaze. This was really getting hard to ignore that she feels him touching her neck still that a squeak was heard from her. He was biting her neck!

    Her eyes got wide feeling the slight sting but he keeps holding her tightly not wanting to let go of her since it's been too long. Being able to hold back for this long just leaves him burning for Osaki. She shouldn't have to hold back but it leaves him excited to try holding her but Osaki was shaking to grip the front trying to stop him.

    "B..behave..H..Hayate..please.." she whispered to him but he ignored her words to look at her then suddenly kiss her. Her eyes widen in shock feeling his tongue swirling against her own with her eyes closing half way, whimpering from the feeling.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:45 am

    he kisses her more swirling his tongue around hers and holding her close. her fears were getting weaker as they always did when he kissed her and his kiss continues even after breaking to catch her breath. his kisses were loving and sweet wantign to ease al lher worries and give her pleasure in their place.

    her resitance was faltering and he was keeping her close rubbing her all over with his hands. his rough hands catch onher skin pulling it as he slips under her clothes.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jan 25, 2022 3:05 pm

    His lips still were warm against her smaller ones, feeling his touch and gentle love only made her shake. Hayate must be really serious for doing this with her. To come back together as one just like that night when she gave herself to him. When he breaks the kiss again, he panted seeing her doing the same. Her cheeks flushed pink, breathing softly when catching her breath. Her body was aching for him even if she was trying to fight her brain for so long.

    Looking at her, she seems like she's in some trance thanks to it. Hayate only licked his lips slowly feeling her hair against his fingers to carefully lay her back on the bed as he was over her. She still was flushed about to sit up but gasped feeling his hands rest on her knees that's up to spread her legs apart. He sees her laying there before him. The sight was hot.

    Her hair fanned all around her head, face flushed pink that she covers it with her arms. Her body was shaking from the heated arousal that he sees her uniform messed up from the touches and her trying to resist him. He just presses up closer so she could feel his own heated around from down there. A gasp leaves her feeling it twitch against her already twitching folds. It was growing slick due to the heat but she whimpers feeling his hands rest on her covered breasts to gently squeeze them.

    "You look so cute like this, Osaki. You don't have to be afraid. Lets become one again, just like that first night." he said to her but she bit her bottom lip when feeling her breasts squeezed slowly by his rough strong hands. They were so gentle with her even if hey had a rough feeling. She tries squirming from him but he keeps a gentle hold on her when his hands move up from her waist to slip under the shirt of her uniform. He felt her breasts in his hands and her nipples poking against the palm of his hands. She gasped looking away from him but it leaves him excited to watch her as he squeezed and rubs them. She was panting softly feeling his touch that he carefully pulls the uniform apart to have her breasts free from the top.

    "!!!" She blushes worse to try covering them but he stops her hands to look at her. "Keep your hands above your head. Just relax..I really wanna show you how badly I've missed you. How badly I missed touching and kissing you. I'll be sure you remember it." he sees her gulp feeling shy but aroused to squirm under him but he gently lowers over to kiss her lips softly as she kept her arms above her head. He removes the top slowly now having it exposed for him as he begins kissing her lips softly then moves from her lips to the neck.

    A weak whimper leaves her feeling his hot lips touching her skin but turns her head to the side, feeling him move down to squeeze one breast and suck the nipple of the other one. She bit her bottom lip feeling the heat of his wet tongue swirling against her breast. The other was being squeezed by him as she hisses feeling him pressing his body down on her. He heard the whines and soft moans as she squirmed again still keeping her arms above her head while he took his time in exploring her body. Her lower pants were still on as his was but he was growing hard and aroused hearing more of the soft moans escaping her lips. He wouldn't do anything yet just for her to enjoy and get ready for pleasure after so long.

    "*Kisses but pulls on her breast letting it drop to jiggle* So cute. You must like it right?" he asked kissing the other breasts as the one he sucked was being squeezed now. She lets out another hiss feeling him doing this to her.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:08 am

    she was doing her best to keep her head on straight and she was hissing to stay as quiet as possible and her damp folds were aching for him even worse. he was still teasing and pleasuring her breasts making sure she felt every bit of his affections before slowly kissing down her cleavage and to her naval.

    she let out a soft gasp and her breasts bounced a little as her breath quickens and her face flushes. her skinw as heating up and she was feeling him inching closer to her pleasure and his thumbs hook her bottoms and slide them down. he didnt look right away and she whines starting to close her legs from the sudden change in her dressing.

    his hands found her thighs and rubs them slowly on the outside and her hips squirm as her inner thighs rub together and she presses her folds tight and rubs her pussy against itself trying to ease this rising heat between her legs. he didnt look still and his massage reached down to her knees where he realized she closed her legs.

    "youre so cute like this. shy and hiding i could look at you all day." he said still not looking down and keeping his eyes on her navel and lover abdomen where he was kissing and nipping. his words embarrass her and her hips squirm worse as her damp folds grew even more moist. then she felt his hand sliding up her inner leg then her thigh.

    "mmmm d-dont s-say such things youre mmm so mean" she said referring to his teasing and the slow progression as she begins to desire him more and more wanting him to claim her and still fearing someone catching them. his hands push her thighs open and she resists but he was too strong and the legs shakingly part.

    he looks down at her folds seeing them and how moist they were. he smiles and she whimpers and bites her lip knowing what he was going to do to her. he presses his lips close to her folds and he can feel the heat coming off her place. then he gave her a soft slow lick to the very top. she was very sensitive and she bites her lip and hisses then she whines as he gave her a lick to one side. then another lick to the other side each lick getting harder and lasting longer.

    "mmm you taste amazing. like heat and salt i could lick you all day." he said and she gasps feeling his hot tongue press against the center and push inside to lick her slowly. she moans quietly keeping her hips open for him even if her legs and pussy were quivering. she leans her head back panting and feels his tongue starting to move up and down as he murrs against her place.

    "haaa nnmmmm ooohhh goood mmm you're making it feel good." she says as his tongue flicks side to side while moving up and down. he was making sure to press against the walls of her place while he was starting to eat her out and he kissed her folds and slurped them making her gasp loudly and whine louder.

    "mmm you're really liking this love. you're already getting wetter and tastier. i cant wait to really get started." he said and she blushed much worse and keeps her hands above her head wishing she could rub her breasts. his thumbs were pressing her inner thigh hard. keeping her legs open and she was looking sown watching him. then his face pushes closer and his tongue pushes deep.

    she let out a moan as he swirls his tongue roughly starting to eat her out much more seriously and her hips were bouncing from her pleasure and she was dripping from his saliva and her own lewd juices. her arms slip down and she brings one of her breasts to her lips to suck her nipples and massage her breasts wishing to feel more. she keeps her shaking legs open and moans more as her pussy was now getting a serious tonguing.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:22 pm

    He keeps licking and moving his tongue, holding her thighs in both hands. Osaki was precious like this and it only seems to get better for him to enjoy this. Another weak moan leaves her lips feeling his tongue pushing deeper into her that she gasped gripping what she could in her hands as her legs shake in pleasure. She tries to tell him to stop but only got herself more wetter with louder moans leaving her lips. It leaves her shaking feeling hotter now.

    Everything was burning through her body and it made her whimper still feeling his tongue pushing and licking against her folds. Osaki tries to speak but slowly leans her head back into the pillow covering a moan that made her twitch. He didn't ease up on his hold nor slowed down seeing himself just getting more excited. She was already effecting him so much he groans sitting up to hold her hips up. She gasped from his strength but moans softly feeling his tongue still licking against her wet folds that he even rubs his tongue against her sensitive pink nub. She twitches feeling her toes curled up but tries to move away but he keeps a firm grip on her thighs still licking against the nub then sucks against her folds once more.

    "" she whines feeling him still licking her deeply but keeps slurping loudly feeling her growing wetter as he groans keeping his eyes closed. Oksai was having trouble thinking but arches her back crying out as he was still being so mean to pleasure her even if he feels her wetness staining his tongue.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    new soul society for new students. - Page 7 Empty Re: new soul society for new students.

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Feb 02, 2022 3:00 pm

    he licked harder and rougher showing his strength and the new depths he gained fighting as he had been. she cries out loudly as his tongue rubs too hard and rough against every spot it touched. she moans getting wetter and grips his head holding his hair tight while his tongue over worked her pussy. he didnt seem to notice how hard he was eating her out as he was focuse on giving her everything. he didnt notice her cumming and her hips moving because he keeps her hips still.

    "haa too mmmm much cant think. hayate. ooooh your breaking me." she said as boans break her words and heavy cries of her pleasure and the sting of is tongue was driving her crazy. "so mmm mean so haaa mean its too much" she said begging him for mercy and to ease up a little but then she burst again and fell limp twitching. pulling back he licked his lips and then looked at her. he saw how dazed she was then saw how his hands left marks on her hips and her pussy was a dark red color while opening and closing. it was dripping her juices and he noticed her pussy was a little bruised form his tongue.

    o-osaki? are you oaky?" he asks and she looks at him slowly panting and her eyes were misty.

    "so strong... what h-happened to you" she said in a dreamy voice and she reaches to him wanting more of this rough heated love. to her it didnt matter if it was too rough or if he was too strong she even forgot that they may be cuaght. he had shown her how rough his tongue was and her imagination was going wild with picturing how his strength would fel from his hips thrusting inside her. he noticed her quivering folds were aching and an itch was forming. one she was rubbing to ease. "more. you meanie you teased me so much and now youre just sitting there."

    her hips wer shaking as she rubs herself and she was looking at him with he rmisty expression hoping to tempt him to continue. slowly he leans closer and mixes his fingers with hers. she moans out feeling his rubbing just as rough as his licking and she holds his wrist on one hand to help guide him and her other hand reaches for him member to pleasur ehim as well.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Feb 02, 2022 9:27 pm

    His face was burning red, feeling just how soaked and slippery her folds were. Did his tongue really do this to her? Was this why she was really out of it? He gulps hearing more lustful pleasure from her as he keeps stroking in between the folds. Getting another moan from her that he grunts feeling her hand now stroking his cock.

    "'ve gotten even more huge over the last feels so warm ad hot when i stroke it....h..ahhh..." she shakes feeling his fingers pushing up against her that she was feeling more of her juices running down his fingers. "Y..You must like it mmmmm if your just pushing against it like that. D..does it feel g..good?" she whispered seeing him panted while feeling her folds growing wetter that she was hearing his hiss as she pumps his cock even slowly.

    "'s..It's so wet. You feel really wet down's so warm.." he whispered that he was tempted to push a finger in but he didn't hearing another moan still leaving her as he did. He seriously groaning seeing how wet and wetter she gotten.

    It felt so big. Bigger than years ago when she gave herself to him. Her misty dazed eyes looks down at it that he was feeling his fingers stop moving that she noticed to lean in closer, nipping his shoulder as he twitched.

    "P..Please..don't stop your..mmmmm f..fingers..they feel so rough..and good down there. Please Hayate..Keep moving. I wanna feel more~" she panted softly for him that she gasped feeling him now shaking that she moves back to look at his face. Her lips parted with tongue hanging out slightly, still pumping his cock even slower to hear the slickness. He moans feeling her touch that he sees her hand move his away from her folds to pump his cock with both hands.


    "You were mean to me. Teasing with that tongue and your fingers will make mmmmmmm...c..cum...just a few more seconds I would have came.." She sees him shaking now but she moved one hand stroking her pussy with her fingers. She could hear the squish when she touches it but that made her moan louder leaning her head back.

    "O..Oh no.. My body; my pussy, their not listening to..mmfmffmmmm!!!! It's burning so much Hayate. So poor red pussy is so itchy." she panted to lean her head back while still stroking her pussy leaning forward to push up against his chest.

    " feels so good w..when I touch it or if anything touches it. It makes me almost w..wanna cum." she panted moaning even worse that she kept pumping his cock harder to hear a moan from him. "E..even you too. Your hot thick swollen cock is already aching to let it out right? D..don't you want to let it out..." she panted to press her body up against his chest while stroking him.

    He groans with a hiss feeling her fingers still moving up and down feeling close. This felt way too good and she was too dazed to speak or answer him. "O..Osaki, take it mmmmmm easy. Your hands feel..."

    "W..what? Good? Soft?....really warm? What does it feel like? Do you want more?" she asked softly as he panted feeling her hands quickening on his cock. He grips the bed leaning his head back as she was still pumping.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:14 am

    he burst with a heavy groan and his load coated her hand. he did want more and he told her as much with a hiss as she licks her hand feeling dazed. he was panting in heat and holding back to let her have her fun. and she giggles licking her hand clean then leaning down to slurp his cock clean. he groans out and throbs as she teases him the same as he teased her. she wanted him to claim her show her the new strength he had.

    he groans out watching her as she enjoys and savors his cum. when he was cleaned off she purrs heavily wanting it inside of her and she knew he wanted it too because it was throbbing with his desire for her.

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