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Begin! the immortal journey where the only limit to life is imagination.

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    Mafia business

    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:14 pm

    "that isnt exacly what im saying love. im trying to say you wont have to stop." not knowing what else to do he settles down and goes quiet to think. he definitly didnt want to stress her out or worry her like he already did but he couldnt just let things lay as they were.

    "my heart..." she started to say and he saw her falter again.

    "i will free your heart. even if i have to claim you before i do." he said and she gulped when he used the word claim. it had such a dirty ring to it and sent shivers through her body. she must be confused and he wished for a hint to nudge her in the direction she needed to go in.

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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:33 pm

    " shouldn't." She looks down but Henry remains silent seeing her starting to close up again. Ava was starting to lure away from him again and he didn't want her to retreat into the shell. He didn't want this again. His eyes just close to release her wrist to see her lower it that he was silent either way.


    "I know you are trying to keep doing your duty but please..I don't want you to think that's all I want. Your a woman right? You should do what your heart is saying. Isn't it trying to break free for you?" he asked while she looks down not answering him. Her hand shook trying to find the words he slowly sees her looking even more nervous.

    "I'm sorry sir. I never meant to cause all this. My heart tends to get in trouble a few times even from my duty. I don't want you to become worried because of me or of my heart being locked up. I'll be fine master.....I will be just fine." she whispered but he didn't respond to that but lowers his hands to rest on her cheeks.

    "I will do what I show you it's going to be alright now. I'll save you and free that heart. The one you locked up for so many years..Your a woman Ava don't forget that...please never forget what your heart is trying to say."

    "......But sir-"

    "Come on, Ava, what must I do to show that to you? Why won't you believe me?" he said.

    "But I do believe you sir. I just.......I'm......nervous that I'll....ruin everything for you. I'm a woman and I do wish to be treated like your woman but..I don't know anything about becoming a woman of my own nature. I only know my ways in life from training under your family name.." she touches his hands to remove them from her cheeks and lower them. He looks at her but Sophia looks down to the ground of her room.

    "........My own thoughts of a woman..I don't know what it even means anymore. I've lost that feeling years ago..I don't know if I am a woman.." she turns to look away from him but goes to look through the window seeing the night still seen. The moon was out and clouds passing by.

    ".......You shouldn't worry of me sir....I'm sure my heart will go back to normal in due time." she mutters that he watches her looking out but even with the cloud hovering over the moon, he hated to see her not getting it. Why won't she understand his meaning? Having heard enough, he walks over to grab her shoulder and turn her around. She got turned and looks at him.

    "You don't understand. What will make you understand what I say is true?"


    "I want you to be happy Ava, not sad or thinking your a thing. Your a woman! Right?!" he said raising his voice but she looks down again thinking that he suddenly moves her from the window but sets her on her own bed.

    "Sir what is the-" he pushes her down to hold her arms down as she winces from the hold. However, he looks down at her not of anger but of worry. He was mad for the pain she's been through but he was worried and gentle.


    "You have to understand Ava..I don't want you to stop being my bodyguard. I want you to live your life happy and free as a woman. Not a thing nor under anyone else. What will it take to prove that you are you and no one else!" he said but she looks at him not moving from where she was.


    "Your heart is still locked isn't it? Your still unsure of what you think of as a their nothing besides that. You say you wish to be treated as a woman you even know the meaning of that?"

    "...........Is that why you seem angry with me now sir? Has all this emotion between us gotten to deep that you are angry with me?" she asked looking up at him while he didn't move but lets out a sigh to sit by her while she was still laying on her bed. "My heart is weird I know sir..but my mind is telling me that I am a woman..I wish to be treated like one." she mutters while Henry looks ahead sitting by her even though she was looking at the ceiling of her room.

    "I guess even if I wish for mind is unclear....It don't know what it wants me to think of..or speak.....everything is a big mess...I don't see why you bother trying to help me sir....." she said.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:53 pm

    "because everyone's mind is a mess. im tryin to help you because ive always loved you. i caused you some trouble in the past and im sorry for that. " he said still looking at her and wanting to do his best by her. "i havent been angry with you. ive been upset by things we cant do anything about. but im driven to do whats right by you." he said and hoped she understood.

    "you always have master." she sai d and she felt him reaching into her heart tryig to pry the seal open with his words.

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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:02 pm

    "So..I want to be sure I'm doing the right thing be sure your alright." he said softly but he sees her relaxing on her back then closes her hands over her chest feeling her heart beat slowly. Closing her eyes, she was silent to think.

    "Then.....would causing something to me help you?" she said but he looks in shock hearing her words. Turning his head to look at Ava as she was looking at the ceiling.

    "W..what did you?"

    "Would physical harm on you feel better sir? I'm also used to that too. Knowing no matter what pain I seems to make others feel better. I'm just trying to do my job here and I know if I could..I want you happy sir." she said but he was shocked hearing this.

    "Ava....why would you suggest that? I would never harm hurt you."

    "But it's fine right? It won't hurt too much sir....You could just hit me or hold me down while chocking me...isn't that was guards are meant to do?" she asked remember how the last time she disobeyed and was being chocked thanks to it. The feeling was still in her mind but the wounds on her healed. She sits up but looks at him while reaching to think.


    "I know you wouldn't sir..but maybe it will help you feel better?....Would chocking me help you? Would hitting me help you?.." She leans in to rest her self onto his back while looking down. "You don't deserve to be upset sir when you can let it out using me. I don't mind if it's to help you feel better you?" she asked to touch his back with one hand looking at the bed with her eyes hidden again.

    "To think pain of my own thoughts would make me like this..but don't worry master Henry. I'll always let you do what is needed to help you feel better...even if it means physically hurting me."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:21 pm

    "i dont know what to say." he siad surprised and not sure what to say. he didnt wish to hurt her for any reason and it stunned him that she would ask him to choke her. he understood some things about what happens when choked.

    "i want to help you master." she said and presses more against him she must have been deeply touched and this was a fantasy of hers.

    "how would hurting you help. i can blow off steam other ways. instead of causing you pain why not pleasure? why dont we do things you like. no things that will hurt." he said to her and reaches to take her hands in his. she used them to press closer and she thought about his idea.

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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:56 pm

    "......." She didn't respond to him that leaves him wondering if he said something wrong. Ava looks down at his hands then thinks of her next set of words. "What is...pleasure? I don't think that will cause any harm on me sir.." she mutters.

    "No no..Pleasure is not like that. It's..different. It will help you feel good....not hurt you." he said but she didn't speak for a bit. This made Henry sigh to look down.

    "I refuse to hurt you Ava. I know all this mind set of you being my guard as you thinking of this. Harm and pain don't have to think that anymore remember? It's going to be fine now." he said.

    "But that's all I know sir. I was trained to learn this...that's what I know.." she feels him still holding her hands to his chest while Ava remains quiet thinking about his words. The pain she's been given usually helps others feel okay and calm down. Isn't that what he was going to do?


    "I wont' harm you, Ava..I can't."

    "But that isn't hard of what I was trained to do. I don't know what pleasure is..It's not from my training." she said but he turns to look down but lowers her hand to rest on her lap.

    "Because you can't train to learn pleasure like that, Ava. This is something the other two would want if they want that special someone to understand how they feel. I would do anything in my power to help you feel like yourself. Even if it helps you in other ways too. I won't give you physical harm but I rather try something new instead. Something to show your still a woman.."


    "Even by gazing at your face and eyes, you been hurt too many times..right? So many it left scars inside and out....even now they must hurt..knowing that is what your used to and it's not fair. How could they do this to you? If I had known I would have asked my father to change your way to live. You could have been living with us in a better room with better food. Better clothing..I just...*Grips the sheets* Damn it...why did you have to be hurt this much?"

    ".....Because I'm used to it sir..pain is all I know and learned over my life......I don't know anything else.." she said quietly.

    "Even if that pain will leave you as you are? Is that what you want?"

    "......Is that what you wish of me? To feel more pain..or just...understand it."

    "No. I want you to just forget it. Pain isn't what you think it for you anyway. You been hurt enough, Ava. Please..I don't want to harm you.." he said but she slowly makes him let her hands go but reaches to move them up her chest and rest on her throat.

    "But don't you wish to hurt me?...It won't be too much for me, can use that pain to help feel better.....I just want you to be alright again." He said but she gives him a silent look on her face but she didn't let his wrists go keeping them around her neck. She was serious of wanting him to hurt her. He didn't want to.


    "..It's can hurt me...I will be alright....I won't let you be sad anymore master Henry..." she made him rest his hands around her neck but he just looks at her really worried now. Has pain changed her to become like this over her life? It's not possible. He slowly felt his hands shaking but when Ava lets his wrists go, he moves his hands to her shoulders not wishing to harm her.

    "I can't..I won't.."

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:13 pm

    he kissed her instead. it was a simple thing a sweet experience for her that made all the world fall away. then she realized he was kissing her and her heart pounded hard and fast. he didnt know what would happen if he did but he hoped she wouldnt kill him.

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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:24 pm

    The kiss was something rather new to her but Ava only remains still keeping her body as still like a rock. Feeling his lips against her own was..rather new but she didn't know what was going on. Her master was kissing her and she only didn't move then feeling him break the kiss. He sees her eyes shut when he did but Ava didn't move before he looks at her.


    "..What......was that, sir? Did you....." She seriously didn't know what a kiss was from another? Just what was she taught over the years as a child? He clears his throat but Sophia just looks at him really confused now.

    "it's called a kiss Ava. You never..kissed anyone before?" he asked.

    "No sir..I have not. I think that was my first one.." she said thinking about it while Henry keeps looking at her worried. She grips his hands on her shoulders but wonders if she really wasn't sure on how to really be his woman.

    "Sophia, I thought you..I mean I..."

    "......." He wonders if she was angry with him but Ava reaches up to touch her own lips remembering how warm his felt against her own. Looking at her lap thinking towards it.

    "I..never gotten kissed like that was.....really warm...and nice.." she mutters under her breath looking down at the bed but he keeps holding her shoulders while seeing her lost in thought from what just happened.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:54 pm

    he watched as she took careful consideration of their kisss. it was up to her how she should respond and he waited. he knew he could trust her.

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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jul 14, 2021 8:03 pm


    "......." She didn't answer him for a little while but sits back looking at her hands thinking what happened. "The kiss was...nice. It didn't hurt as I thought it would...they told me kissing was going to hurt but it didn't. It felt soft.." she mutters reaching to touch her lips but Henry looks at her worried but he guesses they really told her different stories to things in life.

    He slowly shook his head to stand up but looks at her while Ava was sitting on her bed thinking what was going on. The kiss was really nice that she looks at her fingers again. "......I'll let you rest up. I guess you need time to understand the kiss. Though, I think you should come out of the shadows now. The city needs to know the heir is alive....I'll let you rest up.." he said looking to turn and head out of her room.

    Honestly, he closes the door leaving her alone but she snaps out of it turning to see him gone. Her eyes were looking at the door then looks down at her bed. She wonders if she messed up again. Closing her eyes, she just looks at her lap being silent. However, Henry was leaving to his room again for the night to get some sleep. Seems this will be slow for both of them.

    They were now laying down to sleep but didn't say anything else. For now, he already had something made for her to show she was back in her real name. In the morning, Henry was awake in a grand meeting room but he was sitting in the main chair looking at the head leaders since he called them to his mansion this morning. Ava wasn't there but she was waking up getting dressed.

    "Henry, what is the meaning of this? I understand this is a public announcement but I'm sure we could figure another way to spread our big news." He was silent looking at them but the others were wondering why he did call them here.

    Reborn was with him too but his arms were behind his back waiting. "Funny you should say that. I just wanted to share some big news with you all since you've done it yourselves this morning. I figure why not?" He was calm but he was looking at them with his hands under his chin due to being on his elbows.

    "So this big announcement. What's so big about it? Another section of the city was bought by your family?" One said.

    "Not quite." He said. "I figure I could share some info with you all. Just something to let you of what I found." he said seeing them curious and interested.

    "Oh? And that would be?" another asked with a smirk on his face, eating some food that Henry's servants made for the guests. Henry didn't say anything but lets out a sigh to speak.

    "I found out the heir of the Delgato mafia family is alive." he said.

    The leaders in the room tense up hearing the name that the ones eating spat their foods onto the table in shock. It's impossible! A few was coughing but one was looking silent to laugh and start chuckling thinking this is a joke.

    "Oh come now Henry! You know the heir is dead! No one has found anything left of the Delgato mafia family. They were killed many ears ago due to some sour ways with others. The heir is also dead. Was murdered that same night." He laughed.

    "How are you sure? How do you know if the heir or some of the family lives?"

    "Because we know! They were long gone, dead. Never to come back again." another said not believing this.

    "You guys really are nervous. I was just stating facts but it's true. The heir is alive and I'm sure she will not be happy hearing about all this." he warns that the leaders look at him and started laughing thinking this is still a joke. Their eyes were closed with tears seen in their eyes.

    "This joke is funny, Henry. Come on, the heir is dead...she or whoever it is is dead with the rest. We all know it's painful but it's true." he said but Henry looks up being serious that he sighed.

    "If you think so..lets ask her." Snapping his fingers, the doors open showing someone there. They look seeing Ava but she was wearing different clothing. Instead of her usual servant dress uniform, she was wearing her black blouse with fingerless gloves. Black flat shoes with dark grey pants. her hair was out on either side of her face but the rest in a bun. She walks down the stairs to the room but looks silent while having her sword and two guns on her hips.

    A few were shocked seeing his bodyguard there but she was silent looking ahead to walk over and stand beside Henry.

    "What is she doing here? I thought your bodyguard was busy guarding the door."

    "....Used to. the heir or the daughter of Robbie and Charlotte Delgato, Sophia Ava Delgato." He said seeing the men look shocked. Their guards were shocked but sees the leaders silent.

    "Their is no way that bitch is the heir...she is nothing like Robbie and Charlotte. They never had a child." One said.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:16 am

    there was a shot and the offensive guard flinches looking at the bullet hole in the wall next to him. "insult her again and the next one is between your eyes." henry said blowing on an old fashioned gun that was still smoking he blew the smoke out and walks by like nothing happens and pushes the weapon into the holster.

    "nice shot." reborn said. "i didnt even see you draw." this was high praise because reborn sees just about everything.

    "i missed. at the last second i realized he was my own guard and hesitated. and it made me miss.. its for the best though good help is hard to find." henry replied and sighed. he really wished he would have stayed with ava and the attention she was getting made him feel better about her personal development.

    he liked her new look and was glad she took her family name with pride. he wasnt sure what to say to her but it was nice to see her again.

    "hey sophia im glad your here. i wanted to thank you for last night. i learned alot about you." he said to her directly and openly inspecting her new look.

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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:58 pm

    "Thank you." She said looking silent but the other leaders were shocked since most glared at her. She couldn't be the heir to the Delgato family. She just couldn't! Their was no history of the Robbie and Charlotte having a kid. A few started muttering under their breaths not sure how to believe this.

    "No way..."

    "Did they really have a child?....I thought the Delgato family didn't have kids.." another mutters.

    "...Geez, if that's true....then.."

    "Gentlemen, don't believe this whore. She's clearly lying!" He slams his hands on the table glaring at Sophia. "I don't believe this. She isn't the heir. She don't have proof of being their child. They never had kids.." One said but Henry looks to him while Ava looks back at him too. She knew they wouldn't believe her but it could be because the main tattoo was covered and her wrist showing the slave tattoo given to her.


    "You should know your place, bitch. Your nothing but a slave and being disrespectful to your master. Wearing clothes that is not worthy to be on you and you think your important. I know slaves bearing that mark isn't worth a damn in this city. So unless you want Henry here to take you to the shooting range...take off the clothes and do your duty." he said but Sophia lets out a sigh, hearing the insults. She didn't get mad but looks at him with her cold eyes.

    "Oh really? Henry speaks the truth. I am the heir to Robbie and Charlotte. I'm their daughter...their fully blooded daughter with their blood flowing through my veins." she said that most were growing outraged hearing this nonsense. Henry was angry hearing them showing rudeness but he was looking at them.

    "I told you to stop spilling nonsense! You are NOT the heir!" another shouting hearing some arguments now around the table. Spilling profanity and angry yells at her thinking Sophia was nothing of that kind. She didn't get mad but slowly sighed.

    "You all still don't believe's fine. That's why I've gotten some help with proving my words are true." She turns to look behind her, seeing the doors open. The leaders look seeing the tattoo reader with some papers and documents as he walks in hoping he wasn't interrupting anything.

    "What the-Who the hell are you!?" One shouts.

    "I'm the tattoo reader. You don't know me but I am always called by Mafia leaders in case they need help reading something. As miss Delgato stated, she is the heir of the Delgato family. She bears the tattoo and everything. I even got some other documents that proves her innocence." He said setting some folders down on the table that one looks at it.

    "What is this?"

    "Documents on Sophia. Her blood tests, her birth certificate, even pics of her back. As I said. She is the heir." he said that one got mad hearing enough.

    "Stop spreading lies! She's not the heir! Just some dumb bimbo lying. You better stop this right now or else we'll have you shipped out of here for being a naughty servant!" He aims his gun at her that most were not moving but she didn't move, looking at him that she slowly walks over to him.

    "You don't believe me, I get it. But as I said, I never would lie. Not in front of Henry or others of importance. If you look at the documents, you will see the truth." she said but he grips his gun getting ready to fire that Ava was in front of the gun and feels it press into her chest over her heart. She looks at him with her cold eyes but he twitched seeing them.

    The other leaders picked up one of the folders and opens it showing the information. It shows Ava or Sophia's information. The day she was born and her birth parents...

    ".....R-Robbie and Charlotte Delgato. They were her parents..." One said in shock seeing the others looking at it too.

    "It's all here. Her blood tests, birth, everything. It shows that Sophia or Ava is their child." One leader said.

    "Lies! It's not possible!" he was glaring but his hand was shaking hearing this. They didn't say anything then slowly looks at her that she even looks at them showing a silent expression. "Then....if your really their child then.."

    Sophia sighed to turn her body slightly and undid her shirt while the man holding the gun was confused. "What the hell are you doing????" he said but she pulls the shirt down showing a wrapped up top but turns her back exposing her tattoo. The one that she was given at a young age.

    The others were horrified knowing the tattoo. The Delgato mafia mark. The same one Charlotte had on her back. However, she has the highest ranking seeing the black rose in the middle. The leaders quickly got scared as she puts the shirt back on glaring at him.

    "N..No really their..daughter?"

    "Now do you believe me? My birth parents were Robbie and Charlotte that died after the family was killed off. I figure some have lived but I know my family's power was taken away from them. By others like you." She sees him back up scared that she looks at him.

    "......" 'Her eyes..Just like Charlotte had on her back that day. She always warned us never to cross her family and the man she married was also dangerous. But...she never expected to have a daughter?!?'

    Sophia glares but that's when the leader had a flashback of Charlotte doing the same thing. Her cold ice blue eyes staring into the souls of the other leaders that was scared of her power and use of what she could do. She was indeed dangerous. Anyone that double crosses her ended up dead. However, she only loved her family, the man she married, and their child.

    "" He drops the gun on the ground but quickly gets on his knees to bow his head to her. Sophia blinks looking at him as the other leaders did the same feeling afraid knowing her family owned the city. Everything was hers.

    "P..Please, Miss Delgato! I'm sorry. I didn't know..I never knew they had...I just...." he was shaking afraid but Sophia didn't say anything looking at him and the others while she fixed her shirt. Her eyes were cold but slowly walks over to look at them.

    "You all owe my family a apology and to me. You took everything from the Delgato family....claiming this city as your own when it's clearly under my family name. So....I expect you all to respect my authority and give back what was my family." she said.

    "Y..Yes, of course! Anything, Miss Delgato!" he said sweating bullets as she turns to walk back over to Henry's side. She didn't look at them but Henry remains silent while looking at them. They really owed her for disrespecting her like that.

    "With that taken care of, you all will be sure everything is handed back to miss Delgato here. Every inch of her family that was scrapped off is to be given back to her." He said as they stood up agreeing to the terms. Still feeling afraid of her.

    "Y..Yes, of course..." one said scared as Sophia looks at them not responding but reborn was really impressed seeing Sophia being scary as Charlotte was in the past. Like mother and daughter he supposes.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
    Join date : 2017-06-23

    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:45 am

    henry spoke up then.

    "let me make one thing clear. those of you who doubted me and her. are cut off."

    the protests and outrage of the others was explosive.

    "What do you mean cut off?"
    "no not my allowance" and other reactions besides all voiced at once. and they stop when henry drew the hammer back on his colt.

    "i said when i agreed to let you keep your holdings and power was to trust me. that i would not keep you in the dark and i wouldnt lie outright. here you have accused me of breaking my word and lying to you. and you have the audacity to threaten the only one of my servants that can be trusted more than any of you. frankly im disgusted by your inability to accept my words as fact when even now the evidence is before you." henry said chastizing them all. they knew they angered him and now they knew he was telling the truth. alss now they knew he was going to remove their business ties for how they treated her.


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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jul 16, 2021 4:38 am

    "Henry, please rethink this! I'm sure we can make some sort of deal! can't strip us all from what we worked very hard to-"

    "I think you mean what you found and stole from the Delgato. If she's saying her family owns everything, that means the city. We all stole something from the family so we should at least give it back to her. It's only fair." he warns glaring at the other mafia leaders that tenses seeing the anger in Henry's eyes. Sophia didn't say anything but she looks at him while her with her own cold eyes looking silent. However, she felt that same feeling again within her heart.


    "this is insane. You can't do this!!"

    "I can and I just did. You will have everything ripped from your titles and start over but I'm sure you'll figure something out even if miss Delgato forgives you all for what you done to her family. She hates when another ruins or takes what belongs to her...she means it." he warns.

    ".....You seriously are going to cut us off from what we earned in this damn city!?" One shouts but Henry pulls out his gun to pull a warning shot in the air. This made the mafia leaders stop tensing from the noise that they were looking at him.

    "I mean what I mean. You bastards double crossed me and Sophia so you don't deserve shit. You are to be mafia leaders that try to run their business as ususal but you only did it thanks to the old assets of what the Delgato family rightly claimed as theirs. You stole that from her family and right now, I'm returning that to her. Give her back the rings you all 'found'. I figure they also belong to her." he said as Sophia blinks wondering about that.

    The others didn't move but Henry glares at them again gripping his gun.

    "Didn't you hear me? I said now." he snarled as they slowly walked over and took off a ring that was set down right on the table. She didn't know much about the rings but they were being placed near her while seeing her remain quiet during this. Did they really take a lot of things from her in order for this to happen? Each one sets own a ring before moving back.


    "The rings there Sophia were really old but they did belong to your mother....the ones you have are your fathers. These pigs took the ones your mother had." Henry guessed as the reader checks to be sure and he was right. Each one was engraved with some flower but it proves these rings belonged to her mother. Anger begins bubbling inside of her but she didn't speak while looking down once more. She carefully sees the rings and touched each one, knowing her mother wore these same rings.

    "T..there. We gave back the rings. Now will you-"

    "Shut still are giving her back everything you took from her. I already had someone draining the money you pigs took from her and putting back where it belongs. Besides, you can start up again like nothing was wrong." he grumbles as they were scared never seeing Henry this angry.

    "Seems you gentlemen have taken a lot from her hmm? Either way, I don't know if Henry will show mercy to you all now." he joked as they got more nervous seeing this now. If it's the possible outcome, this worries them even more seeing Sophia looking at the rings her mother wore.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jul 16, 2021 11:57 am

    he looked at her and saw her expression and was a little concerned about it. she hadnt spoken yet and he guessed she was saving her words for later. he listened to the protests threats and even a few leave to cut ties. those were killed in secret.

    he talked and negotiated hoping to be fair to her and rebuild her empire

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:08 pm

    "...Miss Delgato?" The reader asked but she picks up the rings to look at them but noticed the rings were just like her mothers. In fact, they were her mother's. Seeing this, Sophia looks up glaring at the leaders. "How in the world..did you all get these rings?" she asked simply.

    "How? Why would you ask such a thing. We found the rings when we were gaining the territories." one said but she keeps the rings close to close it into a fist.

    "That's not what I asked. How did you get these rings? It's either you did something to my family..or worse, you stole these from my mother." she said in a cold tone seeing some of them looking nervous minutes before. Henry and Reborn blink hearing this but they look at one another then to her. Her hand was shaking but her eyes were angry.

    ".....Well...we just-"

    She slams her fist on the table looking at them. "HOW DID YOU GET THESE RINGS!?" Henry, Reborn, the reader, and some of the servants jumps never hearing her scream like that before but the leaders that had the rings got scared seeing her reach for her blade. "You all have till three to tell me where and how you got them. Or else I'll be sure to kill you where I stand and I'm not the one for violence."

    "You wouldn't! come now.."

    "One..." she grips the handle slowly pulling the sword out. They got nervous seeing that as she keeps moving her hand. "Two....."she pulls it out aiming at him as he got scared thinking she would do it. "Thr-"

    "Okay, wait wait wait! We had some thief for hire get them for us! We stole the rings from your mother to claim power over the territories your family owns. We know it's a lot with billions and billions of dollars! We just wanted to get some power so we stole it from her! Same with your father. That's all I know I swear!" he said scared as she stops moving her sword to look at them that her cold dead angry eyes glares at them but kept her cool.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sat Jul 17, 2021 12:49 am

    "no bloodshed... please it reallly ruins the carpet." he says focusing on her and she caught his gaze.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:15 pm

    She didn't move nor said a word, gripping her bladed handle wanting to slash at them but Sophia was looking at her mother's rings to pick them up. The leaders got nervous seeing her look at them but she only calms down to look away from them. Henry looks at her then back at them.

    "As I said; you are to give her everything back. No excuses. Now, get out of my sight. Now." he warns seeing them quickly leaving the room knowing they were in trouble. They just lost everything but this leaves the four in the room. Sophia was looking at the rings not looking at the three. Her mother was really something but wishes to have grown up with her.

    ".....Sophia.." Henry stood up about to touch her but she turns to head out needing to clear her head as the doors slam open to leave through the door into the hallway. She was clearly upset right now but Henry sees Reborn and the reader look at him then at the door.

    "Give her time, she'll be fine and knowing her, she won't do anything to hurt or kill anyone." he said as Henry was agreeing with him. Sophia was taking alot more in so he wanted to give her space. Even if he wanted to help her badly. For the last few hours, the ex mafia leaders were brought ranks to the lowest of the low while Sophia's own was given back to her to claim the city. Everything they took from her family was brought back while her family name was being cleared. Even the ones that was in hiding heard of the heir being back and went to try and find her so they could join her side again.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:14 am

    henry wished to help now and not wait but he listened not wishing fo cause harm or push her away. he wanted to bring her closer.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:00 pm

    He just looks down at the table but slams his fist onto the hard surface. Sophia must be really mad now but he wanted to do his best to help her out or at least let her cool off till she wanted to talk. For the time being, she was sitting under a tree where she was working on making some hand made graves for her parents. For her mother and father while setting some flowers under them. She knew they were wonderful parents but wishes to have known them better.


    Hate and anger was burning in her heart for the ones that took them away from her but what could she do? Just live her life and become more stronger for them. Her eyes were closed half way while looking at the graves but she feels a slight breeze blowing against her. She just keeps sitting near the hand made graves for her parents and the others in the Delgato family while she closes her eyes.

    Her eyes did pick up the other ex mafia leaders leaving the area while she just watches them drive off in fear. Everything they worked for or stole was gone so they had to work from the ground up. She wanted to go after them for this but she didn't. She wouldn't kill another like that. Besides, she just wanting to look past this painful feeling while one looks up at her but she looks back at the ex mafia leader with a cold expression.

    He tenses up afraid and gets in the car driving off quickly. She only relaxed her body not saying anything that she just sighed seeing a few servants worried about miss Sophia. She's been there all this time but she stood up and goes to the lake near grounds. Maybe she just needed more time to clear her head while two maids keep an eye on her.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jul 21, 2021 1:37 pm

    henry waited at the graves of her parents and knelt down to pay his respects. it wasnt fair but life it like this sometimes. he didnt know what to do and he idnt know how to help because he didnt know how to help his own grief of losing his family.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:05 pm

    The maids were worried of their master but decided to keep close just in case either one came back to the mansion. Henry and Sophia were upset true but maybe they had to clear their heads for a while before returning. So this didn't end up with them fighting or arguing about something later on.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:08 am

    sophie approched him when she was ready to talk about it and she had noticed he paid his own respects to her parents. she didnt catch what he said but she guessed he woudl tell her eventually. she clears her head and settles herself down reminding herself that all life was important and that she only killed if she had no other choice.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:54 pm

    All she did was remain quiet and sit down looking out at his mansion with Henry beside her. He and her didn't say anything to one another but he knew she was not as angry due to how she didn't grip her sword too tightly. For now, they remain there till he decided to break the silence.

    "Are you doing alright, Sophia? I know you seem to still be a bit upset after what happened." he said softly to her but she only looks down hugging her legs to her chest. True, she was upset but she didn't mean to be this upset. Finding the truth of her family and of her parents. It was just too much for her.

    ".......I guess I'm alright...still upset but not bad as before." she said softly not looking at him.

    "I see. Sophia, I know you are but you have me and the Noxford family helping the Delgato family. I want to help you make things right again with your blood right. Everything you went through was just too painful and...*looks down* Your heart is already broken due to losing your parents.." he mutters this but Sophia just sighed hiding her face.

    "I understand, maste-"

    "It's Henry. Not master. You may be my bodyguard but you don't have to call me by that any more. It's Henry....." he sees her grow quiet but nods since she'll have to get used to that.


    "..It's fine." he said looking at her but reaches to pet the top of her head softly. She didn't move but relaxed from the touch, closing her eyes while sitting near her parent's grave. He knew she'll need time to recover but he'll be here with her no matter what. He's already got everything set in motion to give everything back to her as it should be. The mafia leaders will have to work up from the dirt again since what they had didn't belong to them. Though, some did make earnings by themselves so they could keep that.

    For now, this will take time to give everything back so Henry can do his best to help her. Sophia, however, was lost in her thoughts wondering if she will do her best for her parents but she also wondered if Henry will really treat her as his woman or was he just saying that? She will know in due time.

    The two remain outside for a while before heading inside where the servants waited for them. They already saw her heading to where she would sleep but one told her she was going to a brand new room. Everything she owned was moved there a few hours ago. Because he and her were business partners, her belongings were moved to a bedroom next to his own. It's twice as big but more room like for her.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
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    Mafia business - Page 4 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:39 pm

    she must have been surprisedto see the room and he wonders waht she felt about it. he hoped she liked it and he hoped she was not too shaken by how things were changing. he was still there for her and talked with her but he seemed ot have elevated her to an equal.

    did she perhaps truly enjoy being his bodygaurd? did she not want things to change? yet here they had and shew as feeling caught in the feelings and sorting them out. she rarely spoke anymore and it seemed she was overwhemled by everything. he always tried to cheer her up or entertain her and she accepted and cherished the time they shared.

    he never knew how good he was to her but she must have thought hew a something special because she endured it all.

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