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    Mafia business


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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:45 pm

    She only looks around her new room seeing it's much bigger and more fancier than the one she stayed in for so long. This was indeed something brand new to her that she only looks down seeing the floor. The maids were wondering if she was alright but she didn't turn around to face them still blushing slightly.

    "You...sure this is right? This is.." she tried to speak but they nods to her while she looks ahead again.

    For now, she was trying to bear with all these new changes to her that Henry was eating some dinner alone since she was tired from today. She stayed in her new room while looking nervous about it. Maybe she wasn't happy? No, she was but in another way of showing it. Just as he was about to take a sip of his rum, he hears the door open showing Reborn again as he walks over to show some document.


    "You said to find something and make sure the others were true to their word. All the leaders were true to their word and have started giving everything back. As of now, Miss Delgato is back to what she used to be in power....I'm guessing you will join her side too?" he asked.

    "..Of course to make sure that she's alright..or at least stable through this. It's still a lot for her to take in. After finding the truth."

    "Indeed that is true. But think about it...she's learning again before her life changed. Maybe you two will grow closer with one another in the future or soon. Maybe become partners to a couple. This city always was gloomy with the others but I'm sure they will regret forgetting about the delgato mafia family." He sits down but sees a plate of food to start eating.

    "And you really think that?"

    "Yes. Things happened for reasons so maybe this was going to happen sooner or later? I hear she was looking through many things to find out about her real family. Now she knows the truth." he eats but chews his food while Henry thinks about it. He cared aout her true but he only wanted her happiness in any way possible.

    "You wish for her to be happy..I'm sure she is..but is she really? Maybe she's still sad she still sees herself unworthy of your heart and love? Maybe she's feeling fear that's hidden..."

    "...Sophia never is afraid...she never would be....." he said but Reborn turns to look at him.

    "Is she? How do you even know?"

    "...... " He didn't know and it worried him. Was she fearing he won't love her later on? Just to remain to her oath of never falling for her feelings or her heart? The fragile organ that felt light when being near him and happy. She was forcing herself not to feel love? Like they trained her?

    "If you want to know; ask her. Show her to prove it's fine..she is your only one, is she not? Or is this all in your heads?" he asked eating with Henry thinking.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:21 pm

    he had to know if she was regressing back to the dark times. he was worried about her getting further away from him once again and he was thinking about what he could do to reassure her. he took a bitter sip from his cup looking at an image of her in his mind. "i wish she would trust me and be open." he said under his breath taking another bitter sip.

    he wasnt sure if his choices would be good. ordinarily he would mess with her head giving her lots of physical distractions with kisses and touches. he would drive her crazy with affection and claim her. but this time it seemed that way would cause harm. and he didnt want that

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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sat Jul 24, 2021 9:59 pm

    Maybe over time he can figure something out. For now, he slams the glass down but lucky for him it didn't break. He just closes his eyes that Henry was done with dinner and decided to go and clear his head for the time being. Reborn sees him leave but remains where he was eating some food off his plate. Later on, he was standing beside Sophia as she was speaking in some conference to confirm her return of the Delgato family. Many of the other families were shocked hearing the leaders, Robbie and Charlotte, her parents.

    A few were shocked but others were never sure. They got their proof when seeing she was speaking the truth. Sophia spoke while looking at everyone with her showing off the same look of her birth mother. Some of the new leaders found her dangerous but also beautiful. Henry said nothing listening to this but noticed a couple eyeing her he just closed his hand into a fist behind his back.

    He felt the urge to protect her like she did with him. For now, after speaking to everyone, they knew or the whole city knew the god father or god mother Sophia was indeed alive and not dead. They were showing different reactions towards this. Even during their patrol, a few of the other mafia leaders started flirting with Sophia. She politely declines but thanks them for being part of the Nexford and Delgato mafia allies family. She keeps walking having her mind on so many things that she was lost in them.

    Henry noticed but was growing more worried. Was she really going back to her old ways or was she just lost in her thoughts? He just keeps walking with her but keeps close while she and him were back near the estate of his home.

    "I guess everyone really never found out of the heir being alive huh Sophia?" he asked taking a walk through his garden with her.

    "Seems not. However, I'm shocked so many had no idea. I'm figuring that my family is starting to come back from the darkness as it was buried that day when...Losing my parents. Seems they went through a lot before I was born.." she looks at her wrist seeing the slave mark given to her. "Though, I have a little more to learn of what I can do in this city and maybe for myself." she said.

    "That's a good way to start but you shouldn't push yourself over it. Just clear your mind and I'm sure it will come to you." he stated.

    "..Maybe. I just want to be able to live what I wish to be.....but I want to be sure I keep my family name strong through the new years. Knowing all of this is a lot true but It shouldn't keep me back......." she looks out at the garden but stops looking at the bush of roses. She reaches to feel them but cups one in her hand.

    He blinks seeing this but she looks at it with her eyes while thinking a little to herself again. She looked really beautiful even around flowers and roses. They seem to make her look like some queen emerging around the calls of nature. He looks away when she carefully lets the rose go and keeps going with the walk.

    "Maybe in due time I really want to be better for you and myself, sir-I mean Henry. I guess it's going to take a while to stop calling you sir and just Henry right?"she said walking but Henry catches up so he's by her side again.

    "You don't have to keep calling me sir. We are partners you know. Partners to this city that hurt you for a long time.." he said but she looks ahead without looking at him.

    "So for partners we are just that? Nothing closer?" she asked but he tenses to hear her words then hears a sigh. "I understand. I figure you already had someone before or by your parents maybe? I mean..someone will be so lucky to have you love them, Henry. I'm so happy for you." she smiled just a little but keeps walking.

    "I mean, I know or heard that if someone was to love you, you'll try making them flushed or blush by your behavior. It's too sweet and cute so I figure I don't know. Being someone close to the Nexford family is really something." she said.


    "Well, shall we head back? I hear one of the maids were making something big for lunch. Wouldn't want to worry her now." she said walking out of the garden to the house while Henry was seeing her leave. Her hair moving slightly in a gentle spring breeze leaving him alone. He didn't know what to do but he seriously didn't want her to go back to not knowing anything. That and he wishes to spill out his feelings for her.

    His heart was breaking for her because he was afraid of ruining this close relationship. He slowly looks down seeing her heading back inside. His mind seeing her smiling in a mirror but the mirror was broken showing her dead no emotion like eye back at him. If she was going back to her old ways, that was going to be a painful one for him and her too. For now, he hopes in finding out more and wishing to keep her happy. Even if it means winning her heart. Her love. Everything. He gets in the house and goes to his study room for a while to think.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:29 pm

    he got the impression he put some sort of barrier between them. like there was a limit to their relationship. he didnt want that he wanted her to feel that things were progressing for her and they werent limited to business partners. they were very close and had been for years. he didnt want her to think he was trying to keep them seperate. he wanted her to feel like they were getting closer.

    he was fighting his instincts. she was beautiful to him and worthy of respect and gentle treatment. he didnt want to make her feel alienated. he wanted her to feel included and supported. as he watches her he was careful to avoid broaching subjects that were sensitive to her or upsetting. he had gotten so used to such behavior it was difficult to open up. he was afraid to talk too much or make her feel bad by saying something wrong.

    he also wa having impulse control issues. he would reach out to touch her affectionatly but let his hand fall when he realized what he was doing. she had noticed and sometimes he hadnt noticed and his hand caressed her. but that was the past now he never touched her and she begins to crave his affection again.

    he didnt know. he couldnt know how much his affectionate touch and his words helped her. this change in him was out of respect and growth but they both feel apart and distant. he hoped it was good for her to have this mental space to think and figure things out for herself. he wanted her to feel independant and free as well as understand her will.

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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:01 pm

    For now, he only could wait and see what will happen from here on out. Maybe things will change for them. Maybe they will grow even closer during this time or to his fears, grow more distant. So distant that she thinks of leaving the Nexford house. Shaking his head, he just goes to do his usual thing while she was keeping her distance by giving him space. Or at least that's what she thinks he needs.

    For the time being, they were still working on trying to help Sophia get used to her new role with other servants explaining what has happened. Even finding some of her old family's henchmen showing up when finding out she was alive. AT first, they all showed respect towards her while bowing. Knowing she was the head mafia family because of her status. Though, two of them were blushing finding her beautiful even hoping to show their hearts to her. However, because she's a higher status, she isn't up for that. However.....

    Other mafia leaders heard of this and were sending messages and letters to Sophia, hoping to ask for her hand of being their girlfriend. It was a shock to her but an annoyance to Henry. They had the nerve to ask her this when clearly they were not her type. She knew better than that but one was bold to speak to her face to face for a meeting where he kissed her hand. He was lucky enough Henry missed when trying to shoot him as a warning. He still liked her even when she moves her hand but she was wondering if this mafia leader really liked liked her.

    For now, she was reading on some documents about her family tree with a maid helping her. However, she didn't see Henry for most of the day. She hopes he was alright or at least near by in case so she can help him if needed be. He was near but annoyed of more e-mails being sent to him regarding about Sophia and seeing if she was single or taken. He just deletes the messages but Reborn sighed to look at him.

    "Annoying I know. Though, it's mostly a good reasoning. She is indeed the only female being a mafia head family. Most of the leaders are men after all."

    "I get that but why do they have to act like this when it comes to Sophia? She's not interested in those hounds."

    "That may be true but she could be just really unsure on how to feel about any of this. That even includes you too, Henry. I know you and her are distant but hear me out. The longer you wait; the shorter time you have in showing your true feelings for this woman. I mean, you've had her longer than what's stopping you from wanting to do something?"

    "...*Looks down* I just..I don't want to make her uncomfortable. She's been through enough hell in her life..and I don't want to push anything else on her." he said under his breath but Reborn heard it.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:07 am

    "dont be an idiot. if you want her claim her." reborn said and sipped his tea.

    henry didnt want to trigger any bad memories or traumas form what could have happened in her past. he stayed close to her and was always where she could hear him if he needed something. she had begun to think about being closer to him and she was careful not to suggest that he hurt her like before. but maybe if she toned it down to rough affection it would be okay with him.

    he finished his paper work he had been working on while reborn was watching him and henry soon got up and see her and talk about thier relationship. he wasnt sure what to say or how to say what he did want to say. the only way he could think to say it was a dirty way and if he tried to clean it up she would get confused. or offended.

    he knew she was smart and reasonable so he guessed he had a shot at talking about their feelings once again and maybe asking what she expected in a man she was interested in.

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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:19 pm

    He walks through the hallway, passing a few rooms where some of his worker were cleaning everything up. They always made sure to bow to show respect to the boss but the same with Sophia since she's the same thing. He goes to her room, about to check up on her but sees a male butler leaving the room and shuts the door after finishing his cleaning up today. His eyes notice the other to see Henry walk over.

    "Good afternoon sir, is something wrong?" he asked.

    "Good afternoon. Is Sophia in there?" he asked really wanting to speak to her but the butler shook his head.

    "I'm sorry sir, she's not in here. She's in the training room downstairs. Miss Delgato wanted to train a little with her sword so she's doing that at the moment. She's been there all this morning to right now. I think she's almost done with her training though sir." he said but at least he knew where she was.

    "I see. Thank you." Waving his hand, Henry goes to back downstairs to find Sophia. He hopes he can help see where the relationship between them was. Or at least hope this relationship can grow into something even more. He gets to the grand stair case to walk down seeing two maids standing guard with some of his followers walking by but rushes past talking about something. He was confused but follows since they were heading to the same area where Sophia was.

    He sees a few talking about Sophia during her training. Speaking of how beautiful and sexy she looked while training with her blade. How the swift movement of the weapon cuts through the air while already destroying some dummies that was sliced into pieces. She was coated in some sweat while moving as she trains but was already throwing some kicks and jabs with her blade.

    A few of his followers were blushing seeing how she looked. Even with her clothing hugging her form like a towel. She was seriously looked cool but beautiful too. They sighed like they were in love but Henry was seeing this not saying anything wondering what he could say of this.He saw them already going to work on some things while the back door opens showing Sophia walking out. She had a towel in her hand drying her face. She must have taken a shower down here to clean up after her training.


    "????" Sophia turns to look towards the doors, seeing Henry's followers in the area her as she stood up straight.

    "Oh, hello mister Nexford. Was something the matter?" Great. She's calling her by his last name. Maybe she was going back to the old ways even if she's even more powerful than he was.

    "Nothing's wrong. I was just wondering if you would like to talk about something?" he asked seeing a confused expression on her face.

    "Talk about something? Did I do something wrong sir?"

    "No no. You did nothing wrong. I just want to with you. I see you just finished your training so...maybe we can have a chat over some tea?"

    "If you wish, then okay." He nods when both of them leave the area while she was looking ahead while looking silent thinking about what is going on. Was something wrong or was he just remaining quiet as they walked from the training area to the living room. He knew others were close but he wanted to have a private talk with her. He decided to head to a private meeting room where it's just him and her.

    He takes a left to a room but walks down the hallway. She was confused wondering what was going on before stopping at a door and opens it. She saw it's one of his private rooms with some book shelves, chairs, a table, his private desk. Two large windows behind the main desk with a fireplace. A tea set but some hot tea was seen. He already had some tea made ahead of time.

    He offers a seat to her as she walks in, hearing the door close so Henry and Sophia can talk. She takes a seat but slowly looks ahead watching him going to bring the tea over for them since he only drinks a few with his mother but maybe it will be good for this talk. She tilts her head seeing him pour some tea but offers some to her.

    "Thank you.." she held her cup but drinks a little while feeling relax.

    "Alright Sophia..I don't want to take too much of your time so......I'll be sure to make it quick." he said but she looks at him confused for the words. He was hoping to make this quick? That seems fine with her.....honestly, she wanted him to just stay with her longer. Unless he was still busy.

    "Of course sir.."

    "Ahem, listen. I don't know if your been getting used to everything but I'm hoping you are. But........I don't know where you stand right now or where...'we' are. How are you feeling about this?"

    "....You mean with us as partners or..." she sees him look down at the table while over thinking about something else.

    "....I mean, well, yes. In a way but....this is your opinion Sophia. I mean, I know I don't wish to step over a line but.....what do you see or what you wish of a man?" he said looking at her but she didn't look up at him while holding her tea cup. Her mind was wondering about this herself that she slowly lets out a sigh then opens her eyes looking towards him.

    "..You mean what I like in a man if it was possible for someone me?" she said seeing Henry nod. He wanted to know at least before she sets the tea in her lap to think of her answer. To be honest, she's always been holding her own woman urges back in hopes of finding love. Or at least someone that would like her for who she is. Being a bodyguard was hard but she's able to handle it pretty well.



    "...*Sighs* Honestly, I always wanted someone to just....tell me over and over again they love me for who I am."

    "What?" he sees her hold the cup but her fingers were holding it carefully.

    "Since I grew up, I was always marked for just being a slave. Someone to do orders and never listen to their own idea. I guess during that time, I was hoping to have someone love me for me. Not because they wish to get off since I bear this slave mark. If they see it, they think they'll get the first grabs of playing with me. What I wish for in a man, is for someone to prove they love me. to prove no one else is going to touch nor harm me because I'm already theirs." she mutters closing her eyes.

    "I desire someone to just love me for me. Knowing even if they see that love in their eyes, they know my feelings are going to be given back the same. I just want someone to hold me, to love me, cuddle me...kiss me. Maybe have me by their side every day no matter what and never be ashamed since I have the slave mark on my wrist. I just want to be happy. I want someone to tell me they love me.....I've seen a few in the past lie to me saying they love me but end up leaving me in the dumps. Explaining me always being sent back after their done with me." she hears nothing from Henry.

    "This was before your family took me in but..I still even wonder if someone will even love me. I don't have much in mind of my desires because I just forget them. Their not worth it anymore because my body is not beautiful like the other women in town." She looks to the window seeing the outside but her eyes were lost in thought but Henry thought they were beautiful.

    "I know million and million of women in town are beautiful and every guy wishes to be theirs but me? I'm fine with just being a someone. I don't know...I guess I was hoping for at least someone to just grab me and say they love me with no fear in their voice. Maybe I was over thinking it. Even when..I have feelings for the one that saved me as a child......but it's not it sir?"

    " mean..." he sees her look down again not seeing his face. Her hair was hiding her face now but he saw her still holding the cup.

    "I know my limits sir....and it's fine. I know you are happy as you are. I don't even see why I try opening my heart again because I'll fear of failing you.." she said that Henry closes his hand into a fist hearing this. Even remembering Reborn's words.

    "Don't be an idiot. If you want her....claim her."

    Claim her. Make her his own. Even after meeting as kids to him growing up easy and her under training, she grew to be a pretty beautiful woman. A strong bodyguard that's saved his skin over and over again. She was badass and he just grew to love her even more. She was someone that would help him even if she didn't know her true place. She helped him, protected him, saved him, fought for him. Everything he could think of she did just for him. Now, she was under a new status and a new life for herself. Even knowing her family history.

    "It's as they say; were just partners. Working together with nothing going on between us. Isn't that what you were thinking?" she mutters seeing Henry look down but he grips his tea cup hard in his hand.

    "....." 'Sophia, that's not what I wanted you to think of our closeness and bond. I didn't want you to think I'm just a partner.' he said this in his mind while she lifts her cup up and drinks a little of her tea. 'What have I done? Did I really make her feel this way? Has the chance of showing her how I really feel been destroyed between us?' he shook while she relaxed drinking more of her tea before she lowers it to sigh.

    "This is really good tea. Has a nice soothing feeling to it." she mutters with eyes half way open smiling a little but it fades. "What do you think, Henry?.......Henry?" she looks seeing him not say a word but Sophia tilts her head wondering if she said too much or he was upset about something.

    "........." Maybe he was tired from his duty or something else? She didn't want this talk to be in the way between that. "If you were still busy, I can come back later if you wish to finish the talk.." she said kindly.


    "Ummm....I'll just...see myself out. You must be tired from your work, sir. I thank you for the tea though." she sets it down as it clinks against the hard surface. Henry tenses from the slight noise to look up as she stood up from the chair, turning to head out. He saw her leaving now as she started to walk, he grabs her wrist stopping her.

    "???" she looks back seeing him look down but Sophia was confused. "Sir?"

    "..have I really made you feel that way? Like this is nothing but a partner ship business? Not even closer?"

    ".....In a way but isn't that what you wished for? Were just partners. That's it right?"she said quietly to him seeing him holding her wrist still but Henry said nothing keeping his gentle grip not wanting her to leave. He was just looking down.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Jul 28, 2021 2:00 am

    "i dont want to be just partners." he said softly still holding her tightly. "i want to be more. you know how i feel but i cant say it as often as i would like and now as often as you like.. i love you. ive always loved your company but as time passes. i find that i love you for more than what you do for me... but for who you have grown to become."

    "th-thats not fair... using my words like that..." she said blushing furiously and trying to pull away but he didnt let go.

    "i dont have anything else but your words to use. my feelings are too complex for words. i could tell you i love you all day in many ways and it wouldnt do my feelings justice." he said still speaking softly and she was surprised by how strong his grip was. almost as if he was using his resolve to tell her he never wanted her to leave his sight.

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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Jul 28, 2021 7:30 pm


    "I do want us to become closer, Sophia and I really want to learn more about you so maybe we can grow together. Your not just a partner to me, okay? Your....*Sighs* Your the most beautiful and talented woman I've met. Even if I didn't know as a kid, I do now as a adult." he said. He sees her close her hand into a fist but he turns her around looking at her in the eyes.

    The same eyes he's watched grow into something more as he just looks at her. "You believe me right?"

    "...You make it sound like I don't. I never knew you were feeling this serious, Sir-"

    "But I am. I love you, Sophia. I really love you." He said holding her wrist still but he pulls her close to hug her against his chest. Her eyes widen from the strength he showed being held in his arms but she blushes hard to look at his chest not sure what to say at this point.

    "..............." 'He loves me..he seriously loves me. I'm never seen him like this before. Being so gentle...and holding me like this. I never expected him to be this gentle with me. He always had me watch him to protect. Maybe I was wrong?' she slowly moves her hands behind his back to grip his shirt feeling her body shaking.

    "Sir..I mean, Henry. I never knew you were......this close with me. Even with your feelings I am..I mean I never.." she tries to talk but he just looks at her to hold her cheek seeing her close both eyes to his touch.


    "I know this is something you were not expecting me of all people to tell you this but I mean it. I love you, Sophia. I always have...I just....." He looks down at her but she blushes red as they look at one another.

    'It's risky..way too risky for me to let my feelings go after so long but..this sudden feeling in my stomach..It burns so much. Even with him saying all these to me I....I can't..' her lips parted about to speak but he looks at her not saying much. However, she grips his shirt harder before leaning up to on her toes to kiss his cheek. His eyes widen feeling her soft lips touch his cheek then looks to her as she blushes looking at him.

    They said nothing during this time but she looks down thinking he didn't like the kiss, Henry holds her tight to suddenly kiss her lips. This made her tense up feeling his lips against her own while feeling her body shaking from the feeling of his lips. It was burning but she kept her eyes closed feeling him kiss her softly while holding her against his body. He was wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her that his eyes were shut too. This was warm but he breaks the kiss to hear her panting softly.

    "....*panting* I'm sorry..I couldn't......"

    "It's alright. It's returning back the kiss on the cheek you gave me. I really are something else, Sophia. I really want us to become even closer together." he said but her eyes were closed still blushing hard. He seriously was too sweet for his own good but opens her eyes to feel him holding her close.

    "..I would that. Us being more closer..if you w..want to." she softly said to him. However, he just held her close while feeling her body up close.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
    King Of The Immortals
    King Of The Immortals

    Posts : 5318
    Join date : 2017-06-23

    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:18 pm

    "ive been trying to get closer since we first started our little group." he said referring to the times back when she first started working for him. she realized this and the shock of how long he had loved her was very deep. it cut into her core and melted any hope she had of resisting her feelings. she felt a litle bad for not acting sooner but now was the right time and it couldnt be done earlier. and most of all he never gave up on her allowing her to come forward in her own time and she realize just how deeply he loved her and now understood a bit more about his worry for her and his desire to protect her even if shew as his bodygaurd she was something more precious to him all along.

    "m-master... please... dont hold back anymore." she said meekly and softly returning to her submissive nature for a moment. " sh-show me... h-how deeply you love me.. how... far you would go because you want me...." she said hoping he wouldnt mind her shyness or lack of definition and he responded with a thoughtful look and a moment where she thought she said something wrong before he kisses her lips much more deeply with more passion than he ever showed.

    her gasp was cut off by the kiss and melted into a hot moan as his hands grip her sides and move up to her ribs then down past her thigh. the ravishing caress set her senses on fire and she expected such a heated treatment after her words and she was happy he didnt disappoint her expectations.

    the supressed sexual desires and instincts she had burst forth full force and she roughly returns his kiss and also grips him tight and her hands slip under his clothes to feel his skin. she felt his sweaty heat and the tension of his muscles as his own touch ravishes her body and his lips work her neck allowing her to breathe. she moans out as his lower hand grips her rear and his upper hand grip her chest.

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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:27 pm

    She felt his rough touches against her boiling skin, the clothes she wore sticking to her like a second skin. All the kissing and touches he gave her just burns her up even worse. Sophia wasn't expecting this from her master but he only made her moan again leaning her head back as he squeezes her rear and breast even harder. She felt her body shiver in pleasure when he moves his hand to slip into her pants from behind to squeeze again with his fingers brushing against her slightly wet skin and panties.

    Henry kept hearing her softly moan but her fingers gripping into his shirt by the kisses and neck kisses he left behind. Her eyes flutter close before she begins shaking in a matter of seconds.

    "M...master...master pl..please.....don't h..hold back a..any more like I said. Please re..release it. Let it out." she whispered loud for him to hear that he quickly begins squeezing and rubbing her breast and rear. Sophia blushes hard from the touches but yelps feeling him rubbing her nipple using the palm of his hand. She was soft but slightly sweaty from the heat that was coming off the both of them. This unstable heated desire was making him pant out wanting to hear more of her soft voice. The way her body reacts to his touches. She feels him kissing against her neck again with more moans escaping her lips.

    He keeps up with touching her till he feels her touch his cheek having Henry stop kissing her neck. She was flushed and trying to catch her breath before he carefully picks her up in his arms to sit down in a chair but has her in his lap. She blushes holding onto him till they kiss once more. His hands gripping her rear as she whimpers by the squeezing he did. She felt hot and now wet in between her legs because she felt that even he was growing hard still kissing her back softly and deeply. The kiss was hot that she was wrapping her arms around his shoulders while sharing this hot wet moment. His hands even moved up from her rear to her back while feeling her skin as her shirt got lifted up a little.

    As for her, she moves her hands back to his chest but feels his chest again while swirling her tongue against his own tongue while they make out even slower.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:06 am

    they press more against eachother as they make out happily. he was still sliding her shirt up with his hands and she was working on unbuttoning his own. neither of them stop to think about what was going on as they pant and breathe before going at it even more. their tongues were activly moving against the other while they make out even slower. she must have loved how is hands were treating her as she slides a little to bare his chest and she leans into him closer kissing him more.

    she was letting it all go and being what she really wished to be for im and he was responding by giving her everything he could think of to make her feel pleasure. his hands return to her breasts gripping them fully and squeezing them. her shirt and bra were skewed and if he moved his hands away her breasts were revealed.

    his hands work her tender flesh a bit more roughly than before and he started to speed up the pace a little sas his eagerness to show her more was getting the better o him.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:34 pm

    She shakes from the touches he left on her body while feeling her eyes still closed. Henry really was doing everything to show he really did love her deeply. Even from the possible outcome of this made his hands still held her breasts while covering them that he slowly turns her away while holding her up against his chest. She gasped feeling that but feels him leaning her back against his body.

    "Don't be nervous, I want to be sure you feel good..." he whispered against her neck since the kiss stopped but he held her cheek to turn her head and kiss Sophia again. She happily returns the kiss blushing slightly but she was having trouble controlling her body. She was blushing from everything that he lowers his other hand to show off her breasts again. Sophia whines when he and her kept on kissing that she was dazed a little without feeling his own body reacting to this. He was already growing hard down there but he didn't know she was growing wet too.

    After a second passes, they break the kiss again while he moves to kiss her neck again. A soft moan leaves past her lips feeling his tongue slide against her sweaty neck. This was way too hot for her body but she didn't seem to mind. It was already fogging her mind right now and she just wanted to feel more of her master. He held her body close to him so she didn't move away while hearing her soft moans escaping her lips.

    " feels really g..good..your kisses feel really hot all of a sudden.." she whispered the words for him to hear but gasps when he grips her hips keeping her pressed up from behind. He seriously was kissing her neck but turns her head to kiss her deeply that she closes her eyes savoring the kiss once more. She shook feeling his hold but it only made her squirm a little in his hold to have her get held still in his arms.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:49 am

    she felt his lump rubbing against her a she squirms and his kisses and licks grew more intense. his grip on her was firm and his massaging of her body was going smoothly. his hands explore across her body lingering where she moans the loudest or tries to keep her moan quiet feeling out her sentitive areas. he still didnt know how wet she was and he didnt know how badly she was craving him.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Wed Aug 04, 2021 9:08 pm

    Henry knew this was getting to a more dangerous game of playing with each other but she was squirming in his hold, trying to behave herself. However, he didn't want that of her. He wishes to hear that naughty voice she makes if he rubs the right area. That or hoping he would make her feel really good that she gasped loudly feeling him stroke near her lower right side. She quivers feeling her wetness drip down her leg that it stains her pants leg. She was shaking covering her mouth with one hand but he didn't stop stroking or touching her.

    She was already making it harder for him not to stop but that leaves her burning up even worse. She had the possible outcome of feeling pleasure while she was leaning back against him. This caused his lump to throb, pushing against her rear even more. She panted out feeling his hands moving against her skin that he slips them under her shirt once more, feeling her well toned body and curves. Sophia was amazing but he was panting loving how she felt in his arms.

    "So soft.." he whispered that she blushes worse not expecting a comment like that. He even squeezes her hips making Sophia gasp again to quiver in his touch. It felt way too good but she only feels him move to press her up against the wall while she moans again feeling him touching her sensitive body all over.


    "Shhhhh, it's alright......." he held her lovingly but sees her blushing hard not saying a word when he was touching her body. She already was having trouble to stop the shaking but it leaves her whimpering when he was nipping against her neck again.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Aug 05, 2021 6:32 am

    he held her tightly and massages her body more roughly and his kisses pull on her skin even harder leaving lite marks that fade fast. her skin was tingling and her place was wet. she tried to tell him as much but he shushed her trying to help her not worry. but she wasnt worried. she wante dmore and was doing her best to behave herself.

    he didnt know about the deep desires she carried for him. how long she wished for him to do these things and something in her mind was wanting to push him down and claim his love and his pleasure tool for herself.

    she was thinking about how she could take him hard and rough and as her mind was bubbling with her desires his hands and body were inching closer to hitting the threshhold of such sensitive ideas. his fingers slide down and slip into her bottoms to feel her place.

    there was a soft squish and he felt some of her wetness escape as she moans out feeling his fingers pressing and rubbing her pussy.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:58 pm

    He panted hearing the squish that his fingers stop moving feeling some wetness growing. Sophia blushes feeling his fingers not moving to sway her hips panting heavily. Her chest was burning from all of this but she couldn't move from how strong he was holding him. She panted feeling his fingers not move till he tilts his head.

    "What is this?" he mutters against her neck but she shook feeling his hot breath brush against her sweaty neck. He held her close from behind, feeling his body pressing up against her from behind. He was already growing hard wanting Sophia but she only whimpers feeling him stroking her body again but the fingers against her place didn't move till she noticed.

    "M..Master, you shouldn't stroke there. It's not..Nuggh!" she bit her bottom lip, feeling his fingers press and rub against her pussy again but slowly. The wet squishy noises were heard again while she was leaning her head back feeling her pussy dripping again. Her pants were still on but he knew she was going to soak her panties.

    "So must really like it if your this wet for me, Sophia." his whisper was caught in her ear that she moans behind her hand feeling him burning again. She was growing excited now but he only bucks against her from behind letting her feel his own heated arousal from the noises she already was making.

    "You really are cute, Ava. So cute and soft...your already growing so wet for me.." he pushes his fingers even more against her wet pussy that she tenses up to moan a bit louder resting against the wall in front of her. Both legs were shaking feeling him playing with her wet slit now. Her body shook and twitches from each stroke, making her whimper again for him.

    Henry didn't stop his fingers but uses the other hand to rub her left breast while he moves it down to pull in close and speak in her ear. "If you want more, take your pants off. I want to see..." he orders but she gulps hearing it. Moving her shaking arms from the wall, Sophia moves to her pants and started undoing the button and zipper. He keeps rubbing her pussy as she did this when feeling the pants drop to her ankles.

    He looks down seeing her wearing some dark red silk panties but she was not looking at him before he keeps rubbing and pushing against it. Another weak moan leaves her lips but he only keeps feeling her as it was really wet and slick. His fingers were getting wetter but he was already growing hard that he slowly opens her wet lips to hear her gasp.

    "W..wait...m..master d..don't..mmmmm...d.don't that.." she begs of him but he keeps going to hear her moan each time he rubs and opens her. He felt some line of her wetness running down her thighs to hit the floor under her as she moans even worse feeling him touching her.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Thu Aug 05, 2021 11:20 pm

    he touched and rubbed her there for several minutes as the line of her jiuces drips down her leg to the floor. he wasnt stopping guessing she would have physically stopped him if she wanted him to stop. so he continues and rubs a bit harder using two fingers to hold her slit open and another to rub inside.

    "are you sure you want me to stop? this says you want more. and with how wet you are getting i tihnk you want something more dont you?" he said and she moans as his figner rubs inside her open slit and presses inside a little. he squeezes he breast harder then slurps on it keeping his fingers rubbing her down there. he wanted to see what woudl happen if he didnt stop and just how badly did she want more?


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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:23 am

    Sophia cries out feeling his fingers keeping her open and his fingers thrusting into her. The squishy noises got louder but she tries calming down even if this felt amazing. Her body was reacting to what he was doing to her with one of her breasts squeezed and sucked on, his fingers pushing inside of her body so he can feel her wetness. She was trying to speak when another squeak leaves her when he was rubbing against her swollen clit.

    "Mfffmm!!!" she covers her mouth quickly to the sudden touch but he noticed to stop his finger from thrusting into her craving pussy. A whine was heard from her that he lets go of her breasts as she was shaking.

    "Something tells me you really want something more now? You really are so cute..." he whispered but still slowly holding her close that she was shivering again. However, her eyes were shut whimpering to wiggle her hips feeling him already going to feel his finger pull out and his hand moves out of her panties.

    "W..why d..did you stop?" she whispers the words to him but he grips her chin to turn her head and smile.

    "I had to because we should go a bit further than this. Maybe I need to see just how bad you are right now. You already can tell I'm bad right? Or would you feel instead?" He moves his hand down her back but grips her wrist. She feels his hold on her wrist to place the palm of her hand against his harden lump. This made Sophia's eyes widen feeling his hard cock throbbing in his pants as he moves closer so she can feel him.

    "See? I'm already hard and want you so're such a tease to me, Sophia." he speaks softly into her neck but she was blushing feeling his hardness that he slowly sees her look away not moving her hand. However, he begins grinding into her hand making her gasp. "You can tell can't you?"

    "'re r..r..really hard down Is it really b..because of me?" she was shocked hearing he got this way because of her but she wasn't sure if it's true. Showing a smile he kisses her neck again while she squeaks again.

    "Mmmmmm, of course. Your drive me crazy being a sexy hot woman. You turn me on so much, I only want you as my woman. I want to make you mine...." he said but she gulps to feel his hips slowly moving that her pussy was dripping again that her panties got damp from her arousal. He noticed to chuckle deeply for her to hear.

    "And you seem to like the idea, don't you?"

    "I....." she couldn't get the words out since their stuck in her throat. However, she gasped when he suddenly moves her from the wall to sit in his chair. She blushes about to cover her panties but he rests his hands on her thighs to keep her legs up and back. He could see the outline of her hot wet slick pussy through the wet fabric of her underwear. She really was soaked down here but he slips his thumbs through her panties to spread her open to see the outline and her clit.

    "M..master d..don't..don't look at it.." she begs in a soft whimper but he licked his lips seeing it compulse to his touch.

    "You don't want me to see you like this? But you look so hot..and delicious too. I wanna have a taste." he said leaning in to slowly lick against the damp panties that hid her pussy. She tense up from the lick as he was seriously doing this.

    "M..master don't-" She whimpers feeling the hot single lick but he was not going to eat her out yet. Just wanting her to beg for him to taste her slowly while she whines even louder covering her lips with one hand. Her eyes shut and flushed red, he was seriously licking her down there.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:54 pm

    he teases her mercilessly only giving her light licks and soft kisses to ehr folds driving her crazy to want more. she didnt last too long before she started to beg him to stop teasign ehr and he makes her whine by teasign her even more. his tongue was only lightly toching her pussy gettign so close to her aching and itching spots only to move away

    her hips squirm as she whines and calls out to him to give her more that she would do anything for more. only when she snapped did he oblige her and she moans out loudly feeling him finally lick her deeply.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:03 pm

    She cries out loving the feeling of his tongue touching her bare pussy now. He sees her shaking while eating her out. His fingers kept her open for him to savor this moment while she moans out his name, leaning her head back to drool in pleasure.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:16 pm

    he licks her deeply swirling his tongue before flicking it side to side as he worked his tongue for all he was worth. she moans louder as he eats her out with a deal of intensity. her head was leaned back and she had a heated lost expression on her face as he continues his treatment.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:51 pm

    It felt way too good but she was having trouble thinking. He wasn't easing up and didn't stop. Trying to make her feel good even harder. The sensation of pleasure made her buck her hips feeling him already groaning out while she was licking her lips feeling him grip her panties to pull at them. A tearing noise was heard to throw the wet panties to the side. He deeply eats her out as she screams out gripping her thighs to her nails cutting her skin from how good it felt.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~
    Brandon Maboroshi2
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    Mafia business - Page 5 Empty Re: Mafia business

    Post  Brandon Maboroshi2 Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:56 pm

    his tongue was a little rough with her and she felt everythinghe id inside of her pussy. his tongue flicks more and swirls harder as he eats her pussy out more and more roughly. he was getting her ready for a possible rough night and trying to arouse her as mucha s posible. his murrs and groans were heard and she feels him really getting into this as his tongue only pushes harder against her flesh.

    her pussy walls were wantign mroe and she wanted him to completely claim her as his own all while h was workin topleasure her and help her feel good about life.

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    Post  Silver_neko11 Fri Aug 06, 2021 9:50 pm

    She leans back crying out his name but feels his tongue pushing in deeper inside of her craving hot pussy. He was not showing mercy towards her and this leaves him slurping rather deeper into her. Even if Sophia was whimpering leaning her head forward showing a flushed expression. Drool shows running down her chin that she was moaning out feeling him still pleasuring her.

    "Master f..feels so good..your hot wet tongue too good." she whispered the words but he groans still slurping her even rougher. Henry was already growing excited wanting to hear more that he lifts her slightly in his arms to increase his speed.

    "Ahhhhhhh!!! M..master!!!! haaaaa!!...OOoooo!!!!....Sssss!!!!!........." she was gripping his hair quickly but his cock was already wanting to be inside of her pussy. He had to wait while she was bucking against his tongue now even if she was quivering from each lick and stroke he gave her.

    ~Seeing my own garden blooming to show the roses and flowers that show their colors. Some are big, some are small but it's just a precious from each little petal.~

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